I 🌹

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Reckless Introductions

My eyes were stuck to the man who was carelessly laying on the couch, with one leg over the couch's arm and the other one at the ground, his arms were supporting his head like some type of pillow, and his eyes were closed.

Gathering myself up, I took a deep breath and calmed myself, I wasn't going to be anxious on my first day here, and neither was I going to be impolite or reckless. Smiling a bit, I bowed before standing up once more.

"I apologize, but I simply thought no one was here, as seeing this house is as sile-"

"We've been expecting you." Another voice spoke, and the dude who was napping opened his eyes, his dark glossy eyes. His blonde hair hooded them, and to be honest, he was attractive as fuck.

My eyes roamed around for the other man who spoke, and they fell upon an even more handsome guy, he was tall, and his shoulders were broad, and he had somewhat feminine features, he seemed nice enough, but oh his aura... His aura gave off a completely different feeling. It was cold, dark, mysterious, but mainly... vast.

I got shivers, surely, I had gotten them from the first one, but this one, he was just... intimidating. He gave off a dominant vibe that I didn't appreciate, he was borderline scary.

I bowed quickly to the guy as well, not even trying to settle myself this time, I knew that whatever I did do, the feeling they both gave me would not stay put. Smiling at him, I waved a bit and let out a single "Hi."

He let out a huff, and he uttered a world I clearly heard.

"Tsk... Impolite."

Wow, am I really the one who's impolite?

I contained myself, seeing as I was going to be staying in their house, so I couldn't really be rude, or a whiny bitch for that matter, and I wanted them to like me. It's not like I planned on staying that long, I mean, this house gave weird vibes, I would just have to call up my uncle and shorten my visit. Simple.

Hahahahaha. If only I knew.

Letting out a cough, I decided to at least start up some type of conversation. "So, is it just the two of you here or-" Cut off. Again.

"Your room is the last one in the second left corridor, meal times have been written on a paper that has been set on top of your vanity, the closet is emptied and you can put your clothes inside. You own a personal bathroom and I'd appreciate it if you left your dirty laundry with the rest of ours in the washroom in the basement." The same authority figure spoke, almost as if he had recited those words so many times before. It felt like he was a robot, not a human being.

I nodded, taking everything in, and I grabbed my suitcase, "Well okay, I guess I'll just head to my ro-" Again.

"I'd appreciate it if you stayed here in order to meet the others, they should be here soon enough." He declared, brushing off the sleeves of his dark blue velvet suit.

"Well, okay then."

"And speaking about your telecommunication devices, I'd rather you handed them to me, they will not be needed considering the fact that there is no reception in this village."

"I can't just give you my ph-"

"No discussion. You must put it in the bin in your room."

Who was this guy, my dad?!


"Oh, and one more thing. The attic, east wing, and south wing are off limits. For your own safety."

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