Rings and Pianos

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It seems darkly ironic that one of the happiest days of Kaede's life would also be one of her last.

There's only a small gathering of friends as their wedding, held under the stars. Kokichi is officiating, because of course he has a minister's license.

"Dearly beloved and Kaito, we are gathered here today to marry these two lovesick idiots," Kokichi begins.

Kaede's occupied by staring into Maki's deep red eyes, shining all the brighter against the white dress she wears. It's dark, but small candles illuminate just enough.

As she watches, Maki gives her the faintest of smirks, and Kaede smiles back.

"Maki Harukawa, do you promise to love and to cherish Kaede Akamatsu? Do you promise to stay together, in sickness and in health, in life and in death?"

"I do," Maki states.

Wow, it has actually gotten very hot in here. Surely that's the reason water seems to be leaking profusely from her eyes.

"Kaede Akamatsu, do you promise to love and cherish Maki Harukawa? Do you promise to stay together, in sickness and in health, in life and in death?"

"I do," Kaede repeats.

"Then I pronounce you wife and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

It took long enough, Kaede thinks.

She flies into Maki's arms, lips meeting as her arms wrap around Maki's chest. They share a kiss just for a second, as the candles flicker and applause rings out throughout the hillside.

"Kaede, will you dance with me?" Maki breathes.

And Kaede knows that this has been Maki's dream for the longest time. To share a first dance under the stars... it seems perfect.

"Yes," Kaede smiles, the simple response making Maki happier than she's ever been.

Maki sweeps Kaede into a waltz as the Milky Way shines overhead, reflecting in the water by the hill's base. The candles provide a flickering of light as Maki twirls her, the small flames dancing in her crimson eyes.

"I've always wanted this," Maki whispers, hands clenching Kaede's. "This makes me so happy, Kaede."

"Me too," Kaede smiles, tears rolling down her face. "I hope we never have to stop dancing, Maki."

Maki wraps her hands around her waist and lifts her, twirling her in a slow circle.

"Me too."

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