17 - jealous

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'How are you, you know after yesterday?' Rem dogg asked as we walked in the gate, I already had a visitors badge and I was carrying the baby in a car seat rather than her pram as Alfie drove us this morning
'It was the first night we spent apart since before I was pregnant so bit shit but what can you do?' I shrugged with a small smile
'Did he talk to you?' He asked
'He was blowing up my phone and came to the flat but Alfie answered the door and told him I needed time away from him for at least the night' I sighed
'What about Stephen?' Mitchell questioned as we entered the building and walked towards form
'Erm I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do about that' I sighed 'I am really hurt and annoyed that he would you know, I can't say it, that he would do that even if it was written in the script'
'Brooke' I heard a booming voice that could only belong to one person, but even though the voice was loud it was fragile and gentle as if he would break me if he spoke in his normal tone
I stopped walking and bit my lip slightly, turning to face Frank who was walking towards us.
'I know you don't want to speak to me, you have every right to feel how you're feeling' he sighed as he reached us 'but please can I just see the baby, I haven't seen her all night'
I put the car seat on the floor and took the blanket off of her body, I undid the belt and took the baby out carefully before handing her to him.
'Hey baby girl' he said with a smile and I looked at my hands 'I missed you so much'
'We should probably talk later' I spoke quietly, looking up to his face and he looked shocked that I had spoken to him
'Y-yeah we should' he stammered, looking back at me
'You can go on without me boys, I'll meet you in form' I said to Mitchell and Rem dogg who looked at me to ask if I'm sure and I nodded
'I know you don't want to hear it Brooke but I am so sorry' Frank pleaded after they were gone
'I know' I breathed out with tears forming but not spilling, Frank looked shocked that I wasn't being angry or shouting at him 'but I am really really hurt by it Frank'
'I know you are and that really hurts me, I am so sorry' he strained out
'I don't want this to be the end of us but I need to know that you don't like him' I said and held our baby's hand who was in his arms
'I promise you, swear on everything, I don't like him' Frank said and he sounded genuine
'Do-do you' I stammered and couldn't finish my question before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, when I opened them I asked it clearly 'do you like boys?'
'No, no Brooke I promise you I only girls and failing that, I only like you' he shook his head and stepped closer to me
'Do you still love me?' He asked quietly even though the corridor was empty so it echoed a bit
'Of course I do, if I didnt love you that much I wouldn't be this hurt' I half smiled
'Good because I really love you too and I'm going to make this up to you' he sighed in relief and clipped the baby back in her car seat
'Yesterday after the performance, why did you go and sit with Stephen at dinner?' I asked lowly
'Because I thought we all needed to talk about it, there was a seat next to me for you so that we could clear it up that we don't like eachother' Frank said genuinely and I nodded my head a little
'Frank I believe you that you don't like him and that you don't like boys but I saw the way Stephen looked at you when you spoke and he blushed so hard when you said his dance was good' I said and picked up the car seat 'I think he does like you and that's really hard for me'
'Lemme take her, it's heavy' Frank said and took the car seat out of my hands as we walked towards my form which I was grateful for 'even if Stephen has a crush, I love you and I would never ever be interested'
'Well thanks' I tried to smile as we stood outside, everyone must've been watching
'I love you' he said and tried to kiss me but I moved my head to the side so he kissed my cheek
'Right, sorry, habit' Frank said and kissed the baby's head before handing me the car seat and walking off awkwardly
'Frank' I called but still quite quietly, he turned to me 'I love you too'
I walked in and everyone's eyes were on me after my breakdown yesterday. In the corner of my eye I could see Stephen and Chantelle staring at me extra hard to try and get my attention but I didn't look over, I just turned the corners of my mouth up towards Mitchell and Rem dogg and then sat down.
'Sorry I'm late again' I said to Alfie after putting the car seat the same place I had the pram yesterday
'It's fine, you're not even here for school hours you're a visitor' he said
'Wagwarn guys' Fraser said on stage in assembly 'wassuppp'
'Morning' a few of the people in the audience mumbled and I was stood backstage with the two girls from the school choir that were being my back up singers
'As some of you may know, our very own Brooke Wickers just had a baby and to welcome her back we decided to ask her what she does best' Fraser said and I smiled happily 'she hasn't performed in two years so here to perform her song 'zipper' to you all, Brooke Wickers'
Everyone was clapping and cheering as I walked out with the two backing singers that were both dressed in black bodysuits with short black shorts. They stood at either side of me but very behind and I walked to the front centre microphone stand dressed in a long pink jumper that was franks and fell to my mid thigh with heel boots. Franks jaw physically dropped when he saw me, he always got turned on at me in just his hoodies, this was my way of publicly getting back at him I guess. I looked directly into his eyes through the whole song with every seductive and suggesting line and move.
Lyrics - italic stage directions - bold

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