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Saint looked out the window as soon as the big white house of their family came into view. This might have been the first time he had appreciate the beauty of that old but well maintained house. His grandfather had taken it as his most prized possession thus explaining how intrinsic and extravagant it was made.

To him though, it only reminds him of his passed parents. He and his sister did have a very happy childhood. If it weren't for that one faithful night where his parent's needed to go? He'd be happy here still.

Saddened by the memories of his family, Saint schooled his expression knowing his sick grandfather doesn't need a disheartened looking grandson.

"If we weren't such in a hurry we could have dropped by a flower shop and get grandfather something" Dara said as she slithered gracefully out of Mean's car.

Mean needed to laugh at the horror on Saint's eye though. "He's allergic to flowers Dee. You want him to get sicker?"

"Opps! I totally forgot about that" she grinned, playing innocent at her now worried brother.

"Thank you" She handed her small carry bag to a helper and watched Saint did the same "Is he in his study?" she asked cautiously at the old butler they instantly recognizes as Mr. Im.

"Welcome home Young Sir and Mistress" he slightly bowed at them "Yes, Master is in his study. Despite the constant reminder to him that rest is required"

"Well, that's the old man I know" Dara smiled at them as they walked into the house. His brother and cousin in tow.

"Saint, why don't you go and rest for a bit. I will see grandfather first. Mean thank you for picking us up. Now go with your buddy and tell him the details I know you've been dying to share with him" She laughed again.

Saint of course was a little horrified at the thought of that. "But Dee, grandfather might want to see me too?" he pleaded but was totally ignored by his sister who was already walking away from them towards their grandfather's study room.

Mean raised a brow at him, rather insulted at the obvious displeasure of his cousin "YA! I can't believe that after five years of nothing from you, you will treat me like an old acquaintance. Don't we have the same blood running in our system?"

Saint huffed angrily then stormed off to where he thought his room would still be "Yeah. A blood related who would instantly sell me off to someone" He was of course followed by the still amused Mean.

"By someone, you mean Pin?" he grinned. Dropping himself at the chair in front of the still pouting Saint.

Upon the mention of the name, Saint's scowl got deeper. However Mean was just too pleased to be even affected by it. Besides, Saint has always been cute whenever he acted like he's angry. Mean couldn't stop himself but to smile. Five years may have been long but it didn't change his cousin at all. Still the pretty cute Sonnie they know.

"Can you stop calling him that?"

"But why? We call him that all the time." Saint recognizes the sinister smile on Mean's face. The more he pretend like he was not affected by this the more Mean would drag their old best friend into their conversation.

"I am pretty sure he doesn't want to be called that way anymore Mean. He probably had grown into this big proud guy that he always wanted. Can I unpack first? Or do you want to go on straight to talking me out of hating you two?"

"Ohhhh our Sonnie had grown so feisty. Cute!" Mean actually giggle at that. Making Saint looked at him weirdly. He had never seen him like that. "Ah, for Christ sake. Don't be like that Saint. It's been five years. Forgive your old cousin and let us start all over again. Yes?"

Starting over seemed like a good idea. Perhaps he could do that.

"Fine. Just.... Help me out will you?" he smiled at Mean who seemed pleased at what he heard. "Open those up and find me a good table to put all my design sheets at"

"You made these?" Mean said while carefully inspecting and putting aside Saint's designs.

"Yes. " He simply answered. Now busy putting all his clothes in his wardrobe. "I'm on my 3rd year in interior design"

"Wow. These are good" he carefully laid the last design down and proceeded into walking towards his cousin to inspect more of the things he brought. "Seems like Korea had been good to you?" He looked at the picture frames with Saint on them and some people he doesn't really recognize.

"It did. Found me some good friends who doesn't break promises" Saint didn't mean to sound bitter like that. But just the thought of Mean and friends makes him a little agitated than normal.

"Ouch!" Mean pouted "here I thought I was forgiven"

"Forgiven, yes. Forgotten, No. besides, you are still the ugliest cousin I have" He rolled his eyes at the other guy and laugh at the surprised look on his face.

"Ya! I am your only cousin!" Mean pretended to be angry at that.

"And I am glad that you are" they both laughed at Mean's expense.

"Anyway, I need to go. Young boss probably needs an update or two. Call when you need something alright?" Mean stood from where he was sitting and patted Saint's head like he used to when they were still little.

Saint, although taller than Mean now couldn't help but to smile at that. He have to admit that he missed moments like these.

"You are still our cute little Sonnie aren't you?" still patting his head

He didn't have an answer to that. He supposed he had changed over the years. Grew taller and wider and even wiser.

Mean then started to walked away but have to looked back when he was at the door. Grinning like the usual Mean that he knew.

"You were wrong though. Perth didn't grew taller and boulder. But that doesn't mean he's not the man he had hoped for when we were younger. He'd been Stronger and definitely wilder as fuck" Mean laughed at Saint's bewildered expression "Bye Son! See you later"

"ummmm.... What the hell did he mean by that?"


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