Chapter Thirteen: The Price of Playing With Fire

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As the Aurors descended down to Grindelwald's spot on his stage, he gave a sickening grin and casted a spell

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As the Aurors descended down to Grindelwald's spot on his stage, he gave a sickening grin and casted a spell. "Protego diabolica." And with a small spin of his wand, a large but protective circled of black fire surrounded him.

Some of his followers walked through the fire, joining their cruel master, but there was one follower who was hesitant to go. "Don't do it!" I called to him.

He looked back at me before looking back at the fire, running into the fire... But then he was consumed and let out an ear piercing scream. I felt my stomach flip. This isn't what was supposed to happen.

"Aurors, join me in this circle, pledge to me your eternal allegiance, or die. Only here shall you know freedom, only here shall you know yourself." He spoke again before sending a wall of the flames into the air, which then descended down onto the Aurors. Thankfully, each one of them fought back.

"We're leaving!" Daddy said to me as he started to run through the seats to gather everyone we came with.

Suddenly, I saw an terrible sight; Credence walked through the fire and joined Grindelwald by his side, leaving Nagini alone, but thankfully she ran over to us in time. Tears started to stream down my face. "Credence, no!"

Credence looked up at me, pain on his face. "I'm sorry, Emma. You'll understand someday."

Grindelwald grinned at my crying face before embracing him like a prodigal son. "This has all been for you, Credence."

I was about to yell at him, trying to convince him to stop, but then I heard someone scream: "WALK WITH ME!"

I heard my head to see Jacob trying to pull Queenie away from the black flames. I couldn't believe this; She was going to join this monster. She stared at her fiancé with broken eyes before pulling away from him and walking through the flames, joining Grindelwald's side.

"QUEENIE!" Tina yelled to her sister, on the other side of the stands.

"QUEENIE, NO!" I yelled with her. I couldn't believe this. Credence, a boy who I thought that I could help, and Queenie, a woman who I looked up to, were joining this monster. This madman. This cruel demon. My heart felt as though it was breaking. As Credence and Queenie disapparated away from the scene.

Suddenly, Tina casted a curse at Grindelwald, but the circle of fire lashed out into violent spears. He seemed to be conducting the fires like an conductor in an orchestra, his wand as the baton, as the forks of the flames struck down on the Aurors that were fighting back, attempting to Disapparate, or flee through the closed entrance.

And then there were some that decided to lose their heads and run through the flames, joining Grindelwald by his side before disapparating away. Cowards.

"Emma! Newt!" Uncle Theseus yelled to us as he ran to our sides, daddy finally setting me down. "Are you both okay?"

I attempted to wipe away my tears. "Y-yes, we're fine." I lied, and it was obvious that I wasn't.

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