IX 🌹

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Cousins Don't Get Along Unless Wenches Are Involved


I flinched again, hearing the loud thud of the plate against the table as I tried to stay focused on my own food; but it seemed like Yoongi wasn't having that. After Taehyung and I had retrieved the flowers earlier, the latter was very keen on holding my hand, saying that it was only his right since it was his birthday; I hadn't opposed to it, and Yoongi saw us. He's been wearing a scowl on his face since then. Just my luck, Jin had decided it'd be best to change my seating position, he took my place and I was now seated between Yoongi and Namjoon; facing Taehyung.

I stayed silent, sure that if I said something, I'd only worsen the whole situation; and despite Yoongi being his Hyung, Taehyung didn't really care. Looking over at me, the now blonde gave me a bright smile.

"(Y/N)-ah! Could you please hand over the roasted potatoes?" He requested and I nodded, about to grab the large gold and pink dish that held the aliment when something or someone grabbed my hand.

"Yah, why ask her when they're closer to me?" Yoongi interrupted, grabbing my hand and removing it from the bowl, handing it to Taehyung himself.

The latter scoffed; still not understanding why his cousin was so awry and angry, it's not like he had done anything wrong, he decided to keep his mouth shut though, realizing what the lazy vampire was capable of. I just sat there, watching Yoongi let out a heavy breath before his eyes met mine and he crooked up a brow.

"What?" He asked, bitterness lacing his voice and I just shook my head, looking away from him. "Nothing."

Dinner, later on, went by quietly, the atmosphere in the room quite heavy, even with Taehyung's numerous attempts at cracking up jokes; jokes that I merely smiled at, Namjoon forcefully laughed at and Jin scolded him for. I was about to stand up in order to clean up when Tae stood up as well.

"(Y/N)-ah! It's my birthday! We have to eat cake!" He shouted and I rose my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah... It completely left my mind..." I started before I rose a hand to my chest. I took a deep breath, a striking pain hitting my chest and an unexplainable dizziness hitting me.

"I don't feel so good, I just need to wash my face, I'll be back," I added and he nodded with a small frown.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)-ah?" Jimin questioned. "Do you need me to escort you there?" He asked and I politely shook my head. "No, thank you Jimin, but I'll be okay, I'm just dizzy, I'll be back," I stated and Jin looked at me with worry. 

"Take your time, don't rush yourself." He advised and I nodded with a curt smile. "Alright."

I walked upstairs, looking around in order to find the bathroom closest to me when I heard a sound, sound of a running faucet of some sort, or a shower. It came from the east. My eyebrows furrowed as I questioned the sound; I was the only one to leave the table, so why would a faucet be running? As far as I was concerned, all the rooms were in the north wing, so why would a bathroom of the east wing have a running faucet? I didn't question it and simply walked towards the grand purple velvet covered steps and at that moment; my mind completely omitted Jin's rules;

The attic, east and south wing are off limits.

Meanwhile, the dining room was left in a tense silence, a silence that crept onto Taehyung's mind before he let out a breath.

"I kissed her." He declared openly, earning the attention of his siblings and brothers; Jimin was the first one to react, standing up, he slammed his hand harshly against the table.

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