skz 💙 morning

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mornings waking up with skz by your side !!
very short very fluff and lowkey comedy because i can't be serious to save my life sorry
sorry this took so long i haven't been at home for very long ill try to write something longer soon !!
Genre: fluff / comedy
Words: 1459
~ 💙 ~

💙 Chan

- he was up way before you
- and he'd has the coffee ready
- you knew he had to go to work soon so you wasted no time getting out of bed and trying to find him
- he never leaves the dorm without giving you a kiss and saying how much he loves you, and his daily reminder that around 4 pm he's usually got time to facetime you
- you climbed down the stairs to meer his face as you whirled around the corner
- Y/N: aAAaa !! *huffing* you'd scared me
- BC: im sorry babygirl. . want some breakfast ?
- you looked over to the food he had laid out on the table and nodded.
- Y/N: I might as well before rhe rest od the members get to it before me.  then there won't be any left.
- BC: sad thing is you're completely right. now eat up. im taking you somewhere today.

💙 Woojin

- you stretched in your bed, heaving out a big sigh
- you'd completely forgotten woojin had stayed the night and ended up smacking him right in the face with your knuckles
- it didn't hurt of course, but you didn't mean to, and the sleepy atmosphere just let you brush it off momentarily
- WJ: i do enjoy being woken up by a knuckle in my face. thank you
- you surpressed a chuckle and snuggled up to him, softly kissing his neck
- Y/N: sorry, i didn't mean to. i forgot you were here, if im being honest.
- WJ: so now you're going to tell me im not very memorable ? great
- you blinked your sleepy eyes open and kissed his jawline, slowly getting closer to his lips with your butterfly kisses until you landed right on his soft lips
- you were glad neither of you minded that cursed morning breath

💙 Minho

- god dammit you love him, but it's too early to wake up suddenly and try to have a conversation about why chickens didn't have nuggets and where chicken nuggets came From
- he woke up at three am in shock and aggressively shook your shoulder until you woke up
- Y/N: what the actual fuck is wrong with you lee minho ? if you're dying, the phone is on your side
- MH: no this is far more important than death... i think I just cracked the code. i was having a dream and whe—
- you pretty much toned him out already, covering your face with your fluffy pillow
- Y/N: it's three am. shut up
- MH: it's noon somewhere else. which is the perfect time to have this conversation.
- do you really love him ?

💙 Changbin

- youve always had a problem sleeping. he knew this, the band knew this, everyone knew about it
- you didn't think itd be that bad, after all you were happy with your boyfriend Changbin and it seemed like absolutely nothing could go wrong
- when you has a nightmare and called him, shaking and hoping he got here faster than he normally would
- he found you curled up on your bed, your knees pressed up against your chest as you stared out blankly in your dim room
- he sat down beside you and pulled your head to his chest. tiredness laced his voice as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
- CB: hey, sweetie.. calm down, no one's here to hurt you. Lord knows if they are i brought two push knives in my back pocket that im not afraid to use in the slightest
- you made the smallest attempt are a chuckle and snuggled closer to him.
- CB: y/n ? y/n, did you fall asleep ?
- this isn't really the morning time, but it's cute.

💙 Hyunjin

- he snores in his sleep. okay. you can deal with that. hes also the hardest to wake up, and once you two started to sleep together, jeongin no longer wanted to do the job
- that left you to try to wake him up every morning
- it usually starts off easily, too
- you wake up and go to brush your teeth and clean up for the day.
- he's still fast asleep, not even noticing you've been out for your daily routine for at least twenty minutes
- and then you try to wake him, gently shaking his arm
- HJ: an hour more...
- Y/N: what ? no that's too much. wake up hyunnie
- HJ: no..
- Y/N: hyunj—
- i stg he does some wrestling shit to get you in bed with him, pinning you down and snuggling into your warmth
- and you know you've lost the fight today

💙 Jisung

- he's kinda like a mix between minho and hyunjin
- when he can't sleep he can't sleep
- but when you finally put your big baby to bed, he's impossible to wake up
- this morning went smoother than normal, though, and you blinked your eyes to a familiar room and face turned to yours
- light piano music was playing from somewhere in the room, and you huffed softly, glad to have a destressed morning
- JS, scrunching up his nose: you know ill care about you till death do us part, but your breath smells like shit.
- Y/N: yours does to. i love you too, asshole
- JS: you love me ? well, isn't this awkward...
- you gave him that look of strong disappointed and turned away
- Y/N: it was almost a good morning.

💙 Felix

- this motherfucker
- kicked you
- off of the fucking bed
- in his sleep ???
- you werent even close to being awake when all of a sudden you just get pushed to the ground
- it takes a moment for you to really understand whar just happened before you look up at his sleeping form, his leg outstretched to where you'd once peacefully laid
- you rumaged through the stuff you had around the room for a minute, knowing exactly what payback was going to spell out for him
- you found your air horn that a fan had once given Felix and crawled into the bed beside him
- he looked like an angel sleeping, you almost didn't want to disturb him
- and then you felt a sharp pain in your stomach where he'd kicked you and pressed the button on the air horn
- he jumped immediately, his eyes large and in shock
- and, without you planning this part, he hit his head on the headboard
- Y/N: im a petty bitch. you kicked a petty bitch. a petty bitch got her revenge.

💙 Seungmin

- okay so seungmins is really soft
- like i imagine he probably has music that plays during the night so the room isn't exactly silent, but it's quiet so you can barely hear it
- and he wakes you up gently whenever he wakes up first
- and when you wake up first you always smile and tell yourself you're not going to wake him up because the most precious person in the planet
- sometimes when it's cold you're all snuggled close and you literally do not want to at all
- and he'll just smile and make some cheesy shy joke about how cute you are being
- and it always turns into the softest  fight
- Y/N: no !! you're the cutest !! there's not a bit of competition here !!
- SM: you were supposed to be asleep !! but shush, you're the cutest
- one time it even became a pillow fight and it was the cutest

💙 Jeongin

- so we already know he wakes up first before anyone else in the group, including you
- which is kinda ironic because he's the youngest and he usually always wakes up first
- anyways you're older than him by a year, and whenever he wakes you up, he makes sure you distinctly hear the term " noona " because he knows you kinda have a hate and love relationship about it
- you'd groan and roll over, sighing under your breath and mumbling
- Y/N: im not that much older rhan you there's no reason to call me noona.
- JG: you're right, but somehow it always manages to get you up, noona
- you give him a glare, your eyes softening once you see the cheeky smile on his face
- Y/N: as long as you don't call me noona during the normal day, i guess i don't have a problem with it
- JG: yay !! i can call Y/N noona
- Y/N: that's... the opposite of whar i said. .

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