14 - drugs

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'And so they said I have to move schools' Stephen finished with tears streaming down his face and me and Chantelle both hugging him, jing handing him tissues
'What's happened?' Alfie asked as he entered the room
'It's his parents' Chantelle said
'They're taking me away from abbey grove' Stephen explained 'they say it's not academical enough'
'What? You can't leave' Alfie exclaimed 'have your parents even seen the league tables?'
'The league tables where we're ranked below two orphanages and a kennel?' Jing said and we all nodded
'They want me to be some boring lawyer' Stephen said 'sir are you and miss gulliver cool at the mo?'
'Yeah, she broke up with Alex so I think I have just enough time to seduce her before she remembers her self worth and all of that' Alfie said
'Gonna give her a knob to cry on sir?' Mitchell jeered
'Oh no sorry Mitchell I think your mums consoling herself on it tonight' Alfie jeered back
My phone bleeped and i pulled it out from my pocket, letting my eyes skim the message.
'Frank saying sorry?' Mitchell half joked and half said seriously
'Sorry for what?' Alfie asked me very quickly
'We just got into an argument Alfie stop being so protective' I giggled 'and Mitchell, shut up'

Frank❤️: answer your fucking phone Brooke

Brooke: who are you talking too?

Frank❤️: I just wanted to know you were ok, just talk to me x

Brooke: I don't want to talk about it Frank x

Frank❤️: but I saw what she texted you and you're sad about it x

Brooke: she's my mum not yours, we'll talk in person, not a screaming match this time x

