skz 💙 pads

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you need pads !! fuck fam !!
suggested once again by the always lovely @sarasrivastava 💞
words: 669
genre: comedy
~ 💙~


- he was so mature ??
- but lmao when he actually got to the store...
- he wanted to die because there are so many options
- he ended up calling you at the dorm, sounding like a scared child
- bc: you sure this is the kind ?? do i need to send a photo ??
- y/n: sweetie... do me a favor and just pay for them. cuz i as a woman give no shits about what the brand is
- bc: oh okay okay jeez. ill also pick up some chocolate
- y/n: i love you so much you dork


- ok firstly he didn't even do it
- once he was out of the dorm, he had one of his female friends pick it up
- ofc she called you and told you that she was bringing you pads
- so you were completely ready to chew his ear out for not being able to even buy pads
- when she came over, you invited her in and fed her
- all while woojin waited in the living room
- disappointed, but not surprised


- he complained like a bitch
- seriously, he did not want to do this at all
- but when he got there at the store, he was momentarily filled with pride
- he came up to the cash register, getting an odd look from the cashier
- mh: what ? my beautiful girlfriend is home waiting for me, i can't exactly waste time
- cashier: you're not embarrassed ?
- mh: no ??? why would i ??


- he would not stop complaining
- yeah, it meant that he was close enough to you that you actually trusted him to get you pads
- but it was so nerve wracking
- you know, until you kicked him out of the dorm unless he got you your pads
- that was kinda mean, but your stomach was in knots and you weren't about to play with your boyfriend


- he doesn't need to go to the store ???
- he had a fuck ton of supplies just ready because he's the best boyfriend ever
- ok so he got the idea while scrolling through posts online but
- it's the thought that counts
- he had pads and tampons and anything you could need
- especially cuddles and kisses, and soup
- lots of soup


- he got your text while he was already at the store thankfully
- so he had no problem
- he picked up your pads and was headed to the cash register
- and then saw a box of chocolates
- he grabbed that, and a huge bar of hersheys chocolate
- unfortunately... half of it didn't make it to you
- but he still tried to take care of you so you were happy nonetheless


- ok i make felix to be a meme a lot but i honestly feel like he probably also prepared for d-day
- he probably had a few panty liners in a drawer in his room for you while he went to get you pads
- he probably even let you borrow his heating pad because he's sweet
- i can also see him calling his mom to ask for pain easing recipes


- he was so quick
- in and out of the store
- before it even passed twenty minutes, he was home again, right next to you
- he didn't do it because he was embarrassed or anything, but he was generally worried about you
- he also picked up your favorite snacks, some pain medicine, and a movie
- seriously, he did not want to leave you


- i love jeongin but he'd probably freak out and call chan
- purely because he doesn't want to get the wrong things for you
- and doesn't want to upset you by asking thirty million questions about what kind of pads you like
- chan would help him the first time and he'd train himself to remember which kind he bought so he could get it again next time

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