C h a p t e r 5

909 36 4


"Have a great day" I said, waving at the leaving customer. I waited for my supervisor to tell me it was time to go. I loved my job! I was in training to become the cashier supervisor at Ross. "Okay Dior, you can go" Jerome said to me smiling and waving me off. I giggled and told him goodnight.

My drive home was peaceful. I picked Kimora up from daycare & waited to hear back from Dominoe. He was taking Kimora for the weekend.

From : Baby's Father
Yes come through mamí

I laughed as I acknowledged his text. I drove to his house thinking over and over about leaving my mini me, my gorgeous whittle baby with her father for two whole days without me. I started to freak out! I glanced in my mirror , and Kimora was sound asleep in her Minnie Mouse carseat.

I arrived about twenty minutes later. Laughing as I seen him waiting on us - he looked nervous. "you okay?" I asked getting out the car and opening the back seat door to Kimora. Who still was soundly asleep.

"Nah, blood I got this. That's my seed, She will be perfectly fine" Dominoe spoke out his mouth, rushing. I couldn't help but to giggle. He took Kimora out her car seat. I scrunched up my nose and raised my eyebrow. "You plan on being in the house the entire weekend?" I said playfully. Handing him the diaper bag - only for him to push it away.

"She don't need none of that." Dominoe said. I smiled, "is that so?" . "Yup, my princess got everything she needs" he said smirking. I nodded and walked up to my gorgeous daughter. "momma loves you. give daddy a hell of a time" I said laughing & hugging them both goodbye.

"Take care of my daughter Dominoe , I'm not playing with you" I yelled out!


"I'm ready." I yelled glancing at myself in the mirror, this was the first time since before I met Dominoe, I've been to the club.

I walked into my living room acknowledging everyone. Katere , Seven(7), and Kaville looked at me with approving nod's. I smiled hearing "yes bitch , yes!" from my girl Bella!

"I can't even believe Dior is getting out the house for once" Latisha said. I smiled, she was right.

Both Bella and Latisha were both pretty in their own ways. Bella was a white girl, with a decent shape. Perky breasts and a less than flat ass. She had long, thick, brown hair to her shoulders. Plump lips and brown eyes.

Latisha on the other hand was black and white. She was what they called slim thick! With red dyed hair to the middle of her back & a full mouth.


We got to the V.I.P section, I order five shots of fireball. Walking back to our Very Important People section, with the waitress following behind. Looking around "shots?" I asked, taking a shot glass into my hands. Everyone agreed!

*2 hours later*

I was fucked up, dancing with just about everyone. "I'm going to the barrrr" I slurred, walking past everyone. I sat down in the spinning stool. " a Long Island ice tea" I said smiling at the bartender. "here suga" , she said handing my drink.

"What's your name? Your really pretty." I asked sipping my drink through the straw. "Rose and thank you. What's yours?" She asked . I smiled and answered her... we continued to talk, until another customer pulled her to the side. I smiled , and started to spin in my chair. I watched everyone dance and laugh in the V.I.P!

• • • • •

- Dominoe

I don't get why Diors always calling my baby girl so bad. She's been perfectly fine with me. I smiled, this whole parenting thing isn't that bad.

I went to check on Kimora, she was laying in her new crib. playing with her feet. I smiled, she caught me & started wiggling her near perfect toes. I say near perfect cause her second toe was longer than her big toes - just like Diors.

I picked her up, cradling her close to me. I changed her ass, made her a bottle & wrapped her in net-breathing blanket.

Fuck, I was tired already!

I sat down, still holding Kimora. Turned on ESPN , watching Rodkevious Mitchell's first game since being shot down in his home. I texted a couple of bitches and continued to look from my daughter to the television and back to my phone.

I recieved a text from an unknown number.

From : 206-354-2788

What's up babyboy, this Latisha. you know from the other night.

I laughed, saved her number and responded simply "what's good, what you up too?". I continued to watch the game, Rod, Lebron, Ray & Wade are fucking unstoppable! I glanced at Kimora falling asleep.

From : Latisha

Shit, fucked up at this club with my girls. lol you would like them!

I entertained her, asking her who they were and to send me a picture. Kimora was now asleep, I walked back to her room and placed her back into the crib. I recieved Latishas next text message.

From : Latisha

My guttas, Bella and Dior.

Let me know when you get my picture.

Her picture came next, only to confirm that this slue ass bitch Dior, was poppin it at a club! The fuck' . I instantly got mad. I dialed Diors phone twice to no answer. Then once again, this bitch was trying my patience. I called up Katere. No fucking answer.

I'm officially mad dawg!!!

I texted dumb ass Latisha playing it off asking her to send me more pictures, to see what else Dior was doing. Latisha fell right along with it, thinking I was checking for her. All was good until she sent me a picture they took at Diors house. Seven (7) was with them! I texted Latisha asking what club she was at...

I grabbed up Kimora, packed up a bag for her and sped off to my Aunts. Dior got me fucked up if she thinks it's okay for her to go show her ass, esp with Seven (7). I texted Dro the address and told him to meet me in 10 minutes.

Hey y'all. Comment,Vote & tag your friends in this story. Should I continue it? What do you think! Who's your favorite character so far? I would love to know.

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