Chapter 1

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Elena's POV:

I just left the Grill with my heart torn into pieces. I just finished breaking up with Stefan. He understands why, but I hate to hurt him. I never could handle break ups that well, and I decided I needed to talk to someone so while I was driving I picked up my phone and called the only person that I knew that could help me. Damon.

"Damon?" I ask while crying into the phone.

" Elena? What's wrong? Are you ok?", he asks worryingly and full of concern.

" Can you come over to the house? I am driving right now. I will be there in a few.", I say trying to calm down.

"Yes, I am on my way. Be careful.", he says with more worry and concern.

Damon's POV:

I am getting worried about Elena. She has never called me crying that hard before. I arrive at her house and go into her room but don't see her. 'Probably in the bathroom since I hear water running' I thought to myself. As I wait for her to come out I look around and look at her pictures. She looked so happy when she never knew anything about us. I keep looking around until I see that she threw out her vervain necklace that my baby brother Stefan had given her. As I keep looking at it, I hear the water shut off. I hear as Elena is putting on her clothes and then I hear what I never like to hear from Elena. Crying. As I am about to knock on the door I hear glass breaking, and smell fresh blood. I got so worried, I broke down the door. I see Elena crying and falling to the floor. I vamp sped over to catch her and with that she was too weak to go to her bed so I carried her bridal style and laid her on on it with me sitting next to her.

Elena's POV:

Damon laid me on the bed and sat next to me brushing my hair out of my face. As I look down I see my arm that has blood all over it. My blood. As I couldn't take the pain that I had felt from the break up I rolled on top of Damon.

" I broke up with him.", I managed to say right before I cried even harder.

" Why?" Damon asked calmly.

" Because I don't feel like I deserve him. I am the reason why both of you are always in danger. i don't understand why you guys are always nice to me, when I am the reason you guys are always fighting. it just doesn't feel right." I say when I start to calm down.

" Any guy would be lucky to have you, Elena. You are not the reason that we fight, Elena. We fight because Stefan just never understands how I think in order to save you. I will always put my life in danger if it means you get to live another day." he says full if love.

" Thank you." I managed to say as I fell into a deep sleep.

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