hyunjin 💙 insomnia

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Yup. You can't sleep
Genre: fluff
Words: 1360
~ 💙 ~

You yawned, rolling over to face Hyunjin. He had his arm around you, just being the cuddly person he is while you two rested in bed. You could tell he wasn't asleep but decided not to say anything or it'll just wake him up more. You tried to focus on his beauty marks, or the way his hair slightly fell into his eyes because he forgot to put on his headband. You tried to think of anything other than trying to sleep.

"Babe, I know you're awake," he mumbled, pulling you closer to him, "Just go to sleep, it's too late to stare."

"I can't sleep," You huffed slightly, more annoyed at yourself for not being able to fall asleep and keeping him up in the process. "My mind's not wanting to sleep, it keeps thinking of life and stuff. Not to mention... Having you so close isn't helping, it's distracting."

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin opened his eyes, running his hand through his messy hair to move his bangs from his eyes.

"I'm sure you've heard from someone that you're a very distracting person. I keep wanting to stare at how pretty you are."

"Pretty? Sweetheart, that's the wrong term for a gu–"

"No, I'm serious. You're a very pretty person," You smiled a little bit, gently poking his beauty mark below his eye.

Hyunjin laughed, sitting up in the bed. "You really can't sleep, can you?"

You made a face but nodded, "Yeah, I tried to but I can't do it. Sleep isn't in my system. Which is weird. I'm usually always sleepy."

"Maybe you're hungry?" Hyunjin suggested, "But it's not good to eat so late at night, you could wake up with stomach cramps and you'll be super sluggish throughout the day."

"You sound like you're speaking from experience," You giggled, climbing over him to get out of bed. He quickly pulled down the bottom of your tank top that had ridden up.

"I don't want the other members to see your stomach like that," he explained protectively, climbing out of bed with you.

"You know, it sucks that you don't have your own place since we have to be super quiet during these restless nights, but at the same time I kinda love coming to see the rest of the boys."

"I've lived with them for so long, it'd feel weird not to have them there." Hyunjin admitted while walking out of his shared room, nearly jumping out of his skin as Seungmin moved around on his own bed. "I thought he woke up.."

"I swear I saw your soul leave at that moment," You teased, heading into the kitchen.

"I just told you what would happen if you eat this late," He scolded, "Why are you heading into the kitchen?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe something that's easy on the stomach will look good to me so I can take a light snack and go right back to bed."

Hyunjin stuck his tongue out playfully behind your back, "You'll never listen to me, will you?"

"Mm.. I thought about it once. It sounded really boring, so that's never gonna happen again."

You opened the fridge door, bending down slightly to look for food. Any other boyfriend would most likely stare at your butt, but Hyunjin was watching your intense gaze scan through the foods. He found the pout on your lips all too adorable, and the way your hair fell into your face and you pushed it away, exasperated, made him want to pull you into a tight hug and never let go.

He hugged you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder. "Found anything you like?"

"You," you answered cheekily, "But seriously, no. Why do you have so much extra curry from last night, anyways? It fills up nearly two containers."

"Yeah, I think Changbin tried to cook. I don't know I just saw Felix running out of the kitchen yesterday and decided against eating curry that night."

Your eyes snapped to his, "Did you eat at all?"

"Of course.." Hyunjin avoided the dark looks you were glaring, "I had some ramen that morning."

"What? You didn't eat all day yesterday? But didn't you have a whole concert yesterday?" You asked incredulously, feeling the urge to feed your boyfriend, "How did you manage to keep up your strength?"

"This isn't about me, it's about you not being able to sleep."

"It was until you told me you didn't eat. Now you have to get fed. How dare you try to scold me about eating during the night when you won't eat during the day?"

You weren't really mad, but instead, you worried for him. "You've been skipping meals a lot lately... I hope you're  not trying to fit into the idol 'perfect weight' category since you know  it's impossible to be the fans' perfect standard. But, I'm a lousy cook, so we'll either have to order something or you'll suffer through my food. I'm not even close to how amazing your mother's cooking skills are."

"No, baby, I've just been busy with other things and forgetting about eating at times," Hyunjin tried to console you as you pulled out foods, "I promise I wouldn't try to starve myself just to lose weight."

"You'd be an idiot if you thought I'd just let you starve yourself for fans. I'll learn how to cook if it means keeping you healthy." You turned to peck his cheek, trying to bring the conversation back onto the light-hearted side. "What would you like to eat?"

"Honestly, some good jjajjangmyeon sounds like heaven. I've been craving some for a little while now."

You smiled and put the things you took out of the fridge back in. "Order some, then. I don't know how to cook jjajjangmyeon to save my life."

Sitting at the table, you chatted idly while waiting for the food to arrive. Someone probably thought you were crazy for ordering such a spicy noodle dish at nearly midnight.

"Hyunniebun," you lazily called his nickname, "Hyunniiee, you know I love you right?"

"I never doubted it, otherwise you wouldn't freak out that I haven't eaten," Hyunjin gave you a smile, holding your hand. He was sitting close to you, having taken the time to scoot the chair closer just to be nearer to you.

"Good, because I hope you know eating such spicy food late in the night is going to hurt your stomach in the morning.."

Hyunjin smiled and went to retrieve the food once the doorbell rang. He came back with a small bag, already digging inside to find the chopsticks and the medium portion he ordered to share with you. He opened the container, sitting it in front of you two.

Taking the chopsticks, you took a bite of the noodles, marvelling at how well they were cooked even at such a late hour. "I need to learn how to cook Jjajjangmyeon, it's so good."

You gathered a few noodles and fed Hyunjin, wiping a bit of the sauce off of his cheek with a napkin.

"See? It's really good, right?"

He nodded, his mouth full of noodles. You picked at the food a bit, making sure he ate the most of the portion while also feeding yourself.

"Hyunnie, are you full?" You asked once he sat his chopsticks down onto the table. In response, he softly burped, laughing at his perfect timing.

"Yeah. Are you sleepy yet?"

"I've been sleepy since we sat down honestly," you admitted timidly, "I just really wanted to make sure you were fed well."

Hyunjin put his arm around you, resting his head against yours as he just held you close for a little while. "Just let me know when you're ready to go back to bed, alright?"

You gave him no response, already fast asleep in his arms. He chuckled to himself and kissed your forehead, coming to the realization you'd both probably stay in for most of the next day. Even still, he wondered what was going to happen, although it was just a simple lazy day.

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