II 🌹

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Caring Maknae, Dangerous Shorties







Keep running.

Do not stop running.

I didn't even bother looking around, I ran out of the house. My things didn't matter, I had my phone and my wallet in my pockets and that's all that matters. 

I could see the large metal gate, it was right there, open, waiting for me to cross it. I had never run so fast my whole life, and I had almost reached it, the gate that'll allow me freedom. In a few seconds, I reached it, and a smile started forming on my face, but of course...

The gates slammed shut, right in front of my tear filled wide eyes. My eyebrows furrowed, expressing my feelings of confusion, sadness, anger. My hands leaving my bloody neck, they fell violently on the bars that formed the gates and I shook it aggressively, hoping to open it, I was shaking it so hard, tears escaping my eyes the more I shook the large gates.

I was not the type to cry when stressed, or confused, or angry, but at that moment, I had just learned things that I couldn't necessarily understand. How would you react if someone told you he was a vampire? How would you feel if you were bitten? 

I was completely disoriented. I could not understand why my uncle would send me here, or why he'd even know about these... creatures. My neck ached from the bite, and my eyes burnt with tears, the sweat on my neck and hands was mixing with blood and it hurt like hell. I was not okay.

In addition to all this, their voices, I could hear their voices, asking me to come back, demanding me to come back, threatening me to get back into the mansion or else there would be consequences. I couldn't make out all the voices, but they were echoing in my mind, and I was sure they belonged to them.

I weakly fell on my knees, my hands still clutching the bars, desperately trying to open the gate, but despite my trials, I couldn't open it, it felt as if there was a barrier blocking it from getting open. But I did not stop, I had to open it, I had to leave. I understood the horror of the situation I was in, and I knew I had to leave, but for now... I couldn't.

I stayed there, balling my eyes out and bleeding, my clothes a total mess from the blood, the sweat, and the endless tears. I looked and felt miserable. Eventually, I passed out, probably from the lack of blood, and to this day, I still do not know what they did to me during my unconsciousness, all I know is that when I awoke, I was changed into much larger unfamiliar clothes and my hair was wet, and I was on a bed that had clothes, precisely guy clothes, scattered on it.

Sitting up on the soft sheets, I let my hand dart up to my neck, feeling the bandage that was tightly wrapped around the wound, much like a choker. My eyes settled on the walls and floor, the walls were covered in white wallpaper with speckles of gold, and the floor was a cherry wood finish with dark blue carpeting and gold trim. The room itself seemed to be very... Victorian? With navy blue and dark purple accents, lots of gold and silver as well. What caught my attention was the large bay window that covered most of the wall that faced the door, the curtains were drawn and it was nighttime, the moon shone brightly, allowing light into the room.

My eyes were still going around, inspecting the room when a pale yellow door, which I believed leads to the bathroom, opened, revealing a shirtless... Jungkook? I believed his name was Jungkook.

"Hm. Finally awake, huh?" He declared as he ruffled his obviously freshly dried hair.

Fear still enveloped me, so I hesitated in answering, making him let out a sigh, "You're probably wondering what happened." He stated I nodded, as to not be impolite.

"Well, you fainted, blood loss, Jin fed you and gave you some nutrition pills, bandaged you up and put you in your room. I bathed you and changed your clothes and brought you here. Jimin, Namjoon and Teahyung would never leave you alone if they knew where you were." He added, slipping on a long-sleeved white shirt. He seemed... nice enough.

Muttering a "Thank you" he gave off a small smile and so did I. I stood up, stating that I needed to get back to my room in order to unpack. Nodding, he opened the door, praising me with a very small but heartwarming smile. Despite my fear, I managed to get out of his room and make my way to my own room.

I was still shocked by all the information that I had gathered today, from vampires to sacrificial brides to some type of witchery that blocked me from leaving, everything in this mansion gave off strange vibes, and I couldn't help the sense of having to leave that was in me.

I still had so many questions, what did I have to do whilst I was here? Why was I the sacrificial bride? Why is there such a thing anyway? Why did my uncle send me here? Why wasn't I told about the whole vampirism ordeal? I did not understand anything. I was stuck in a house I did not understand, with people I did not understand.

Reaching my room, or what I thought was my room due to Jin's... shady explanations, I entered right in, noticing that the color scheme was way off for a guest room. It was filled with white, black, red, burgundy, hot pink, purples and garnets. It was very bold, not only that, but the vanity was already filled with all types of jewelry and perfumes and such, and my suitcase was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that I was probably in the wrong room, I decided to just get out before I was seen by anyone, and I thought I had gotten away with mistaking the room, but of course, due to Karma and shitty luck, I did not get away with it.

I was in fact, roughly pushed against the wall by a shadowy red-haired figure and at first, I couldn't tell which one it was until I heard the voice.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Missed my bites already?" Fuck.


...He was pretty short though. 


Hello chingus! Another update for you yaaaaaay. This chapter is short like Jimin lmao. I can't wait to drop an update on Monday. I'm so excited and I hope you are too! Thanks for all the love and support, to my irl friends and mutuals here, ily all! Have a nice day! 

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