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Sinners and Dancers


I couldn't help but shudder at the sound as I slowly regained my consciousness, blinking a bit before I fully opened my eyes. I was albeit taken aback when I noticed that the thick velvet curtains were drawn, but I didn't put much mind to it, I was far too busy trying to understand why my body ached so much –especially my lip- and why there was something enveloped around my waist; the latter was definitely my priority.

I didn't move much, frightened to wake whatever, or whoever, was clutching my body with such desperation, I simply turned around, only to have a head on my chest. From the silver head of fluffy hair, I knew it was Taehyung. Slowly, but eventually, memories of the previous night- or should I say, earlier that day, flooded my mind; oh god.

My eyes were as wide as dinner plates as I took everything in, my brain refusing to process that I had let him... touch me and kiss me like that, and my cheeks reddened so much, you would've mistaken them for actual tomatoes. My hand slowly traveled up to my lower lip and I could feel the deep cut there, I couldn't help but shiver as I tried to pull away without causing any noise, but Taehyung was not letting me go. His arm was lazily holding my chest down whilst his leg was wrapped around my waist, the other one tangled onto my own; now I knew why Jungkook didn't want to sleep with him...

My eyes worriedly darted up to the large clock that faced the bed and I noticed it was five to one in the afternoon. I let out a breath as I decided to just stay; after all, Tae wouldn't be asleep for too long. As I laid down on my back, I couldn't help as my mind traveled back to the crazy night I'd been through, not only had I kissed Yoongi, but I practically made out with Taehyung! The blush on my cheeks was permanent by now, especially when I thought about how to face them.

I was in dreamland when Tae abruptly turned around, freeing me off of his grip and giving me a golden chance to get the fuck out of the room and hide in the basement until my stay here came to an end; but of course, that wouldn't be the best option. Sitting up on the bed, I quickly but silently stood up and made my way towards the door. The moment my hand wrapped around the copper knob, I felt a stagnating pressure on my shoulder and I was forced to turn around, my back meeting the rough wooden door and I let out a whine; if this happened one more time I was going to change my major into law and fucking legally forbid this damned action I tell you!

I was trapped between two arms, and it didn't take me any thought to figure out whose arms they were; Taehyung's.

His lips stretched onto a lopsided smirk as our eyes met, my (E/C) eyes clashing with his dark ones in fury and I couldn't help the heat that spread onto my cheeks before I tore my eyes from his, but he followed my gaze nonetheless; capturing my eyes with his own again. His smirk turned into the familiar square smile as one of his hands moved to stroke my messy hair.

"Look at you, all red and cute, like a real dolly!"

I was ready to push him and get away from him, but I didn't have to, he somehow got the hint and peeled himself off of me, allowing me to move away. I walked straight back to bed and took a seat, expecting him to just leave, but of course, he didn't. Why? Because my expectations are never right.

I couldn't help the low whine that left my lips, and despite its lowness, he still managed to hear it, after all, he wasn't a vampire for nothing. He chuckled before making his way towards me, pushing me onto the bed and straddling me in a flat second.

A gasp of pure shock left my lips as he grabbed both my arms, locking me down before he let out a chirpy laugh; much like a child's. I rose my eyebrows at him before I hissed.

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