Chapter Two: A Business Deal

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The three of us entered the rather large room and three men were already waiting for us

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The three of us entered the rather large room and three men were already waiting for us. There was Torquil Travers, who was mean and rather harsh when it came to me and daddy, Arnold Guzman, who was just a mean American, and Rudolph Spielman, who was supposed to be in America with MACUSA. What was he doing back here?

"You can put her down now, Theseus." Daddy said.

"Oh, right, sorry." Uncle Theseus sat me down on one of the chairs before he and daddy sat down in chairs next to me.

"Hearing commences." Announced Travers. I looked over to see a quill beginning to write as he opened a file, which I assumed contained all of our adventures, especially the one in New York, "So, Mr. Scamander, you want to end the ban on you and your daughter's traveling internationally. Why?"

"Because Emma and I like to travel internationally. I think it's good for Emma to have some world experience and see what life is like before she goes to Hogwarts." Daddy explained.

""Subject uncooperative and evasive on reasons for the last international trip."" Spielman said, reading from his own file.

"That was a field trip, you see. Emma and I were collecting materials for our book on magical creatures."

"You destroyed half of New York." Travers commented.

"Well, that was an accident, sir. Besides, it all fixed in the end and only one muggle died. Besides, the whole reason-" I was about to explain what had happened before I was cut off.

"Emma." Uncle Theseus shushed me. I frowned and stopped talking, sitting up straight and going back to being silent.

"Mr. Scamander, Emma, it's clear that you both want to follow your dreams and you're both frustrated, and frankly so are we. But in the spirit of compromise, we'd like to make a proposition." Guzman offered.

"What kind of proposition?" Daddy asked.

"The committee will agree to lift the travel ban on you and Emma under one condition." Travers stated before looking at Spielman.

"You will join the Ministry. Specifically, your brother's department." Spielman finished.

Daddy and I looked at each other in shock. Newt Scamander, my father, who loves working with magical creatures, working in an office? There was just no way! "No- I- That isn't my kind of... Theseus is the Auror. I think my talents lie-"

Guzman cut him off. "Mr. Scamander. The Wizarding and non-Wizarding worlds have been at peace for over a century Grindelwald wants to see that peace destroyed, and for certain members of his community, his message is very seductive. Many purebloods believe it is their birthright to rule over the non-magic world and our world. They see Grindelwald as their hero, and Grindelwald sees this boy as a mean to make this all come true."

"Wait, boy? Who is this boy?" I asked confused.

As if answering my question, Credence Barebone's face appeared in the surface of the table. He looked angry, but he also seemed scared. "Credence? Wait, why would Grindelwald want Credence? He's dead now! He's been dead for a year! I should know, I watched him die right in front of me."

"He survived, Emma." Uncle Theseus explained before daddy and I looked at him in shock. There was no way Credence would be alive. All those spells that were fired at him would've killed him... So how was he alive? "He's still alive and he left New York months ago. He's somewhere in Europe now, but we don't know where-"

"And you want me to hunt him down? To kill him?" Daddy asked in shock. My eyes widened at that. They did want my father to go find Credence and kill him before Grindelwald can get his hands on him. Yes, Credence was dangerous, but he could control his unnatural powers!

"Same old Scamander." Chuckled a voice. From the shadows, we looked over and saw a man that was hated by both my daddy and I. His name was Grimmson, who was a beast Hunter. He got his kicks off of killing and selling the animal skins for money.

"What is he doing here?" Daddy asked furious. He hated Grimmson with all his heart, and that was very hard to do for him.

"I'm taking the job that you're too soft to do." Grimmson replied with a disgusting smile before walking over to the image of Credence in the table, "Is that the thing?"

I couldn't handle it anymore. This wasn't fair that they wanted my daddy, who was the sweetest and most kindest person in the world, to hunt down a boy who was just trying to be safe and be himself. I stood up and glared at all of them. "How dare all of you! Credence is a good boy and he's just scared of what people will do to him. It's cruel that you all want to kill an innocent boy just because some monster who broke out wants him! Wherever Credence is, I hope that he kills Grindelwald with his bare hands just to prove all of you wrong!"

And with that, I ran out of the room in a fit of rage as tears streamed down my face. I hadn't stood up to anyone since Picquery accused my father of killing the muggle in New York. But I couldn't help myself. I was so angry that those men wanted to kill Credence, who somehow survived, before Grindelwald to catch him. It wasn't my daddy's fault that Grindelwald broke out of his prison hold after a year of planning!

"Emma! Emma!" I stopped running when I heard daddy call for me. I looked up at him as he ran towards me and hugged me tightly, "Are you alright?"

I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "N-no, it's not right. They shouldn't have you kill Credence and they shouldn't make you join Uncle Theseus just so we can travel again."

"I know, my dear, it isn't fair. I'm sorry."

"Newt! Emma!" We heard Uncle Theseus call to him, running over to us rather embarrassed. "Good, you two are still here."

"Not now, Theseus. We were just leaving."

"Look, you think I like the idea of Grimmson any more than you do?" Oh boy, here they go. The two always fought whenever they could with each other, and I hated it more than anything.

"Listen, I don't want to hear how the ends justify the means, Theseus."

"I think you're gonna have to pull your head out of the sand!"

"Okay, right, here we go. What a selfish, irresponsible-"

"Can you two stop?!" I asked rather loudly to the two older men. They looked down at me rather surprised I raised my voice to them, but I just hated it when they fought over everything. "I'm sorry, but please don't fight. It's bad enough that today is already bad."

"We're sorry, my dear." Daddy apologized, calming down a little.

"Yes, sorry, Emma." Uncle Theseus took a deep breath, "Look, Newt, the time is coming where everyone's going go have to pick a side. Even you. And even Emma."

"You know that we don't do sides." Daddy spoke up.

Uncle Theseus sighed and just pulled daddy into a big hug. I saw that he even whispered something into his ear, but I couldn't hear it. The two eventually pulled away before Uncle Theseus kneeled down to me and opened his arms up for me. I instantly ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Take care of him for me, alright?" He whispered into my ear.

"I promise." I whispered back before we both pulled away from the hug. He looked at us for a moment before walking back to his meeting. I felt bad that today could've been so well, but then it had to go so bad. If only there was a way to fix what had happened. But sadly, you cannot change the past.

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