Chapter Ten: Eye of the Salamander

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Tina, daddy, and I had eventually arrived at the Place De Furstemberg

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Tina, daddy, and I had eventually arrived at the Place De Furstemberg. Well, actually, we were in a nearby alleyway, but we were close to it. We looked over at the square where earlier we had seen a birdcage like elevator that led to the French Ministry.

"The box we need is in the ancestral records room. So, three floors down." Daddy explained before pulling out a tiny bottle.

"Is that Polyjuice?" Tina asked.

"Just enough to get me inside." Daddy replied before he looked down at his coat, finding a stray hair on his shoulder. He dropped into the opened bottle and drank it all. To our surprise, he turned into Uncle Theseus, but he still wore his normal clothing.

"Daddy, why are you going as Uncle Theseus?" I asked.

"Because, my dear, we're still not supposed to be in Paris. And I have no doubt that Theseus in here looking for us." Daddy said before looking down at me. He opened the case a little and pulled out a big hat, putting it on my head so it would cover my face. "There we go."

"I feel ridiculous." I commented in a monotone voice.

Daddy let out a small chuckle before he closed the case, taking mine and Tina's hands again as we ran to the elevator. After a short ride down, we made it inside the Ministrère Des Affaires Magiques, or the French Ministry of Magic. It was really pretty down here, it's a shame I didn't find time to enjoy it.

The three of us all ran down a corridor lined with all different types of pictures, but I could see that the Polyjuice potion was wearing off on daddy. "Daddy, the potion's wearing off." I whispered urgently.

"Yes, I know, my dear. We need to hurry." Daddy whispered back before turning to Tina, "I don't suppose you can disapparate on Ministry premises in France, can you?"

"No." Tina replied.

"Pity." He mumbled before the potion completely wore off, revealing himself again.

"Daddy, the potion!"

"Yes, I know, I know there's-"

It was too late. As soon as the potion wore off, every portrait along the corridor turned to daddy before an alarm sounded. "Emergency! Emergency! A tracked wizard, New Scamander, and an underage witch, Emma Scamander, have entered the department of magic!"

"Newt! Emma!" We looked over to see Uncle Theseus. Oh no, this wasn't good.

Daddy instantly took my hand as us and Tina ran as fast as we could away from my uncle. "That's your brother?" Tina asked.

"Yes! I think I may have mentioned in my letters we have quite a complicated relationship-" Daddy said quickly.

"He and I don't! We have a great relationship!" I added with pride before throwing off my large hat in order to stop him. However, my uncle just dodged it.

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