|11| House and Home|

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House. A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.

Home. The place where one lives permanently, as a member of a family or household.

Two words that almost mean the same thing. Except-with closer inspection-you could learn the words have different meanings.

House, a place where people reside in. But a home is where a family stays. Home is where the heart is.

Levy's residence was a home, she lived with her two loving parents whom she loves as well. But Igneel's residence was a house, a place where they live, but no love was ever shared between them. Igneel might have loved Lucy, but not like a father loving a daughter, like a capture loves a victim.

Lucy tossed and turned in the bed Levy so kindly offered. She couldn't sleep, because of her fears. Fears of hurting her friends and Natsu, someone she has grown fondly of.

"Lucy?" She heard Natsu asked from the couch beside her. "Are you awake?"

Lucy nodded despite the fact he couldn't see. "Yes, I can't seem to fall asleep."

"You're just stressed." Lucy felt a drip in the mattress. Soon two arms wrapped around her waist. "Don't worry, nothing it going to happen." He presses his lips against her temple.

Lucy sniffed and felt tears fall from her eyes. "B-But what if something does happen. What if we get hurt? We are barley teenagers! We have no idea what we are doing." Lucy cried against his clothed chest.

Natsu's grip tensed. "I-I know you are scared. I am terrified. But if we continue to fear nothing will get done."

Lucy nodded but her tears didn't stop. She wanted to cry harder but she knew she shouldn't.

Natsu climbed out of bed and went into one of the rooms. When he came back he held a phone in his right hand and earbuds in the left.

He climbed back onto the mattress. "This is Levy's old phone. I'm sure she won't mind lending this to us for night."

Lucy giggled as she sniffed. She watched the light illuminate Natsu's face as he opened an app and typed. He plugged the earbuds in and offered one to Lucy, she took it with a confused expression and Natsu held the other one.

"When I was sad about getting bullied on not having a mother and being born of illegitimacy I would listen to my favorite band, Queen." He pressed played as music started playing. "My favorite being Bohemian Rhapsody."

Lucy smiled at the music hearing a voice sing, "the voices are heavenly."

Natsu nodded with a chuckle, "their old name used to be 'Smile' but after the lead singer joined they changed it to Queen, who refuses to be categorized."

Lucy closes her eyes and allowed her eyes to let out more tears, "thank you."

Natsu kissed her forehead and rested his on top of hers. Another sweet gesture the two has developed.

"No problem." He smiled in contentment, "and when we are older and finally settle down we will have a home."

"Yes a fantastic house." Lucy smiled.

Natsu shook his head, "no. A home."

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