2 - sex education

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'Here's dick and dick in a bungalow' Frank laughed dryly as he took a picture of my brother and Joe coming out of the ladies toilets together
'Leave it out babe' I said and tapped his arm but his minions were already laughing so I knew he wouldn't
'Well that's actually a compliment because they won two children's baftas' Alfie said smugly
'Fuck sake alf' I muttered and rolled my eyes, putting my hands on franks toned stomach to try and take him away
'And what's this?' Alfie asked
'Taking a picture of you two butt nuggets leaving the ladies, I'm twitpicing that shit' Frank replied
'Frank come on, will you just leave it' I sighed
'Don't be a dick' my brother huffed
'Chill out flippers' Frank replied with his facing looking so good in the light
'Someone's been reading pickwells graffiti I see' Alfie said and I rolled my eyes again, knowing Frank wrote it all
'That's my graffiti init' he said nonchalantly
'Covering for her, I'm surprised. You're many things Grayson but I didn't think you could be bored' Alfie seethed
'Oh shut up jumper' my boyfriend spat and I pulled away from him, walking down the corridor away from them all
'Babe?' Frank called after me
'I'm going to find Chantelle' I huffed so he knew I was annoyed that he was doing this and turned my back on them but I could here my brothers voice still arguing
'Chants, Stephen' I shouted as I walked out of the doors and saw them sitting on the wall
'Hey babe' they both said at the same time as I hugged them both
'What's up? You look annoyed' Chantelle asked as he held my hand
'Just Frank and Alfie arguing again' I said and shook my head 'and I'm really worried'
'Why are you worried babes? You know they don't really hate eachother' Stephen said as he rubbed my arm
'That's not what I'm worried about' I said but before I could carry on, the bell went, meaning we had to go to form
We walked through the corridor and I saw Frank on the stairs with his two minions, or friends as they like to call eachother.
'Brooke' Frank called with his booming voice making some of the younger kids jump
'What Frank?' I sighed and the younger kids softened and continued walking 'I'll catch you up babes'
'I'm sorry about earlier' he said quietly as I walked over to him and his group
'No you're not Frank, and it's ok because it's who you are' I said and shrugged 'I know what you're like'
'So you're not angry?' He asked and pulled me to his chest where I wrapped my arms around his waist
'I wasn't ever angry at you, I didn't mean to take it out on you earlier and I'm sorry' I said as I pulled from the hug slightly
'Nah you're alright' he smiled and kissed my forehead
'I'm going to form, don't wanna be late for that assembly, see you later yeah' I smiled slightly
'Yeah, I love you' he called as I walked down the corridor, making more younger kids watch us in awe
'I love you too' I called back and blew a kiss before walking quickly to my form
'It's assembly day' Stephen smiled as him Chantelle and some other girls were dressed in questionable track suits
'Are you sure you don't want to do the dance with us?' Chantelle asked me as I sat on my table
'No thanks, Frank would kill me dancing like that infront of everyone' I half laughed but it was true
'Well, see you soon then' Chantelle said as she hugged me and then walked back over to Stephen
The rest of my form all walked towards the hall where we were sitting to watch the performance. As we passed the stairs I saw that Frank wasn't there anymore so he must've gone to tutor.
I took my seat next to jing and looked up at the stage as 'do it like a dude' by Jessie J came on. I bobbed my head to the music but I froze as soon as they started dancing in their barely there outfits. My jaw dropped and I looked round to see Fraser and my brother standing behind the row of parents. I stood up, trying to cause as less of a scene as I could, and walked round to the back to meet them both where they were standing.
'What is this?' I whisper shouted
'Stephen organised it' Alfie said quickly with his hands up in surrender
'So neither of you thought to check what they were doing?' I asked with one eyebrow raised
'I thought Alf had it under control' Fraser said
'You think this will put all of theses parents minds at ease?' I asked dumbfounded
'The one person in this school who has any sense' one of the parents said as he stood up 'and she's a student'
The music ended and the group left the stage, presumably to put on their questionable tracksuit bottoms again. I walked away from the dumb duo and sat on graysons lap, who was sitting at the end of a row.
We all sat in an awkward silence while we knew every other class was in a discussion about sex education.
'Yeah...so...we're all comfortable talking about sex' Alfie finally said awkwardly
'Your sister is sir, I caught her and Grayson in the boys toilets the other day' Mitchell shouted
'Jealous you don't get any?' I joked back as I turned to face him with a grin on my face
'Enough please' Alfie said as he cringed and knew what Mitchell was saying is the truth
'I give up, I don't know how to do it' Alfie sighed after drawing various diagrams on the board
'Oi sir why don't you draw a frogs dick on the board so Joe knows what he'll be sucking on next week' Mitchell laughed once again
'You're an idiot' Alfie said seriously 'look, Joe, you might like it'
I zoned out after that and pulled my phone out of my pocket, keeping it hidden under the desk

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