Grande Finale

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"Hope's Peak... Academy?"

Kokichi stares at the cloud-haired man in front of him, an expression of disbelief in his gaze. "But... why?"

"Aha... you all may not think you have talents, but you all are so much more incredible than you know," Nagito smiles. "I never thought I had a talent before attending Hope's Peak. I never thought that my luck could do anything to help me... but now... now I teach others, instructing others on their talents. Naegi-sama wants your class to come to Hope's Peak, and my class would like that too. We can help you find something to do with your life, and nurture your interests and talents."

"...that sounds... that sounds wonderful..." Kokichi smiles.

"Oi, Ouma!"

Kaito's voice floats through the closed door, a hint of irritation behind his shout. "We're starting the party!"

"I should be going," Kokichi smiles, shaking Nagito's hand. "I'll think about it."

"Aha... have fun..." Nagito smiles.

The first thing Shuichi notices upon stepping into the party is the loud as hell bass.

Everybody has to shout to be heard, and more than one person has their hands over their ears.

"Who's DJing this?" Shuichi shouts.

"Keebo!" Kadee replies, and suddenly everything makes a helluva lot of sense.

Thankfully, after a matter of minutes, the music quiets down and Shuichi can appreciate the party for real.

There's a cake made by Rantaro, as well as some food that looks amazing. Karaoke (unfortunately) and foosball in the corner, and in the center of it all, a sheet.

It has quite a few names on it already, and Shuichi quickly scans through the page.

Kaede Akamatsu

Rantaro Amami

Kokichi Oma

Kaito Momota

Maki Harukawa

Angie Yonaga

Himiko Yumeno

Tenko Chabashira

Gonta Gokuhara

K1-80 (Keebo)

Miu Iruma

Ryoma Hoshi

Kirumi Tojo

Korekiyo Shinguji

Tsumugi Shirogane

That last one catches him a bit by surprise.

"I wasn't expecting Tsumugi either, but it would make sense."

Shuichi jumps nearly a mile upon hearing Korekiyo's smooth voice and spins, meeting the Ultimate Anthropologist's narrowed gaze.

"After all, she does want to observe us," Korekiyo continues, seemingly oblivious to Shuichi's terror. "It would make sense if this was the best way she knew how."

"Hey! Kiyo!"

Tenko plants her hands on her hips, pointing a finger at him accusingly. "You'd better not do... whatever it is that you did! Or else!"

Korekiyo stares at her for a moment, before chuckling lightly.

"What are you laughing about?" Tenko frowns, pulling Himiko and Angie into a side-hug. "Ugh. Typical degenerate males!"

"Shuichi... are you crying?"

Shuichi flinches at Himiko's words, raising a hand to his cheek. To his surprise, it comes back wet.

"Yo! Shuichi! What's wrong, bro?" Kaito asks, pulling him into a hug.

"Nishishi~ are we in a group hug?" Kokichi asks, pulling the three girls into the hug.

"Group hugs are just a cheap way for Shuichi to touch girls," Miu grumbles, joining the hug anyways.

"So warm~" Kaede grins, squirming in next to Shuichi.

Soon enough, all fifteen of them hold each other, relishing in the physical contact.

"You all... are going to Hope's Peak, huh?" Shuichi mumbles.

"Well, sure!" Tenko exclaims. "Not like there's anywhere else!"

"I guess you're right..." Shuichi trails off, considering something.

"As well, if we have each other, it can't be that bad," Kurumi adds.

"Okay... I'll do it."

Someone in the pile lets out a squeal, and the hug grows tighter.

"I'm glad you'll join us, Saihara-kun" Kaede whispers.

Hope's Peak Academy.

The school for Ultimates to grow and prosper, where dreams are found and fulfilled. Every master has passed through these doors, and now Shuichi and the others will too.

"...just lay low..."

"Huh?" Shuichi asks, turning to Kaede.

"That's what started all of this. I told you and Maki to lay low when we were hitting the mark."

Kaede smiles, almost wistfully, tracing a word on her palm.

"Der Flohwalzer," Shuichi reads. "What's that?"

"Are you all excited?" Kokichi smiles, skipping towards them. "I sure am~"

"Don't yap too much," Maki frowns, a hint of mirth in her eyes. "Dogs shouldn't bark when they're not to be heard."

"So mean..." Kokichi whines. "Right, Rantaro?"

The lime-haired Ultimate holds his hands up in surrender, smiling weakly.

"Hey, Shuichi!" Kaito exclaims, slinging his arm around Shuichi's shoulder. "You excited?"

"Yeah... sure..." Shuichi smiles weakly, overwhelmed by Kaito's excitement.

"You going to space, Kaito?" Maki asks, smiling. It's still a small smile, but real.

"Hell yeah!" Kaito exclaims, planting his hands on his waist. "I'm definitely going to space now!"

Shuichi and Maki have to laugh at Kaito's determination now that his body isn't holding him back.

Really, space is his final frontier, and they're both excited to see how he makes it.

"Give it back, Ryoma!"

Tsumugi's protests ring through the air as Ryoma holds a thick sheet of paper in his hands.

"I'll show the rest of the class this script for the program," he threatens. "You know I'll do it."

"No..." Tsumugi whispers, despair evident in her eyes. "You can't!"

"I will," Ryoma smirks, deadly as a snake. "You designed my character that way, after all."

Tsumugi's wails ring through the air as Shuichi and the others step inside the gates, staring up at the massive building.

"I almost feel sorry for her," Kaede mutters. "Almost."

There's something Shuichi's missing, but he doesn't quite know what it is.

All too soon, they're at the door of the classroom. The others must already be inside.

"Are you going to open it?" Kaede asks, and Shuichi realizes that he's been standing with his hand on the handle.

With a smile, he opens the door... into their future.

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