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Messy Thoughts, Tangled Feelings

Jesus fucking Christ

Yep, that was the first thing that came into my mind when I saw him. Pretty good of a thought for the quite delicate predicament I was in, wouldn't you say?

He was still grinning like a psychopath when I opened my eyes, having closed them when I had been violently pushed, of course, I didn't greet him with anything but a monotone expression and a pursed sigh that unconsciously left my lips. He didn't seem pleased to see that as he huffed. I tried to remove myself from the position I was in, but his arms were holding my shoulders, disallowing me any type of movement.

He raised his knee and set it against the wall, blocking me even further. I didn't try to say or do anything, I just hoped that my fear was not showing, and from his reactions, I could tell that my fear was not completely visible to his shining and devilish eyes.

His hand left my shoulder and grabbed my wrist, I knew what was to come, therefore, I tried to yank my arm away, which made him chuckle. 

"Feisty one, eh? I like that." 

Oh please. My eyebrows furrowed together as I tried to push him back once more, and he detached me, all on his own. What? What was he doing? And why? I didn't question it though, I simply pushed him back and walked towards the door, which he pushed me against, but this time, my front was roughly scraping the wooden door. It hurt, I mean... I had boobs for crying out loud!

Forcefully grabbing my hair and pushing it aside, he revealed my already bitten neck, and my chest was starting to hurt at how harsh he was pushing me against the wooden door. I let out whimpers of pain, which only seemed to please his sadistic ass further. Licking up my neck, close to the bandage, he moaned.

"Ugh... your scent is toxically good..." He spoke in a low voice, almost as if my blood were the greatest tasting thing on the planet. 

I tried to hit him with my elbow, but I failed, as he had quick reflexes and managed to dodge my hits. He laughed it off though, his fangs coming out to trace my neck. I shivered, didn't he have enough? From my body's weakness, I could tell he almost drained me earlier on!

"I should probably bite you... I mean; Jin-Hyung fed you, so why shouldn't I feed?" He questioned, pulling off puppy eyes as he let his tongue out, letting it dart once more on the hot flesh of my neck. I was shaking right now, but not once did my glare lessen or my stature falter me, I wouldn't allow myself to appear as weak, at least not now, I would put up a fight.

His eyebrows rose as he looked at me, letting me go and pushing my back against the door this time. Looking at me with a confused look, he held my wrist close to his mouth, my left one to be precise, leaving my right one alone, which fortunately was close to the doorknob.

"Tell me, darling, would you like it if I bit you? Would you let me have the honors again?" He spoke. 

Was he seriously asking my permission? Didn't he know my answer already? Noting the puzzled expression on my face, he chuckled. 

"Don't worry, I won't bite you again." He declared, a smirk forming on his lips as he let me, my hand shuffled towards the knob, and he noticed but didn't say anything. "You're an interesting one, just like your uncle said. What's your name?"

I glared at him, my (E/C) eyes burning holes into his own, making him laugh. "(Y/N)."

"Hm... (Y/N), a fascinating name for an interesting girl." He spoke aloud as I took my leave. What was wrong with these asses?

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