Chapter One: In the Beginning

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"Darling, they're coming! We have to leave!"

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"Darling, they're coming! We have to leave!"

"No, we have to stay and fight off those monsters! They've taken my parents, but they won't take my home or my child!"

"We'll hide her in the attic and fight them off. Then we'll come back and get her when we win and run to the Ministry."

"Mommy loves you, Emma dear. Daddy loves you too. Be quiet and stay up here."

"Sir, we found a small child up here. What should we do with her?"

"I know a special place to take her to. Grab her and the treasures and let's go."

"And here we have a special little surprise all the way from England. An adorable two year old girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Who'd liked to take this little gem to-"


"Hey, hey, it's alright, my dear. It's okay. I'm Newt. You're okay."


"Emma? Emma, wake up, my dear."

I groaned softly and opened my eyes, looking around at the place I was in. I sat up from my daddy's lap and rubbed my eyes, still rather sleepy. "Huh? What's going on?"

"You fell asleep, my dear." Daddy said with a laugh, rubbing my back, "I told you to go to sleep last night instead of reading that new book of yours."

"Well, I'm sorry that "The Great Gatsby" has become my new favorite book!" I said with a pout, which caused daddy to laugh even more. I couldn't help but join in the laughter.

Oh, how rude of me. My name is Emma, Emma Rose Scamander. I'm the child of Newt Scamander, who is a magi-zoologist, and I am a fellow magi-zoologist in training. Well, Newt isn't really my daddy, he's more like my adopted father, but I still love him.

It had been about a year since my and my daddy's adventure in America. I had turned seven years old and daddy even hired an assistant to help us take of the animals. She's a little weird and I don't know how to feel about her. We went back to England and were still working with magical animals and even adopted more animals that joined our family. And the most exciting news was that our infamous Niffler had babies!

Anyway, our new adventure had began when daddy and I had went to the Ministry of Magic to discuss both of us getting our licenses for world travel in order to help other creatures. Daddy had been to the ministry to discuss this multiple times, but this was his fifth time and he finally decided to bring me along. It was very early in the morning and we unfortunately had to wake up early, which I didn't like at all. But I had to suck it up because we were here for a good reason. Plus, I was also very excited because I was gonna finally see Uncle Theseus!

We were waiting in the waiting area and I was already wishing I could go back to bed. But I had to stay awake. Daddy was wearing his normal clothes with his blue coat and still had his magical case. Meanwhile, I wore a nice long sleeved light blue dress with white stockings that had blue ribbons on them, black flats, and a small white bow in my curled brown hair as my backpack rested against my back.

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