Cracks and Shattering

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He's falling through an endless void, lost blissfully in thought. Around him, the world is deep, dark, and black.

He is so fragile, so easily breakable, and yet handled carelessly.

They say that time slows down when you're about to die, but never has he believed it before now.

He is shattering, breaking into a million pieces.

Out of the corner of his eye, he can see a single, solitary figure, standing with arms outstretched, but not in welcoming.

How they smile, as they push him to certain and painful death.

It's not the knowledge that he's going to die that hurts him. He's long since accepted death. Instead, though, it's the regret.

And suddenly he falls, back into a memory.

It's a peaceful summer day in late August. Birds chirp merrily and the sky is a bright blue that feels like a distant memory.

He's sitting next to a younger Rantaro Amami and Kaito Momota. The latter dips his hand lazily in the water, pretending not to notice the armed guards standing watch.

(Kaito's always been good at that, but he knows he's better)

Rantaro turns to him and says something, and Kaito breaks out into peals of laughter, ringing out bright and clear across the peaceful lake.

Kaito says something after that, and Rantaro turns away, brow furrowed in irritation.

(It would help significantly if he could remember what they were saying)

("What are you talking about? We're on top of the world, Amami. Enjoy it."

"Every rise has a fall, Momota.")

All his memories after that don't have Rantaro in them, and he thinks wryly that it's for the best.

(They don't really have room for someone indecisive anyways)

The next memory is one full of raw pain.

It's a snowy winter day, white specks flying through the air. He's at the same lake, alone.

Tears roll down his face, crystallizing into ice before they shatter on the hard, unforgiving ground.

(Sometimes crying does solve everything)


He feels a faint pressure on his shoulder and spins to see a black-haired boy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah!" he lies, the words burning like fire as they leave his mouth.

"You don't have to lie to me."

His time is almost up. He can feel death coming closer.

"You alright?"

Kaito falls into step next to him, eyes narrowed with concern.

(Not really)


"That's good," Kaito smiles. "Listen, Harukawa and Akamatsu haven't responded in a while. We're heading out to check."



This is the end, it must be.

For his life of sins, he repents with his last breath,

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

And Kokichi Ouma shatters.

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