IV 🌹

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New People, New Beginnings, New Facades


I stretched as I sat up on the large bed, my body was encased in one of the many sheets of the bed. Looking around, I moved towards the lamp and turned it on, my (E/C) immediately turning towards the clock. It was a quarter to three o'clock, three in the afternoon. Even so, it felt like it were half past midnight, this house was simply constantly dark, with all the Gothic color and curtains, and it was hard to see sunlight. Of course, I clearly understood as to why that was.

Standing up, I decided that I would head out tomorrow, check out some of the different spots in town. I got out of the warm bed, and I was immediately met with the cold weather. I shuddered but I managed to head to the bathroom. I took a shower and dried my hair, I decided to style it today, and curled it, the (Loose/Tight) curls made my (H/L) hair look great, and they framed my face well. I looked good.

After wearing my underclothes, I put on a white quarter sleeved button up, black skinny jeans and dress shoes. I put on a hat, I mean, sunlight was a bummer, and not just for vampires. Putting on my book bag, I headed out of my room, wondering if I had to inform them about this. I wouldn't be going too far, and my stuff was all here... I did feel like I should tell someone.

Looking around, I wondered where everyone was. It occurred to me that perhaps they were sleeping, considering the fact that they were vampires and it was broad daylight out, but such thoughts got out of my head when I heard slight humming as I passed by a room. It wasn't Tae's room, the door to his room was painted lavender, as for this one, it was plain white with silver swirls. It seemed painted by hand as a few spots were missed. I couldn't help but feel drawn to the sound, it was... attracting me, my feet dragged me, and before I knew it, my hand was hovering on the knob.

I swear I heard a chuckle before I heard a faint "Come in."

Instinctively, I turned the knob and entered, to my shock, it wasn't a room, but a bathroom and the lights were turned off. The whole room was only lit by the flame of an assortment of candles that surrounded the oval bathtub, and the bathtub was occupied. I believed this one was... what was it again? Yoongi! He was in the tub, his head hanging off the edge as well as his hands and feet. His mint colored hair was slightly wet at the ends, and he was wearing his ear pods, an mp3 player in his hand.

He looked towards me, his eyes eyeing me up, I suddenly felt very conscious, I couldn't handle his lazy gaze on me, and I simply broke the eye contact. 

Letting out a chuckle, he looked at me, "Going somewhere?" I nodded.

"I wanted to check out the town." I declared, he laid his head on the edge of the tub once more. 

"Alright. You can go." He stated. Did I even need his permission in order to go?

"Okay... I'll go-" I was stopped mid-sentence as he turned to me again.

"Wait..." He started, and I did not know what he wanted to say so I simply stayed silent.

"Your name?" He asked, and I rose my eyebrows, "What?"

He chuckled a bit, "Tell me your name," He repeated, I felt my cheeks heat up. Jesus, it was obvious he wanted my name!

"Oh yeah, (Y/N)." I informed and he nodded, "Wash my hair for me before you go." He demanded and my left eyebrow rose. What? I stayed completely silent, unsure of what I was supposed to say. What kind of request was that?

"Please?" He added, probably noticing my confusion. I was pretty shocked for his request but decided to do it anyway, it's not like I was in a rush. Moving forward, I realized that he was completely naked in front of my eyes. It wasn't an issue to his lower body as the bubbles were covering most of it, but his torso was clearly showing, and despite my trials as to be discreet, he noticed my stares and let out a chuckle. "It's okay, you can look."

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