skz 💙 apocalyptic

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SKz in an apocalypse after a nuclear war destoryed most of human life and how they would survive niiicceee
It was hard to write Hyunjin's his might be the most angsty out if all of them
Not really an x reader or whatever just mainly about them
Words: 1346
Genre: slight angst / apocalyptic

~ 💙 ~

💙Chan -

- he barely survived the worst nuclear world war ever
- he'd probably live most of his life and die from disease or something let's be honest
- he's a very capable guy hdjla
- he'd gather supplies and make camp in an abandoned grocery market with a band of survivors
- literally eating whatever he could find
- he probably learned to build stuff and since he's really creative he'd make songs to pass the time
- to find others he'd scout around the ruined cities near him and bring them back
- he's the leader everyone trusts
- “dont worry Y/N.. nobody can hurt you anymore”

💙 Woojin -

- he spent the first few years on his own
- he was hidden away in a bunker under the city
- eventually he came a group of struggling survivors and took them in
- having been on his own for a good while, it seemed like he'd have trouble associating himself with others and helping the other survivors
- but almost immediately he became an asset to their group
- he often helped with the wounded and acted as a nurse to the little children
- most were so grateful they found him
- soon the bunker was the start of a repair project of the city above
- and life was bustling once again all around him
- “we've all done amazingly, creating this place where we can live once again”

💙 Minho -

- he was actually near death when he was saved
- his home had been slowly poisoning him from the toxic air around him
- not even a mask would help
- he'd became blind to the smell, but someone eventually pulled him away before he died
- he had become weak from the slow poisoning he had to relearn basic motor skills
- it was hard for him in the first few years
- but as he conditioned himself to the work it became easier for him to do what was necessary
- at one point his group got into a fight with another group of survivors
- he put his own life on the line to protect another's and he managed to stop the fight without killing anyone
- nobody took for granted his strong determination after that
- “no one needs to fight, that's what got us into this in the first place”

💙 Changbin -

- he'd made himself right at home with this situation
- after the initial realization that he might be alone for the most of his life and that the people he knew and loved were probably dead
- he became a real hard ass to protect the others that were there
- he got tougher to support everyone and bring them through this
- the people around him never saw him so much as wince
- but everyone knew he still had a soft heart
- on his worst nights some would go out of their way to sneak rations into his sleeping quarters
- he'd thank them, of course, and quietly promised to work harder
- he never failed and never broke his promises
- “i will work harder for all of you. we will make it out of this alive. I promise.”

💙 Hyunjin -

- he hit a certain low when he found out Y/N died in the nuclear blast ( oops sorry )
- at first he wouldn't eat, he'd give all his rations to the rest of the group to make sure they were eating
- hed tell them that he'd ate some and that this was leftovers because he never had much of an appetite
- and that excuse worked for a while until they noticed he was getting really thin
- and he immersed himself in trying to find other survivors
- sometimes he would be gone days at a time walking alone to find people and bring them back
- he was the first sweet smile people saw when they came into the group
- but eventually his gentle smile faded
- “I'm sorry guys.. I won't be eating tonight, I'll just go to bed early.”

💙 Jisung -

- he made it his life mission to find you
- you two had became separated during an explosion
- although you two promised you'd make it out together, now he was no longer sure you survived
- but he never gave up hope
- he spent many nights searching alone or searching through different groups to see if you joined a band of survivors
- when he did find you, battered and hardened from the hardships of the new life that was forced upon you, his smile lit up the entire place
- he held onto you like you were porcelain
- and he joined your group of survivors, a small band of nomads who moved from place to place
- he wants to take you back to Seoul one day so you two can make a small life there
- but now his life had a greater purpose, recreating life for all
- and he went directly to work on it, with you by his side
- “i thought I lost you forever Y/N. I never broke my promise, see?”

💙 Felix -

- Felix's entire world fell apart, literally
- he would stay up most nights, attacked by sleep deprivation
- probably the worst thing he experienced wasn't the lack of food or clothing or shelter
- but the people
- the people, despite the horrible circumstances they were all facing, were still just as terrible as they used to be
- even though he was trying his best to be helpful, sometimes he would slip up and the others would whisper
- so at one point he grew hard and promised himself he'd overcome all of these problems and thrive, not just survive
- he'd taken up hunting for the group and managed to come back with surplus game
- he'd gone from the laughing stock of his group to the main supporter
- but he never let people get lazy
- Felix was more of a second in command than anything
- and he was proud of his position, while still managing a heart of gold
- “tonight, we feast.”

💙 Seungmin -

- he was the therapist of everyone
- everyone went to him when they were having troubles
- he listened and gave his best advice, whether it was about personal affairs or something else
- everyone felt like they could trust him
- he really cared so much about everyone he came into contact
- he'd do his best to make them feel at home with him
- he originally was on his own but because of his amazing people skills he just recruited more and more people
- he was the unofficial leader of a group of survivors and he made sure each one was well taken care of
- his heart of gold really matched his unending determination
- he was the mood maker of the group and in the end of the day was the one to talk to everyone and laugh along
- “oh, Y/N, it's okay !! You can talk to me, I'm always here. ”

💙 Jeongin -

- he was so young when it happened
- so sometimes he may seem completely naive
- but he actually probably had the second easiest time trying to condition himself to this life
- after all children are the most impressionable
- he was hard-working and tried not to get into anyones way
- he was kinda like the hidden backbone of the group because he would do important stuff without even being asked to do so
- he was assigned the official job as a scouter but did just about everything
- he enforced the rules and was still teenager enough to get along with the other teenagers and understand their views on situations when they acted out
- everyone saw him as the pet of the group and everyone cared for him different ways
- he didn't really grow up fast, but he learned when it was time to be a teenager and when he had to be an adult
- his favorite thing was cheering up people when they had a bad day, though
- and everyone loves to see his little smile
- “huh? I already hunted a little food for the group, you don't have to! Come walk with me, Y/N!”

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