Frank❤️: I love you and bump x

Brooke: I love you and bump too x

'What's that all about?' Rem dogg asked me sympathetically as him and Mitchell red my messages over my shoulder and the rest of the class stopped talking to listen
'Dad must've told mum I'm pregnant, she texted me saying I'm no daughter of hers and I'm a slut' I shrugged and put my phone in my pocket 'Frank wanted me to talk about it so I felt better but I snapped'
Everyone pulled me into a hug.
'Anyway it's not important, I'm fine' I said with a smile 'now how are we going to convince Stephens parents?'
'Ok guys so there's going to be no history class today' miss gulliver said as she walked into the room and everyone except jing cheered 'I'm going to do my drugs presentation followed by a question and answer'
'I've got a question miss' Mitchell shouted and I chuckled know it wouldn't be serious
'Yes?' She replied
'Is it true police dogs can't smell skunk if it's in a bottle of femfresh?' He asked
'I sincerely doubt it' she replied
'Oh man, does anyone want some femfresh?' Rem dogg groaned
'Shut up, let Miss speak' I shouted
'Thank you Brooke' she smiled and carried in a cardboard cut out of a woman
'Now can anyone imagine how hard life is for Maria?' Miss said in a solemn voice 'a Mexican drug mule'
'Whew yeah if I was eating Mexican food everyday I wouldn't be able to keep anything in my ass' Alfie joked
'What do people like Maria need?' Miss gulliver asked
'Hair straighteners' Stephen said loudly
'Yeah Mitchell, buy your girlfriend some hair straighteners' I laughed pointing at the cardboard cut out
'And maybe some makeup to sort out this car crash' Alfie nodded and pointed at her face
'No, no' miss gulliver interrupted 'what people like Maria need is our respect'
'Gs, hustlers, crisis averted' Fraser said as he strolled through the door 'your drugs counsellor has arrived'
'No no no because I'm in the middle of my drugs talk' miss shook her head as Fraser pulled her to the side
'Very sweet miss gulliver but I have a professional up my wizards sleeve' Fraser hummed 'meet India'
With that a hippie woman walked in and as expected she introduced herself in the most annoying hippie voice I have ever heard.
'Can I go to the nurse?' I whispered to Fraser who was stood at the door directly opposite me with Rosie
'Why?' Fraser whispered back
'Period pains' I said sarcastically and Rosie smiled at me knowing I just didn't want to stay in the talk, I picked up my bag along with my coat and walked out quietly as Fraser nodded
I strolled down the corridor absentmindedly until I felt my phone buzz repeatedly in my pocket, without hesitating I flung my coat over my other arm along with my bag and picked up the phone.
'Yes?' I said annoyed as I held the phone to my ear and continued strolling down the corridor
'You didn't answer my texts earlier Brooke, I'm your mother I'm worried' she huffed
'Give it a rest' I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me 'you left the country to start a new family when I was 9'
'It isn't all about you' she snapped 'I had to have a life aswell'
Just as I was about to snap back at her a sight that made my anger levels rise even more came into my view and I clenched my jaw.
'I have to go, block my number I don't want you to contact me again' I said fake calmly before hanging up the phone, putting in my pocket and putting my bag and coat down on the stairs before strolling over to Frank who was in the empty corridor talking to a girl in the year below us
'So I just need three tickets' she finished her sentence as I walked up behind Frank and stood next to him to face her
'Hi I'm Brooke, I don't think we've met' I said in a scarily calm voice to control the anger I was feeling today
'I'm jada' the girl smiled and I smiled as best as I could buy you could tell it was fake
'So jada, what are you doing out of lesson with grayson?' I asked and Frank flinched beside me as he knew I only called him Grayson when I was annoyed
'His brother has the best parties and there's one this weekend, I was trying to get tickets' she stuttered
'Mmm?' I hummed and clenched my jaw again 'you should get back to your lesson'
With that, she scurried off in the opposite direction and I watched her walk into Mrs mollingsons class before I span on my heel and walked slowly back to the stairs
'Brooke, it really wasn't anything, she just wanted tick-' Frank said as he stood behind me, I was facing the stairs and sorting out my bag
'Leave me alone' I said dryly and held back my tears
'Babe' he sighed and held my arm gently, one tear fell and I quickly wiped it with my free hand
'I said leave me alone' I struggled out
'Come here, it's alright' Frank sighed as he heard me start crying and span me round to face him, pulling me into his chest and cradling me as he swayed us
'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you deserve better than me' I cried into his chest and he squeezed me harder
'I don't deserve you at all, I've never deserved you' Frank cooed 'shhh it's ok, it's alright'
'I can't do this anymore' I cried but less this time as I calmed down a bit
'We have one month to go and then we're one step closer to these mood swings being gone' he hummed
The bell rang, signalling that lessons were over so I pulled myself together before releasing myself from the hug and taking a deep breath.
'I love you Frank, so much, thank you for everything' I smiled at Frank as I picked up my bag and coat
'Good, you had me worried calling me Grayson' he joked 'I love you more though'
'How could he stop liking Rosie for that?' I said disgustedly to Chantelle and Stephen as we walked up to where Alfie and India were sat having lunch together
'I know right, she's tots ugly' Chantelle huffed
'Sir my parents don't want to speak to miss gulliver, only to you' Stephen said as we got to their table
'Smart' Alfie said, trying to act cool in front of India so I scoffed
'Something not chill little pregnant girl?' India asked in her stupid hippie voice
'Only you making my brother act differently Pakistan' I smiled sarcastically
'It's India' she smiled back just as sarcastically
'And suddenly I'm bored, I'm gonna go find anyone that talks like a real human' I smiled and walked away from the table
'Hey, what's wrong?' Mitchell asked me as I walked past him and Rem dogg, my face was clearly still annoyed
'Oh everything if you really wanna get into it' I shook my head as I stopped to talk to them
'Like what?' Rem dogg asked
'Like my mum or lack of, my dad being well not great, and now India has got my brother being different aswell' I sighed, saying Indias name in a stupid hippie voice and playing with my hair 'it's probably just my hormones, I can't wait for this to be over'
'You've got one month to go' Mitch smiled 'you've handled everything for 8 months, and before that, you'll be fine'
'Thanks guys' I smiled 'I should probably go and make sure Frank hasn't got about 100 people shoved in their lockers'
