Chapter Seven: The Taming of the Zouwu

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A few hours later of trying to find the feather's owner, Jacob and I were rather hungry

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A few hours later of trying to find the feather's owner, Jacob and I were rather hungry. Like, seriously hungry. So, we asked daddy if we could get something to eat and we soon stopped at a French café to save a small snack and something to drink. Daddy and Jacob got some coffee while I got a small hot chocolate and a chocolate filled croissant. We even trapped the feather, who was still moving around, under a small glass dome.

While eating, a noticed a pair of lovers who were laughing over their own cups of coffee. It reminded me a little of Queenie and Jacob and how they behaved that first night in New York. What was crazy to me was that I had a thought of if my real parents ever laughed over coffee before I was born. Did they ever go on dates? Did they ever laugh together? And then another crazy thought came into my mind... Would I ever experience love in my crazy life?

"You know what I miss about Queenie? Everything. I even miss the stuff that drove me nuts. Like the mind reading.." Jacob sighed and looked at the both of us, seeing that I was paying attention but daddy was trying to find the man that the feather belonged to, "I was lucky to have someone like her even interested in anything I thought. You know what I mean?"

I shook my head at Jacob, not really understanding romantic love before seeing that daddy still wasn't paying attention. I sighed and gently tapped his shoulder. He then jumped and looked at us. "Sorry?"

"I was saying, you're sure the guy is here that we're looking for?" Jacob asked.

"Definitely. The feather says so." Daddy replied.

I looked down at the feather before seeing it pointing to a random direction. I looked at the direction and saw that it was pointing to a well dressed black man with a plain hat. "I think I found him." I exclaimed.

Daddy and Jacob blinked and looked at the man that I pointed out to be the man. Daddy lifted up the glass dome as the feather flew back over to his hat. "That's definitely him." Daddy said as we all got up from our table and followed the man.

"Umm... Excuse me, Monsieur?" I asked, tugging his shoulder. The man looked down at me with a confused look. "Bonjour, sir. We have couple of questions for you."

"Umm, yes, we were... We were actually just wondering if you'd come across a friend of ours?" Daddy asked.

"Her name is Tina Goldstein." Jacob added.

The man blinked and gave a small laugh. "Monsieurs, Madame, Paris is a large city."

"She's an Auror. When Aurors go missing, the ministry tend to come looking, so.. No, now I suppose it would probably be better if we just report her absence-" Daddy was about to walk away before the man stopped him.

"Wait, wait, is she tall? Dark, rather-" The man was cut off by the three of us.

"Intense?" Jacob asked.

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