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Helpers, Askers, Soldiers

Dinner. Oh, dinner.

Dinner back at my house was basically my uncle shouting at me to come to eat, and it was something fairly simple, sometimes pasta, sometimes a soup, and rarely, takeout or a pizza, but dinner in this house, oh boy.

In order to have dinner, there was a number of tasks, and Jin, being the coordinated person he is, assigned each of us a task, and since it was my first time here, he paired me up with Namjoon (The pervert, from what I recalled) to fold the napkins and shine the cutlery; simple enough.

And that's how I found myself sitting down on a stool by the breakfast bar in the kitchen, shining up silver cutlery that was probably more expensive than everything I owned. Actually, scratch that, it was probably more expensive than me as a whole; since it was vintage.

At first, I was a bit reluctant about doing the task with Namjoon, my first impressions on him were not the best, after all, even so, I didn't argue with Jin, he seemed busy enough with preparing dinner, and I knew he'd be with us in the kitchen at all times; Namjoon wouldn't try anything with his hyung in the same room as him, right? Right?


As my hands worked the cloth into every crevice of the rose-patterned fork, I could feel eyes on me, someone's eyes on me, and it didn't take me ages to figure who it was. Raising my head, I was immediately met with Namjoon's stare. His rich brown eyes burnt holes into me, and I felt quite uneasy. His stare was just... too much.

I shrugged it off, going on with my task, sneaking a few glances at his hands every now and then to see how well he was doing with the napkins, and surprisingly, he was talented. He folded them with precision and elegance, he was very skilled, to say the least. I kept going with my task, not paying much attention to him anymore as I was going to finish.

Once I had finished, Jin urged us to finish what we started and set them on the dinner table. I had no idea about this setting up the table bullshit, I mean, I knew how to set up a small table, not a huge one that had eight people, and I had no idea where or how to set the medium forks, the small ones, and the small spoons and the even smaller ones! And do not get me started with the cups.

Noticing my confusion, Namjoon chuckled and my eyes settled on him, glaring a little. It had been at least five minutes and all I managed to set was the tablecloth and the rose bouquet, I was ultimately confused. I had no idea where or how to start, and the young man in front of me noted my distress, coming next to me in a mere instant. "Here, let me help." He offered, I nodded, I was in no situation to be a proud bitch and refuse.

He grabbed the assortments of cutlery, plate, and cups and set them in front of us, I was looking up at him the whole time, that is until he started pointing at the different dishes and what they were. There were the main, like flat plates, soup bowls, and shallow plates, also napkins, tablespoons, forks and knives, and finally water glasses. Eventually came the fancier additions, like bread plates, fish forks and spoons, fruit spoons and knives, underplate (which served as a decoration only), dessert forks, red wine glasses and white wine glasses, and mead glasses, which were just tall cups.

It was a lot to take in, to say the least, but with Namjoon's help, I managed to actually set the table properly, with his help of course, and eventually, I was on my last serving and he was done. I was very much concentrated on my task when I felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist, I jumped a little, but strong arms held me in place, and I felt a chin on my shoulder, followed by the sound of a sinister chuckle.

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