Scarves and Snowfall

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Maki both loves and hates the snow.

She hates it because... well, it's cold, right? It gets stuck everywhere and causes colds (which are actually Satan) and makes everything slippery.

But then again... it is beautiful.


And... there's Kaede.

"It's cold," Kaede mewls as she jogs up, cheeks flushed and red from sprinting. "Shuichi-kun kept following me! It's so hard to shake him!"

"Hm," Maki hums noncommittally, pulling up the hood of her jacket to protect her from the cold. "Poor you, needing bodyguards all the time."

"I know," Kaede pouts. "I can take care of myself!"

"Woe is thee," Maki sighs before sneezing into the crook of her elbow.

"Are you okay?" Kaede frowns, pressing her palm to Maki's forehead.

"Eh? I'm fine," Maki protests.

"I don't know... I think you might have a fever." Kaede's eyes glint merrily with mischief as she slowly unwinds her cherry-red scarf from around her neck.

"Kaede...?" Maki trails off, eyebrows quirking into a quizzical glance. "What are you-"

Before Maki can protest, Kaede drapes her scarf around the brunette's neck, thoroughly covering her mouth and nose.

"That's better!" Kaede chirps, ignoring Maki's sudden muteness. "Let's go!"

Rest in peace Maki Harukawa, killed by Kaede Akamatsu and her scarf, Maki thinks, stumbling in a daze after Kaede.

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