|16| Time Skip and Freedom|

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You can always tell when people lie. Sometimes like look up or to their side and avoid all form of eye contact, or they stutter and blush. They sometimes fidget under people's gaze and they feel guilt every time they open their mouths.

Or people who are good liars don't do any of that. Like Cana who said Lucy would have the best of times in FairyTail and be out before she knew it, but Lucy spent three aching years in that horrid place.

It was dirty so it ticked Lucy's OCD off, and the people were just plain rude and would steal Lucy's already small amount food, Lucy would go starving for days and dehydrated as well. She met one girl she actually liked but she was given a home because she was seven, Lucy called her little Wendy and treated her as her sister.

Lucy frowned as she stood up from her cot and walked towards the eating area. She stayed with girls around her age, but tomorrow she leaves and she'll never have to even think about this damned and accursed place of residence. This was neither a home or house.

"So you gettin' out huh?" A girl from beside her said. Her name was Bisca and was kinder then any other girl in this facility. "Lucky."

Lucy smiled and giggled a little, "shush, you are only seventeen you'll be out soon."

"Yeah but my boyfriend is leaving in two days." She fake cried, "and I'll be left alone."

Lucy flicked her forehead a little and smirked. She had a few friends but they were people she was never going to talk to, and she knew it. She missed the people Natsu introduced her to and she could remember the first time they all met; Levy's happy and sweet smile, Lisanna's smile that lit the room up and when would she chirped when she had a plan, Erza and her immediate serious and powerful aura, Gray with his calm demeanor and how he followed Juvia everywhere like a lost puppy, and Juvia and how calm and quiet she was.

Lucy's smile was wiped completely off when she heard two footsteps. She knew it was Evergreen, Kianna, and Laki.

Evergreen was the meanest girl there because she was basically born in the orphanage, Kianna and Laki were both sweet girls to Lucy when she arrived but started following Evergreen around like she was a god that needed to be worshiped.

Lucy took one more bite of her not fresh apple and stood up not wanting to start anything, "I leave tomorrow and I don't want to be here when they come. Bye Bisca." Lucy waved and walked off hearing Bisca say bye back.

She ran a hand through her long blonde hair. She hasn't cut it since last year and she was getting split ends and her hair reached up to her hips. "When I get out I'm cutting this hair." She muttered. But when she reached the drawer next to her cot she opened it and grabbed the piece of a paper on the inside.

"Natsu Dragneel." It read. She smiled at it, she wrote his name down so she wouldn't forget it, but she already knew she wouldn't.

"But first I have to see if someone kept their promise."

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