|14| MPD and Finally Leaving|

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Time skips are small skips between scenes or characters, and almost every time there is a time skip the main character grows a little-be it mentally or physically.

It has been three years since Lucy was captured yet again, but this time she was given even lesser care. Igneel continues to inform Lucy everyday about how much he loves her, but forgets to feed her and sometimes forgets to let her use the restroom.

Lucy was struggling wanted to escape now. She was now the age fifteen and wanted nothing more but to kick Igneel where the sun doesn't shine and escape, and she could have if Igneel didn't have her legs tied up.

She has gotten used to the numbing feeling in both her legs and arms. Sometimes it felt as if her stomach was eating itself. And most times she wanted nothing more then to lay down and rot peacefully. If Igneel forgot to feed her more day she would, and she wouldn't be angry at him.

"Alright Lucy, dinner time." Igneel called out as he opened the door. He sniffed the air and made a disgusted face, "it smells like shit down here."

"It probably the bucket you keep under me," Lucy said harshly, "or maybe it's the bullshit that keeps coming from her mouth." She jeered.

Igneel smirked and began feeding her. Since Lucy has been in the care of Father Igneel for so long she's able to speak her mind with out any punishment, sometimes.

"Oh Lucy-" Igneel began but was cut off by knocking. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked towards the back of the room and picked up a black pistol. Lucy got immediately scared by it and started quivering slightly.

He walked to the door and closed it behind him. Lucy couldn't see what was happening out there but there were gunshots and yelling. Then she heard footsteps.

The door opened and Lucy was half surprised to not see Igneel. It was a man in uniform.

"Don't worry. We are here to save you." The man spoke softly as he walked towards Lucy. She stopped shaking and stared at the man confused.

"Who are you?" She asked as he untied her legs.

"I am from the MPD, Magnolia Police Department." He finished with untying her arms. Once the rope became undone she stood up but almost fell causing the older man to help her stand.

"How long have you been down here?" He asked looking around.

"Three years," Lucy groaned at the pain in her legs, "he kept count and would tell me every time my birthday passed."

The man shook his head, "I am very sorry." He helped her walk, "I have an eight year old at home, and your story helped me realize I needed to keep her close."


"Well you're popular in the police department. Most people think you are just another kidnapping, but for some parents it's eye opening."

Lucy smiled, "I guess I should be glad."

The man nodded and cupped his hand. "chief!" The man yelled, "I found the victim!"

A woman with brown eyes and brown hair in a uniform with more badges walked up to them. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she held a badge in her pocket.

"Well?" She said in a questioning tone.

The man stood up straight, "she seems unharmed but horrifically malnourished. She's been down here for over four years and is now the age fifteen." The man stated.

The woman nodded, "thank you Max, now tell the detectives their work isn't needed." She smiled widely as he walked away, "those loser detectives and thinking they can solved the case," she laughed, "fuck them and their shitty notepads!"

Lucy cracked a small smile. She squinted her eyes at the name tag on her chest, "Ms. Alberona?"

Cana waves her off, "please call me Cana, Alberona is my no good lousy father's last name. He may be a famous lawyer or whatever but he's still a drunk turd!" She exhaled, "and so happens to be your lawyer."

"Lawyer?" Lucy asked. "Why do I need one of those?"

"Initially you were going to testify against Igneel, for kidnapping you, killing your parents, harming his son, breaking and entering, blah blah blah," she rolled her eyes, "but now it's to find which orphanage you will go to. I think my father is going to try to assign you the one I went to as a kid."

Lucy's face held even more confusion.

Cana laughed, "well my mom put me in an orphanage because she was dying and I was nine, then after I was eighteen I found my dad. I lived with him for awhile and got a job as a cop."

Lucy nodded. "Cool."

"Let's get you to the court missy!"

"Today?" Lucy asked.

"Seems a bit too soon right?" Cana questioned with a smirk, "but as I said, my father is pretty famous and knows how to pull a few strings. We want you to have a good orphanage as soon as possible. So you are coming with me to get new clothes and go to court later on!"

Lucy felt like her head was spinning. But she nodded anyways. "Okay."


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