Subterfuge and... Waitresses?

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"This sucks," Maki gripes, tugging at the hem of her apron. "It's demeaning. I kill people so I don't have to dress up like a waitress."

"Now, Maki," Kaede tsks, flicking the other playfully on the forehead. "It's not a huuuuge deal. We're just acting!"

A call from their manager, Teruteru Hanamura, sends Kaede- ahem, Alicia, running over to a customer, and Maki's left thinking that if this is somehow an act, then Kaede is born for the stage. The ease in which she scribbles things on her tiny notepad, coercing customers into ordering that one extra side dish... that all seems so natural.

Teruteru seems to notice as well, based on the fountain of blood gushing from his nose.

"That'll be a double order of hamburger steak and fried egg," Kaede coos, leaning forwards ever-so-slightly.

"Ohoh... yes..." Teruteru mutters, and Maki's almost certain that she's bleeding just as much as he is.

"Alicia!" Tsumugi calls, blue hair pulled into a high ponytail. "Oh, and Sarah! We have a very special guest!"

Maki stomps over, grumbling obscenities under her breath. Kaede on the other hand looks positively ecstatic, the only thing to hint at her irritation the dangerous spark in her eyes.

"How long do we have to do this?" Maki whispers.

"Just until he lets one of us into the kitchen," Kaede shoots back. "And I doubt it'll be very long."

Maki gives the two of them a devilish smirk at the prospect of wringing Teruteru's neck, watching his face turn purple as he struggles for air-

"You have that look again."

"Hm?" Maki asks, staring at Kaede.

"Yeah, that look you get when you're plotting someone's death."

"It's scary," Tsumugi smirks, patting Maki playfully on the head. "Now, up and at 'em!"

The next few hours are objectively the most degrading of her entire life. It's one thing to serve customers with a thousand-watt grin and cheer, but quite another to watch Kaede flirt blatantly with Teruteru. And by the look on the pig's face, he's lapping it up.

Such are the problems of having a girlfriend in the killing business.

Personally, she's still excited for the killing part. People are annoying and hard to understand. Knives only have one language.

It's around six when they can begin stage two. Kaede pokes her head out of the kitchen and gives them a small wave.

While Tsumugi closes the curtains, Maki stalks through the door and hides behind one of the many shelves.

Miss Akamatsu!" Teruteru smirks as Kaede slides her jacket off, leaving her only in a tank-top and shorts. "You are..."

"Incredible?" Kaede smirks, gesturing at her tank-top. "I know."


"Guess what else?"

Kaede's eyes meet hers, and in a flash, she forces Teruteru into a choke hold, knife pressed at his throat.

"That was degrading," Kaede huffs, pulling her hoodie back on. "You really thought you had a chance with me?"

Glassy tears begin to spill out of the chef's eyes and roll down his cheeks as the situation registers. "You... why?"

"It's nothing personal, Teruteru," Kaede coos as Maki tightens her grip. He thrashes, clawing at her arm as his face turns blue, then purple, before he goes limp. "Just business."

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