1 - parents evening

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'Thanks babe, I'll see you after' I said quietly to frank as he walked me to Form K and we stood outside the door
'You're alright, see you after' frank grunted but loving pressing his lips to mine before I opened the door and saw him turn around
'Sorry I'm la- what are you doing?' I questioned as I walked into my brother asleep on his desk and the rest of my form asleep on the tables
'Shit Brooke I thought you were pickwell, where have you been?' Alfie asked as I threw my bag down on the floor and sat next to joe
'Yeah, I couldn't find you anywhere this morning' Chantelle chimed in as she lifted her head along with the rest of them
'I went with frank while he had his smoke then I was talking to Fraser' I explained
'Ok, hangover class resumed' Alfie said as everyone went back to sleep and I pulled out my phone to text Frank

'Thanks babe, I'll see you after' I said quietly to frank as he walked me to Form K and we stood outside the door'You're alright, see you after' frank grunted but loving pressing his lips to mine before I opened the door and saw him turn around 'S...

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'Miss Wickers put your phone away please' pickwell said as she walked into form, waking everyone up
'And that is how quiet Anne Frank had to be while hiding' Alfie stuttered out as I slipped my phone into my pocket
'Mr Wickers I need your papers' pickwell said sternly
'You want to see my papers?' Alfie joked in an unserious German accent that no one laughed at
'The mock exam papers, mr Wickers' pickwell muttered, uninterested in the conversation
'Has anyone ever told you that you'd make a good ss officer?' Alfie asked and I winced at his poor joke
'Yes. Now should we just do this in my office?' Miss pickwell sighed and Alfie followed her out of the room
With everyone now being wide awake, the original positions were found except Chantelle and Stephen were now sitting on my table while I stayed on my chair
'So you stayed at graysons again?' Stephen asked and rolled his eyes at my choice of boyfriend
'Yes Stephen' I laughed 'that is what people who have been dating for three years normally do'
'I just don't see what you see in him' Joe butted in but I didn't mind, I loved Joe like a brother
'He's lovely, honestly. You don't really understand him' I smiled slightly
'But you could do so much better babes' my bestfriend said as she adjusted her shirt over her boobs
'I couldn't' I smiled and as if on cue Frank walked through the door
'Where's downtown?' He asked Joe with an eyebrow cocked as he looked around the room
'H-he's g-gone with pickwell' Joe stammered in fear
'There you go' Frank half smiled as he handed me the bottle of Diet Coke I asked for
'You're the best' I smiled widely as I pulled him down to give him a quick peck
'Get a room' rem dog shouted
'Shut up rem' I laughed and Frank looked sternly at him
'See you after yeah?' I asked as he made his way to the door
'Yeah, I love you' he said sternly so no one would laugh
'I love you too' I chuckled at his angry face then turned to face my friends again as he left
'He is somewhat cute with you but you're too good for him' Stephen said
'But they are super cute together you have to admit that' Chantelle squealed and I rolled my eyes jokingly
'Im gonna go guys' I said as I pulled on my coat, grabbing my bag from the floor and walking slowly to pickwells form which was also lacking a teacher.
Frank motioned his head for me to come in and his form all stopped their loud conversations to look at us, we're kind of the school couple. Kind of like the movies where the girlfriend is friendly and innocent and the boyfriend is stern and everyone is scared of him, so they're also scared to say anything about the girlfriend - yeah that cliche.
'Jump the fence at break?' Frank asked as I sat on his lap and he put one arm on my back and one over my thighs
'No can do Frank, I've homework due for maths that I need to do' I smiled sweetly and played with his tie
'Fuck the homework, I know something much more fun' he smirked and I pouted slightly
'You know I'd love to babe but I need to do my homework' I chuckled slightly
'Fine we'll stay here at break' Grayson finally gave in 'but you come and stay at mine tonight, to make it up to me'
'Yes boss' I half joked and smirked as I leaned forward to kiss his jaw gently, causing it to clench
'Class I have good news and bad news, which do you want?' Alfie said as we all walked in from break
'The bad news' jing spoke quickly
'Well jing the good news is that today's history module is pearl harbour and you know what that means' Alfie said excitedly drumming the table that I had my feet resting on 'it's class wars!'
We all jumped up and moved the tables back as Alfie explained the events and gave out roles.
'Wait, sir, what was the bad news?' Joe asked worriedly
'Alf I don't feel well' I said at the same time as Joe, sitting down on a chair near me
'Are you ok babes?' Chantelle asked, running over to me worriedly
'I'm fine, just went a bit dizzy' I breathed heavily, gripping the table slightly
'Brooke, do you want the nurse?' Alfie asked me quickly as jing rubbed my back
I could even answer before I stood up and ran to the bin, falling to my knees and throwing up everything I had eaten in the last 24 hours into it.
'Someone get Grayson' Chantelle said as she held my hair back
'Not me' the whole class including Alfie said at the same time
'Joe?' Alfie asked hopefully as I continued to be violently sick
'No way, no not this time Alfie' Joe said abruptly
'I'll get him' Mitchell said, rubbing my back supportively as he walked out the door
Not a minute later Frank came running in with Mitchell behind him. Chantelle moved out of his way and he picked my weak body up from the floor and pulled me into him.
'What happened to her?' Frank growled angrily but I couldn't see who at as I clung to his shirt
'She just felt dizzy and then she was sick' Alfie said 'you can take her home Grayson'
'Obviously I'm taking her home downtown' Frank snarled as he picked up my bag and coat, wrapping my coat around my shoulders and holding my bag in his left hand with his right arm around my waist to keep me close to him
'Thanks guys' I smiled to my form as we left the room and walked to the exit where the gate was already unlocked
'Are you sure you're ok?' Frank asked for the 100th time as we walked into mine and Alfie's flat
'Yes gray, I just had a hot flush' I said as we collapsed back onto the sofa
'You're sure youre both ok? He asked worriedly
'Yes babe, we're fine' I smiled
But I knew what was really wrong. I just needed to be sure.

My Lover (A Frank Grayson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now