'Why's your brother phoning me?' Frank asked with a frown as he looked down at his phone, we were sat on the stairs with Andre and the rest of the group with my legs over franks and my back against the wall
'Don't know, let it go to answerphone' I shrugged
'He left a voicemail' Frank said as more of a question
'Put it on speaker' I said quickly and sat up more
Yo Frankensteinnnn. It's mr Wickers here, yeah wicki-wicki Wickers. I was just wondering bro if I could just bum a couple of ticki-boos to the old ravage guestlistage. Anyway, give me a bell back bro, laters, love you. I don't love you, that's my sisters job. Bye.
'Oh my god' I finally said after we all sat in silent confusion 'Ben would never let them into his rave, first that year 10 and now my brother. Ew'
'What a muppet' Frank laughed and the rest of his group laughed with him
Me and Frank were standing with my arm around his back and his over my shoulders facing Andre who was leant against the wall finishing his story. Me and Frank laughed at how passionate Andre was until Alfie walked over and we stopped straight away.
'Sappening?' Alfie said me and Frank turned to face him 'did you get my message?'
'For you and India?' I asked sarcastically, saying Indias name the same way I said it earlier
'20 quid a bloke, women go free' Frank said in his usual scary voice
'Well it's for me and my sexy date' Alfie said
'Well that's 40 then' Frank replied and I laughed
'Erm yeah my dates a woman' Alfie said
'Yeah but she's a bitch, and a tree shagger so it's 40 quid' I said quickly
'If I give you 40 quid it's in no way a confession' Alfie said as he handed Frank £40 and Frank rolled it
'Also, my date wants to try a certain thing tonight' Alfie said, lowering his voice
'Well make sure he knows the safe word and don't pull it out too quickly' Frank spoke lowly and I chuckled as Frank put the £40 into the waistband of my knickers
'I'm talking about drugs' Alfie said a bit louder this time 'apparently this drug makes you think time is an ice cream'
'Yeah, 50 quid a scoop' Frank said and Alfie pulled out a £50 note quicker that lightening and handed it to Frank who put it in the waistband of my knickers again
'Ah did you just ask me to buy you drugs?' Frank asked loudly, pretending to be shocked
'Obviously' Alfie laughed and Frank shook his head 'oh god, you're blackmailing me aren't you?'
'Mm' Frank nodded 'yeah'
'Maybe your tree fingering date should've got her own drugs' I shrugged with a smile
'What do you mean none of you sell drugs?' Alfie asked as I walked in the class late 'all I can say is I'm very disappointed in you'
'Drugs working out then?' I asked as I sat down
'I can't believe you let Frank do that to me' Alfie said
I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair
'Don't hate the player' I said happily
'Why do you need drugs anyway?' Joe asked from his seat next to me
'Because I'm going on a date with India' Alfie replied
'Well why can't you just buy them yourself?' Joe retorted
'Because a) I'm a teacher b) Grayson stole all my money and c) I made the drug up in the first place' Alfie said 'so do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?'
'Sir, apparently you spoke to my dad' Stephen said, interrupting the previous conversation
'Yeah look, I'll apologise about that as soon as I've sorted out this really important thing' Alfie said
'Sir, Stephen dad is going to-' Chantelle started as Stephen put his head in his hands and Chantelle hugged him
'Chantelle, please. I must insist' Alfie cut her off 'this is my thinking face'
'That's why she didn't recognise it' jing said without looking up from her book, earning a laugh from me
'Aha boom squared' Alfie shouted happily as he stood up 'do you know what face this is Chantelle?'
'Is it your cum-' she started
'Don't even say that' Alfie stopped her again at the same time I let out an 'errrr yuck'
'This is my had a brilliant idea face' Alfie smiled
'Also one we don't see very often' I spoke to Joe
'If I can't buy the drug, I'll make the drug' Alfie grinned
'Are you mad?' Jing asked, closing her book and putting on the table as she leaned forward
'It can't be that hard to invent drugs' he shrugged 'Mitchell you're my head chef'
'Sir professor green wants to see you' a girl in our year said as she put her head round the door
'Can you tell professor green to swivel on that?' Alfie asked putting a middle finger up and the girl left
'No, I didn't mean that, don't tell her that' we heard Alfie yell as he followed the girl down the corridor
'Well I'm out, later losers' I grinned as I stood up
Mitchell threw a paper ball at my head as I reached the door with a smile on his face, I flipped him off with a grin and stuck my tongue out at him as I left.
'You really are liabilities aren't you?' I joked as I walked into the science lab to see my form crowed around lots of equipment with a beaker of pills covered in Nutella in Alfie's hand
'Alfie it stinks in here' Rosie said as she walked through the door straight after me 'and what is that?'
'This my old friend is the new legal high' Alfie replied as I took off my coat
'Please tell me you are not cooking drugs with children' she said worriedly as she walked over to them
'That would make him a liar miss' I said as I walked behind her after putting my bag and coat at the front
'Do you realise how irresponsible you're being?' She scoffed at Alfie and Alfie scoffed back
'Babe you really need to chill out' he scoffed again 'maybe you should take a leaf out of Indias book'
'If I hear that name one more time I'll blow the fucking country up, she's changing you Alfie' I groaned
'Brooke's right, what book is that?' Rosie sassed '50 shades of bitch? The great twatsbry?'
'Huckleberry finger-a-tree' I laughed at my own joke along with Rosie and jing
'Ok obviously that ones not a book' Alfie said 'or is it?'
'Alfie in the classroom just be a teacher and with women just be yourself' Rosie sighed and turned to face the door
'Be myself?' Alfie asked and Rosie nodded as she walked towards the door 'so you're that jealous that you want me to just die a virgin'
'So apparently Alfie took those drugs they made and acted like a mermaid infront of Stephen parents, but he's allowed to stay at the school' I giggled to Frank as we sat on his sofa
'What a bellend' he laughed as his brother walked through the door
'Alright bro? Alright Brooke?' He nodded at us
'Yeah thanks, oh and Ben' I smiled at him 'if someone called India turns up at your rave, tell security not to let her in'
'Will do lil mama' he grinned at me before leaving the room
'Well that's not very nice' Frank joked
'Shut up and give me a kiss' I chuckled, pulling our lips together as Frank pushed me back to lay down over the sofa

⭕️2893 words of this chapter

⭕️I am so so so sorry for the long wait, I hope it was worth it

⭕️thank you all for your constant support

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