Fakers and Makers

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Kaede strides into the room, relishing in the gazes she receives. She shines like a diamond, pale and bright under the skylights.


Sonia Nevermind stands in the center of the room, azure eyes furrowed in irritation. "Do you ever get sick of seducing boys?"

"I don't know, Sonia," Kaede purrs. "Are you just sad because you're washed-up trash?"

Oohs and catcalls echo throughout the room, and Sonia flushes a deep shade of pink.

"Says the girl who seduces my boyfriend for a trade deal just to leave him high and dry with the gun?" Sonia snaps.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Kaede tosses her hair over one shoulder, gleaming white dress opalescent in the light. "Or are you just... hm... jealous?"

"Of you?" Sonia snaps. "Never."

They circle each other, Sonia's ocean-blue dress almost making her appear like a shark. Kaede's hand tightens around her knife, and she can feel a pinprick of blood welling up on her fingertip.

"Do you want to die?" Kaede croons. "Because if you do, by all means, keep talking."

Sonia's eye twitches, and from seemingly nowhere, she pulls a gun out of her pocket and trains it on Kaede's forehead.

"Move an inch and you die," Sonia hisses.

"How dare you insult Miss Sonia!" a pink-haired man squawks. "You wouldn't know beauty if it hit you in the face!"

"No, Souda."


"You're lucky there are witnesses," Sonia huffs, placing her gun back into the folds of her dress. "Next time we're alone, I will kill you."

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