XI 🌹

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Gorgeous Harlots Don't Deserve Movies or Photographs


My eyes opened, but instead of being in the comfort of my room, or Jin's room –Where I had fallen asleep- I was somewhere I couldn't recall, I knew I had seen this place before but I couldn't put my hand on it, especially as the sunlight blinded my eyesight. Where was I?

What was this place?

Setting a hand on my eyes as a shield, my eyes roamed around, trying to figure out where I was when I spotted a familiar fountain and turned-off fairy lights, it looked to me like it was a garden; the garden of the mansion I had been staying at. Question is; how had I ended up here?

I lowered my stare to my clothes, noting that I was still wearing the same clothing as last night, the scenery seemed far too real to be a dream, so I didn't really think about it, everything, from the splendid greenery to the greatness of the waterfalls, it seemed too realistic, too perfect, almost as if something was off.

My legs started moving, my curiosity getting the best of me. After all, I had to figure out how I had ended up here. I walked towards the door that would lead me back into the large mansion, noticing it was fully open. I didn't question it, I just entered, surprised to hear laughs and yelps coming from the kitchen. Excuse me; surprised to hear feminine laughs and yelps from the kitchen.

I let my legs lead me, and they led me to the source of those foreign noises that had never ever before filled this mansion's wall. Once I walked in, I was surprised by the sight. Yoongi, who was holding various music sheets, was sitting down with a female I had most definitely seen before, with Jin cooking in the background, a smile gracing both brother's expressions, and the girl's as well. They looked the same, but quite different, they looked far less classy and more casual, younger, happier. It was odd, was I stuck in some type of past dimension? I was completely lost. Even so, all questions left my confused brain as I saw her.

My mind raced back to where I had seen those baby doll lips and doe eyes and it hit me; the painting in the basement, the painting in the bell tower, it was most definitely her.

With a perfectly breathtaking complexion, a slim figure and a breathtaking smile, the messiness of her clothing and the outrageous state of her hair didn't even lessen her abstract beauty, the way her hair stood out and her clothes were dirtied made me pay more attention to her completely sublime face; to say she was beautiful would be an injustice to her unlimited charm.

The two boys that I was living with seemed entranced by her as I was, Yoongi eyed her with such interest and refined care, and Jin's eyes were filled with complete amazement at her, as she listened attentively to Yoongi's explanations concerning those music sheets. The looks in their eyes made me so uneasy, it was incomprehensible. Why would I be feeling this way? I felt as if I had a bird's egg nestled in my neck, it was such an unlikable feeling. To me, at that moment, it looked like they were inclined to her beauty, a beauty I didn't possess.

Not only her beauty, but her infinite grace, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel full-on attracted to her, after all, her grace was utterly overwhelming, especially as she moved off from the stool to make her way out of the room, a rushed went through my being as she passed by me, not even taking care in my shaking figure, that's when it occurred to me that they couldn't really see me, or else they would've said so.

I could've sworn my eyes started to water, but I had no idea why, this troublesome feeling was nagging at my every nerve and it made me sickened, partially because I couldn't tell why I was feeling it and partially because I knew I was lying to myself, pretending not to know what was the reason behind it. I quickly dried my eyes and decided to follow her, since Yoongi and Jin weren't talking about anything, just smiling like two dorks.

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