|6| Exploring and Satisfaction|

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Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. A saying you might have heard once or multiple times in your life. If you are anything like Lucy you are a curious person who likes to explore and is okay with changes to some extent; for example, Lucy likes moving, but she doesn't like getting kidnapped. Or maybe you are similar to Natsu and doesn't really like changes much, you are more then okay with staying in the city you reside in now, with the house you live in, or the people you associate yourself with.

Curiously Lucy ran back the the door. She wanted the sweet satisfaction of knowing what lies behind this door. It was an annoying itch that needed to be scratched.

Curiosity isn't always considered a good thing. You might learn something and be completely unsatisfied with it and that leaves you with a feeling of defeat-for a lack of a better term-or it might be something you are completely satisfied with and if that's the case curiosity is a good thing.

Curiosity works like luck. Could potentially be bad or good. There's no way to know for sure until you attempt at it, like the saying don't knock it till you've try it, meaning don't criticize it before you even undertake the challenge.

Lucy was the cat in the saying curiosity killed the cat, and she will be satisfied with whatever she sees. How can she not? For three years she has seen nothing but old rusted pipes, a bit of sunlight, and rats.

She finally twisted the knob of the door and pushed it open. She closed her eyes shut and why, well she exactly know, all she knew was she was scared of what she might come face to face to.

Where she stood she could see two different doors. One with the words, KNOCK! And the other with no words. She took a wild guess and reckon the door with words was Natsu, an adolescent boy who tries his best to keep family out of his room. Igneel is a grown man who could easily order everybody to not go in his room at all, so no need for a banner with words.

Lucy took a step forward. Instead of feeling the cracked wood beneath her feet from the stairs she climbed she felt and saw polished wood flooring. She stepped both feet on the floor and felt how cold it was sending shivers down her spine.

She continued to take steps into the lovely home. She turned her head to the right and found the front door, she was going to avoid that for now. She turned her head to the left and found a black leathered couch. Lucy walked a bit closer to it and found a huge television that puts her miniature one down stairs to shame.

She walked towards the couch and touched it. She loved the cold feeling underneath her finger tips. There was a gaming console under the tv and four types of controllers in front of her. One seemed to be for the tv, the others seem to be gaming controllers.

Lucy looked around the living room. It was painted blue and white, there were fake plants that were placed in corners. There was a fluffy white rug underneath her. Beside the living room was a kitchen. She walked in and the flooring changed to tiles. The kitchen was huge, but beside it was an equally huge dinning room. It had tons of chairs on the sides. There was another fake plant in the corner but in the center of the dinning table there seemed to be real red roses in vases.

She wanted to explore more but her journey was cut short when she heard the beeping of a car. She quickly ran down to her basement, luckily the house was actually fair sized so most rooms were close to one another. She got into the room and closed the door behind her smoothly. She sat on the floor in front of her television again, she opened a random text book and pretended to read just in case Father Igneel comes to check on her.

She heard the door slam and her basement door open.

"Honey?" She heard Igneel's voice.

"Yes Father Igneel?"

"I'm going to make you dinner alright?"

Lucy inhales and exhales, she's glad she got away with it, "okay thank you."

"No problem."

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