hyunjin 💙 boyfriend

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And one for my biiiaaasss
💙 You already know the deal
Words: 702
Genre: fluff / imagine
~ 💙 ~

- he's so soft
- absolutely precious
- can you imagine his little laughter as you two do anything together?
- you two could just be on a simple date at the mall
- and he'll see the way your eyes light up when you look at something you like
- and he'll start giggling because you're just So Cute
- which will make you look at him
- and he'll freeze up, blushing and embarrassed
- even though the smile is still on his face he'll try to shrug it of
- HJ: "I just thought of something cute"
- Y/N: "what was it?"
- HJ: "you."
- his cheesiness will bring you to a happy silence and then you'll start laughing
- and he'll laugh at your laughter
- he'd snake his arm around your waist or shoulders comfortably because he's the king of PDA
- since he's much taller than you he'll look down at you, smiling
- HJ: "you're so cute"
- and buy whatever it was that started this moment of bliss
- he loves photo ops too
- Hyunjin is known to ask strangers to take photos of you two when he can't do it alone
- he has an entire Instagram page of just photos you'd taken together
- and he thinks he's sly about it and that you don't know
- but you do
- you're the first to see every new update and post
- and sometimes you'll borrow your friend's phones to comment something cute
- Comment: "you two look so cute together 💙"
- and he'd respond so cheesily and proudly too
- HJ: "I know. She's my world I love her so much"
- you'd have to fight the urge to go off talking about how cute he was
- he's okay with indirectly saying he loves you but sometimes he's shy with saying it out loud to your face
- so he doesn't really say it a lot
- but its SO special when he does
- he'll be sure to look into your eyes
- and then he'll make sure he has your full attention no matter what's happening around you
- and the words fall gracefully from his lip
- HJ: "Y/N.. you mean everything to me. I love you so, so much, my princess"
- once he got that off his chest he'll flush up and bury his head in your neck, holding you tightly
- and you can't help but laugh at his cuteness
- Y/N: "I love you too, my king."
- and you can feel the rise and fall from his shoulders as he laughs against your neck and peppers the soft skin with little kisses everywhere
- and he loves dates with you, especially unplanned ones
- like he loves it when you show up at the dorm without asking and just offer to take him somewhere
- even if he's busy he's 19848x more likely to drop everything and go with you
- unless he's working on something for you
- then he freaks out and hides whatever he was working on
- HJ: "Y/N! Why are you here??"
- Y/N: "I missed you and thought you'd want to go to the store with me to pick up a few things. If you're busy, you don't have to of course."
- JS: "Yes I am. He looovveesss yooouuu"
- and now his surprise was ruined, but he's okay with it
- and all of the surprise dates are great but his favorite thing will always be cuddles
- if you're at home, you two are never apart
- sometimes he wants to hold you
- sometimes he wants to be held by you
- but both are great
- his favorite is probably when you two forget to move after a little while so you're legs are falling asleep
- but binge watching Netflix and holding each other is more important
- and you both spend a few minutes after words yelling in pain as those little pins and needles shoot through your asleep legs
- and it's great because you're both just laughing at each other
- life is great
- I love this man omfg I'm sorry

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