Chapter Eleven: The Lestrange Tale

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Daddy, Leta, Tina, and I all eventually arrived at the Lestrange Mausoleum as the sun had finally disappeared into the sky and the moon took its place

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Daddy, Leta, Tina, and I all eventually arrived at the Lestrange Mausoleum as the sun had finally disappeared into the sky and the moon took its place. We entered the mausoleum and saw a bunch of sleeping statues, which represented the dead family members of the Lestrange Family.

Suddenly, Kama was pushed out of the darkness, pointing his wand at a large snake. "Move back! Move! Out of the way! If I must kill you as well as Corvus, I shall!" He yelled at the snake, oblivious to the four of us.

"Stop!" Leta raised her wand and pointed it at Kama, who turns around and finally spotted all of us. But Kama seemed more memorized at Leta; He looked at her as if she was a ghost that came back to life.

He moved closer to her and studied her closely, as if she was a bug in a jar. "Leta?"

Leta's eyes widened. "Yusuf?" She whispered in shock.

I looked behind Kama to see that the snake had magically turned into a woman with long black hair and a blue and black dress. Out of the darkness came Jacob and... Credence. He was still as pale and as meek as the first day I saw him.

"Credence!" I exclaimed and ran to the boy, hugging him tightly. "You're okay! You're alive."

"W-wait... E-Emma?" Credence asked me as he looked down at me in shock and smiled at me, "You're okay.."

"So are you." I said with a smile before looking up at Jacob with a more stern look. "And how did you get here, young man?"

"Oh, umm... Wondering off when I shouldn't have been." Jacob admitted to me awkwardly.

"Is it really you? My little sister?" I heard Kama ask to Leta before seeing daddy and Tina exchanged looks of confusion. Leta and Kama were related? Well, they did kind of look alike.

"So, he's your brother? So who am I?" Credence asked out loud.

"I don't know.." Leta admitted.

The Obscurus boy held a look of anger as he faced the two siblings, unprotected by anything. "I'm tired of living with no name and no history! Just tell me my story- Then you can end it."

"Your story is our story.." Kama replied, gesturing to him and Leta.

"What do you mean, Mr. Kama?" I asked innocently.

"My father was Mustafa Kama, a pureblood of Senegalese descent and most accomplished." He explained to all of us, sitting down his wand, "My mother, Laurena, was equally high-bred- A noted beauty. They were deeply in love. They knew a man of great influence, from a famous French pureblood family. He desired her."

"Who was this man?" I asked, walking over to the group and standing beside Credence.

"His name was Corvus Lestrange. He used the Imperius Curse to seduce and abduct her.." He continued before Tina let out a small gasp. "I tried to stop her and pull her back upstairs, but it was too late... That was the last time I ever saw her. She died, giving birth to a little girl." He glared at Leta, "You."

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