Chapter Fourteen: We Must Have Hope

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The next morning had came rather quickly, all of us wearing the clothes we wore during the battle

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The next morning had came rather quickly, all of us wearing the clothes we wore during the battle. I was tired and rather hungry, but I didn't feel like eating or sleeping.... Not after what we all experienced.

Leta was dead. Queenie and Credence had joined Grindelwald... And my heart had changed rather drastically.

I had had my heart broken by two people who I thought cared about me while a person I thought was cruel protected us. I knew what I had to do now that I had experienced what happened in Paris.

Protect my heart. Don't get attached to anyone outside the family and friends I already had. Trust no stranger. Be stronger, be mature, be a grown up.

And protect what family I had left.

We were waiting at the viaduct of Hogwarts, waiting for Dumbledore to come to us. With me was daddy, Uncle Theseus, Jacob, Tina, Nagini, Kama, Travers, and some Aurors. When I saw Hogwarts, I was rather surprised to see how beautiful the sight was. The castle was gigantic and it looked so gorgeous when the light shines upon the windows.

Daddy gently took my hand and looked down at me. "Why don't we say hello to Dumbledore, my dear?"

I nodded my head. "Okay, daddy." I then squeezed his hand tightly as we both walked to where Dumbledore stopped walking.

Dumbledore was still the same man from a few days again, but he seemed hollow-eyed. His calm nature that I adored was now gone. And he was also wearing, what appeared to be, handcuffs. "Emma, Newt. Is it true about Leta?"

"Yes, sir. I'm afraid she's gone." Daddy replied.

I tried my best not to cry, but a small sniff left me. Dumbledore saw this and kneeled down to me, pulling me into a gentle hug. "Oh, Emma, don't cry. Leta is in a much better place now. Besides, you shouldn't cry because she's gone." He pulled away and wiped away my tears with his thumb, "Be happy that you have the memories of her when she was alive."

"She'll always be with us, Emma. Even in our darkest moments." Daddy added, kneeling down beside me.

I nodded and gave a small smile. "Th-thank you both." I then dug into my pockets and pulled out the small vial. "Right, umm... Our Niffler managed to get this off of Grindelwald last night in Paris."

Dumbledore looked at the heart shaped vial in both torment and amazement. I gently handed it to him. "How in the name of Merlin did-"

"Grindelwald doesn't seem to understand the nature of things he considers simple." Daddy explained as the Niffler poked its head out of daddy's jacket.

Dumbledore chuckled sadly before looking back at the group behind us and raised up his hands, showing them the handcuffs he had on. A second later, the handcuffs instantly fell off of his wrists and let out a small sigh before we all stared at the vial.

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