|5| Cooking and Television|

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The odd shadows casting in the room, the water dripping from pipes, the sounds of mice, and the creaking of the floor board is enough to scare anyone, but not Lucy. In fact the spine-chilling noises she hears are soothing and helps her find a tranquil place within her mind.

She sat on the now clean floor watching the shows. She was growing quite tedious from lack of entertainment. The channels would play the same show over and over, the only difference is the ads that play, but she has memorized all of them.

"Chuck E Cheese! Were a kid can be a kid!" Lucy said in time with the spokesperson. She smiled at her memory but frowned at the boring ad that seem to drag on for hours upon hours. She was waiting for Natsu-the boy she met yesterday-to knock on her door, he did promise to feed her when his father left. And Father Igneel forgot to bring her breakfast, again.

A knock on the door stole Lucy's attention from the children's show Spongebob Squarepants. Natsu peeked his head in.

"Are you decent?" He questioned before he walked in. Lucy nodded and muttered a, "yes."

Lucy watched as Natsu walked towards her in a white button up with a sign of some sort and navy blue khaki pants, he also had a matching navy blue tie around his neck.

"Sorry I didn't come sooner, father was being slow." He said as he gave her the tray of food.

"Father Igneel can be forgetful sometimes." Lucy replied as her stomach growled louder.

Natsu nodded, "I see. Well I do hope you find the food to your liking. I would stay and chat more but I have school, my bus is going to arrive soon."

"Do you like school?" Lucy asked curiously.

Natsu nodded, "I love school."

Lucy tilted her head. Love school. Most kids don't love school they hate school and envy homeschoolers and adults.


Natsu shrugged, "it's the only time I see all my friends. And I wish to become a lawyer when I am older."

Lucy nodded, "a lawyer, yes. I read some books on amendments and seen some shows of the court house. Maybe we could discuss the topic one day?"

Natsu took his phone out from his pocket. Lucy was slightly amazed, her parents had phones but she didn't. Natsu has a phone, one she has seen in an add. His phone was new.

"Okay, one day. But like I mentioned earlier I have to go." He hugged her. "Please eat, if father sees you have a tray just tell him he forgot to pick it up."

Lucy nodded and hugged back. When Natsu pulled away she reluctantly followed. "Bye."

"Good-bye!" She waves as he closed the door.

Lucy heard creaks from above and the front door slamming. Her only guess is that he left and wouldn't be back for at least six to seven hours, at least that's what characters in the show say.

She walk towards the door and holds the handle she takes a deep breath and almost started twisting the knob, but her stomach decided to growl at her. She dropped her hand and walked towards the food.

I mean. He did make it for me. She cut a piece and stuffed it into her mouth. She moaned when the tasty piece basically melted on her tongue. She thought Father Igneel's cooking was good, Natsu was a freaking god.

I could get used to him cooking for me.

Kidnapped {Nalu} ~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now