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It was the longest five hours flight back to his homeland. He had been dreading this moment ever since his older sister shared the news with him a week ago. He had an initial shock at first. Not liking the fact that he had to leave when it was in the middle of the second semester in college. There was no use of trying to plead his way out of it because well... the rule was, Family matters should be a priority.

Now travelling, He planned to sleep on that five hours journey but since sleepiness would not get him he had pretended to sleep as his sister rants about boyfriends and best friends being overly protective. Of course he understands their concerns. Their trip was not a short one. No, he refused to call it a trip because the fact is, he and his sister are moving back to their Parent's country. He knew that there's a big possibility that this is a one way journey.

"Maybe I could travel back to Korea and Thailand like twice a month? You know... spend a few days there and work on my shops and jewelries? You on the other had needs to transfer school. Have you gotten all your papers ready?"

"Hmmm....." he hummed, but pretending not to ignore the other completely.

"Hey are you listening? Saint! Stop pretending you're asleep because I know you're not" she elbowed him making him gasped.

"Deeeeee" he whined but straightened out after seeing her glare at him for being so unconcerned. He has to admit though that his sister is a force to be reckon with. No one crosses her. But lucky him, she loves his brother dearly.

Of course he was concerned. In fact he was devastated. He doesn't want to come home too but.... What else could he do? He had already continuously whined about it for the past few days.

Decision might have been made already but that doesn't make him stop and to at least try. He grabbed his sister's arm and nuzzle his face along her right arm. Smiling and acting like a cute kid when inside his stomach is churning in knots.

"Deeeeeeee...." He whined. "I know Grandfather is sick. But that isn't enough reason for us to stay right?" he looked up and smiled at her. He knew well that she has a soft spot for him.

"First of all stop whining like a kid. Second, about Grandpa. That is why we are going home kiddo. Because we are the only family he has. You are twentyone already Sonnie, you are taller than a damn grown man! Get your head straight because you have a hotel to ran" She teased him.

"But I don't know anything about hotels and Automobiles. Can't he just give it to Uncle Tam or Aunt Lei? Or you can tell him you could manage it instead?" He rounded his eyes at her, seemingly hopeful that she'd agree.

"You know women are not allowed any position in the company. So no" She tapped his head when he pouted at her. "Can we not talk about this now? Grandpa is going to get well and he will still be able to ran it until you are ready Sonnie"

"But I'm just 21. I am still a student and surely you know I hate business. I probably could design for you and the company but you know I could never ran it. You've been running your shop for 2 years now. You have the basics Dee. I can't"

His sister shook her head "Of course you can. In a few years though. Not today. So don't worry alright?" She charmingly smiled at her younger brother.

"Anyho! I called Mean before we took off. He's picking us up" She grinned knowing it would peak the younger guy's interest.

Saint needed to make sure he heard it right though. "Mean is picking us up?" he straightened from being curled against his sister. "Seriously Dee?"

Dara just nodded

"I can't believe you! Have you forgotten I specifically asked you to keep this a secret? Now I am sure he knows. Oh shit! I am sure he knows I am coming home"

"Hey! Will you stop cussing!" Dara raised a brow "He probably knows already. So stop being such a drama queen"

Saint pouted, rather looking defeated

"Oh stop that! He's your best friend"


Perth found something rather annoying as he stared at the group of freshman lounging at the usual uncrowded portion of the University campus. There was a reason why he liked to be there at that dead hour of the day. He liked the peacefulness it brings. He was at the moment sitting on the hood of his priced 1996 black Bently Rapier watching the other kids with undeniable annoyance.

He had been considering leaving the campus earlier, however Mean was nowhere to be found and so he was left with nothing to do but to hang around with the rest of their friends. The coffee he had earlier was as bitter as his life for the past few days. And so Perth was at the edge of spilling over.

Of course this had not passed his very attentive buddies.

"Hey Kids! Will you move those conversations somewhere else?" Mark smiled. Secretly pointing at Perth who was still intensely staring at them.

Of course they quieted and slowly dispersed before the famous young boss kicks them away.

Right in time for Mean to drive by, stopping at the front of them and rolling his window down to talk to the now calming Perth.

"Need to drive to the airport Bud. Will call you later?" He grinned as if knowing something and yet not telling.

Perth jumped off the hood of his car and casually walked towards Mean. His face now unreadable with any expression. But Mean knew he was trying to figure out what was going on. The two of them had always been together, be it driving home or meeting someone. Should he tell him now who exactly is coming home or should he allow his friend to wallow at the moment and be surprise later on? Mean had to grin at the thought of his friend getting a big surprise later on. But will it be funnier if he drops the bomb now and leave Perth to be in despair for not knowing that his biggest regret is coming home?

"Sonnie is coming home" He raised a brow at his friend, waiting for it to hit home. And as soon as he recognizes the change in Perth's face he grinned at him as if he had won something.

"Yes Bud. Our Saint is coming home" Mean rolled up his window and drove away as fast as he could laughing at the white faced Perth "Damn! That was fucking satisfying"

Mean's tires were screeching so loud that every person's attention was on him as he drove passed them however Mark's and Gun's attention was easily on Perth again. The color on his face was of like an ash and he had his fist clenched so hard Mark needed to call him thrice to get his response.

"You Ok? " Mark questioned

" He is back?"


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