Chapter Five: Emma's Real Family

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I ran to the main window of the living room and watched as Queenie and Jacob argued in the street

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I ran to the main window of the living room and watched as Queenie and Jacob argued in the street. She looked very upset and it wasn't long before she disapparated away, leaving Jacob alone as it began to rain outside. "Oh, I guess the wedding's off, daddy." I announced as I walked back to where daddy was.

"Oh. Well, nothing we can do now." He said before noticing a small piece of a postcard on the floor.

"What's that, daddy?" I asked.

"I don't know, my dear. But let's find out." He drew of his wand and pointed it at the piece of the postcard, "Papyrus Reparo." And with that, the postcard started to reconstitute itself into a whole as it floated into the air. It was a postcard of Paris.

I grabbed a hold of it and turned it around. ""My dear Queenie, what a beautiful city. I'm thinking of you. Tina."" I read aloud, "She's in Paris! She must be looking for Credence too!"

Daddy's eyes shined a bit of determination in them as he leaned down to me. "My dear, I want you to go upstairs and pack as much clothing, toys, books, and colored pencils as you can. We're leaving for Paris tonight."

I gasped in happiness. "Really? But, what about my home?" I asked and pulled the card out of my dress pocket.

Daddy bit his lip. "We'll go there first and then to Paris. Deal?" He stuck out his hand for us to shake.

I smiled and shook his hand, sealing the deal. "Deal!"

"Good. Now, go get packed up." He said and kissed my forehead gently before we both ran off into two different directions.

I ran up the stairs into my room, opening the door and grabbing my backpack from our previous adventure. I began to shove in as many clothes, toys, books, stuffed animals, and many other things into the never ending backpack. I then grabbed my coat and a white hat before seeing Harry, my stuffed owl, laying on my bed. "Harry, come on! We're going on an adventure!" I exclaimed and grabbed him before running back downstairs. But then I saw Jacob, who was soaking wet from the rain outside.

"Emma, where are you going?" He asked curiously.

"We're going on an adventure, Jacob!" I exclaimed before looking down at our basement. "You have all your memories back, right?"

Jacob blinked and shrugged. "Only the good ones, as I said before."

"Good. Then follow me!" I exclaimed and grabbed Jacob's hand, pulling him down into our basement enclosure to find daddy. We ran passed a bunch of our creatures in their habitats and I even saw a few signs that were left for Bunty. I sighed; Of course he had to leave signs for her.

Eventually, we found daddy in his basement office, which was right by the Niffler enclosure. I saw his case and there was a large moving picture of Tina that he had torn out of a newspaper. There was also a small moving picture of him and I during our boat ride to New York. I smiled at the two pictures. "Daddy, are you here?" I called.

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