11 - funeral (part 1)

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'Hello Isobel, we have your friends Malcolm here' Mitchell said in a strange accent down the phone to pickwell as we all crowded around the desk of a different classroom
'An elementary mistake rookie, I have no friends' she replied and I could almost hear her stern face through the phone 'what I do have is a particular set of skills, a set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you'
'Hello Isobel, Malcolm here' Alfie said in an even funnier voice 'the million pound question is, is miss pickwell a) a demon headmaster in drag, b) rose mcwest, c) Andy murrays mother or d) an angry Scottish chicken?'
With that, we heard our trap that Mitchell meticulously planned go off, covering pickwell in sticky gloop and then blowing feathers at her, turning her into a chicken.
'Whys pickwell not in?' I asked Frank as we sat in science
'Dunno, the supply said Fraser would tell us in an assembly, we have it instead of this lesson' Frank replied
'Quick give me your hand' I said quickly as I felt our daughter kick
Frank held his hand out for me to guide and I pressed it to where she was kicking, making his face light up and miss gulliver watch us with a smile.
'Sorry miss, she's just kicking' I smiled
'It's fine, the baby is biology' she grinned
'It's just me and daddy, kick for daddy' I whispered to my bump as I moved franks hand down a bit
As if she was listening, a tiny foot was brought up where I was holding his hand and he smiled so widely at the thought of our baby
'Ok guys, we have assembly now instead of lesson so we should go' Rosie said as she ordered us out of the class after doing the register
We walked down the corridor in a straight line, I was between Frank and Chantelle as we were led into the hall and sat on the second row. I brushed a hand through my hair and looked around the nearly filled up hall.
'Ok guys before we begin, this is a serious topic so no laughing at all, even though the King of banter is stood before your very eyes' fraser spoke into the microphone and I rolled my eyes 'miss pickwell has sadly passed away'
I gulped in shock and as a sense of sadness overwhelmed my body, I felt Frank tense up next to me and I reached for his hand, squeezing in reassuringly.
'Basically, she was hiking when a bear approached her and she tried to fight it off but then the bear ripped her face clean off' Fraser spoke aggressively with hand motions aswell making everyone looked shocked 'one swipe. Blood bath. Face everywhere. The paramedic found her eyebrow up a tree'
'Oh my god' I whispered as the graphic imagery made bile stir in my stomach
'In other news' Fraser said in a happy jolly voice now 'tomorrow is Morocco day! This festival has to be tagine to be believed, thank you'
One girl at the front burst out crying and I looked over sympathetically as I wanted to do the same thing but held myself together at least while everyone was there.
'History' Alfie started with a petrified look on his face 'history is all about dead people so hypothetically do you think ghosts exist? They don't right?'
'Alf, can I go to the bathroom?' I asked while standing up
'Yeah' he said quickly still in a very nervous voice
I walked out of the room and strolled down the corridor with my phone in my hand to text Grayson.


Brooke: can you come to the stairs? I want to see you x

Frank❤️: on my way, I'll be one sec x

I brushed the stray tears that were leaving my eyes as I was looking down and saw a pair of familiar legs sit next to me, and then a pair of familiar arms pull me into their chest and rub my back.
'Is it pickwell?' Frank asked as he swayed us and I cried, I felt one or two of his tears hit my hand
'I can't believe she's gone, she's dead' I cried 'I know not many people liked her but we always got along so well'
'She left a video for me, it was my fault' Frank said, straining his voice
'No, no' I cooed, sitting up and wrapping my arms around him this time 'it was definitely not your fault'
'I can't believe she's dead' he said and I nodded, brushing my tears away
'Well Chantelle text and said that Alfie thinks pickwells haunting him so they're planning a big funeral thing' i said, reading the messages from my bestfriend

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