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PROLOGUE: Welcome to Bloody Hell

"Yah! Driver! Let's stop right here, kay?"

"You sure, young lady? You still have a good mile to walk."

"Yeah. Thanks for bringing me all the way here though! I know it's not a common drive road, double course, as promised!"

"Thank you! Have a nice and enjoyable holiday!"


Making my way out of the car, I took out my suitcase as well before waving off the cab driver, informing him I was done, watching a bit as he drove away onto the empty road. Letting out a breath, I removed my pale grey jacket and tied it around my waist and took my phone, checking for a reception, of course, there wasn't any. I was in the middle of nowhere, after all.

Well, it is definitely going to be an enjoyable holiday-

With no further ado, I started walking, observing the scenery around me, multiple mansions decorated the road as well as a few traditional Korean houses, I was still unsure about the location of the house. I was apparently going to spend the rest of my year in, but I did not bother thinking about; I had a picture in my phone, and I was far too hungry to care about anything or anyone, which now that I think about it, must have been my first mistake, if I could call it that.

Paying close attention to my surroundings, I kept my eyes open for some type of sign that would indicate the town my uncle spoke to me about, and eventually, I saw it, as well as the few buildings.

A grin drew itself on my lips as I finally set my foot on a real sidewalk, and I let out a pleased hum. What? The grass is super hard to walk on!

I walked, hoping to find an open sandwichery or even a food stall, but till then, I had only spotted a winery, a bar, a library, an old looking repair store, and a church. The town itself was extremely empty, almost dead, and staying in it, well that was basically my second mistake. I mean, who the fuck stays in a dead town? See my point? 

I sighed contently as I finally spotted a food van, it was held by a fairly young lady, and I ran, no joke, I ran towards it and faced the young woman with a wide grin, and I was met with a monotone voice and a stood still expression of pure boredom. Seems like this place really is...dead.

"Hello. How can I help you?" She asks, there wasn't any impoliteness or disrespect in her voice, so perhaps she was naturally like that.

"Um, I'd like to have an egg toast and two croquettes." She handed me the aliments fairly quickly, and I paid her and considering the quality and the fact that this was street food, I wondered just how far this town was away from the more populated villages, because trust me, the food was expensive. I decided to sit down by the outskirts of town, on the sidewalk under the shade of a tree. I must've looked pretty strange. How would you react if you saw a girl shoving food into her mouth on a sidewalk? Yeah, I know.

Despite it tasting and feeling like plastic, I had enjoyed the meal- Probably because I was hellishly hungry- and I managed to fix myself, by that I mean to make myself look presentable, and in that case, presentable meant mediocre. Scratch that, I looked disgusting.

I stood up, and started walking; once more. My feet ached, my head ached, I was sweaty and disgusting, and I couldn't wait to get to that mansion and have a warm bath. The idea itself was enough to get me to walk faster than a car in Fast and Furious, and I had made it to the large Victorian mansion in less than twelve minutes.

The entry gate was open already, so I assumed the owners -whom I still hadn't met- were expecting me, making me anxious and have to fix my hair once more. I kept moving forward, towards the large wooden door, my eyes fixated on the golden door knocker and watching furiously as it kept getting closer, closer, closer... Until I was facing it.

I don't know why, to this day, but the mere fact that I was standing in front of the door, so close to it, made me feel strange. Every cell in my body told me to back away, to leave, to not go inside, the vibes the house gave were not welcoming, but I convinced myself that I was just stressed to meet people I've never met, never seen, and whose language I could barely speak, I convinced myself that everything will be okay and that my uncle would've never sent me to a dangerous place, I convinced myself that my brain was wrong. Third mistake.

So I knocked. Once, twice, three times... No one answered. Four times, five times, six times... No one. My eyebrows raised, and I scratched my head. I was sure this was the house, perhaps I was too late, and they weren't at home, so I turned around.

The moment- No, the second my foot hit the last step, I heard the disturbing and frightening sound of the wooden door. Turning around, I saw the door opened and let's just say that I'm so fucking stupid, I shrugged and walked inside. Fourth fucking mistake. 

"Hello? Is anybody here?"

Of course, I'm sure you all guessed that. What I'm sure you did not guess is that I actually got an answer. If only, if only I hadn't gotten one, if I hadn't gotten one, maybe I would've left, maybe I'd be just a regular college student. If only he had shut his mouth. But he, he didn't. 

Hearing a 'Tsk' I turned around so fast, my eyes automatically falling upon a guy, who was obviously trying to enjoy a nap, and the minute he opened his eyes, I felt an infinite amount of shivers running down my spine, every hair on my body stood up, I was sweating, to sum it up, I was freaking out. And acknowledging him, not running away, not slamming the door and leaving, that was my fifth fucking mistake.

I do not regret those mistakes though.

"Shhh- Lower your voice, some people are trying to sleep." 


Hello! ^ω^ Here's the prologue as promised, I hope you enjoyed reading. I know it's short but don't worry! This is just the beginning. I hope you'll look forward to reading more of this. If yes, please vote and tell me your thoughts! Your support would really mean a lot. Thank you so much! (灬♥ω♥灬)

The guy who's napping, who do you think he is? GIRL LET ME KNOW. 

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