3 - self defense

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'I have huge huge news but you can't tell anyone' I said sternly as me, Chantelle and Stephen sat on the stairs before school actually started
'Pinky padlock promise' they said at the same time and we all locked pinkies
'Well me and Frank have been waiting for ages to tell everyone but' I hesitated with a small smile 'I'm pregnant'
'Oh my god' Chantelle and Stephen screamed at the top of their lungs making some other kids eye is weirdly
'Shh shh' I laughed as they hugged me
'How far along?' Chantelle squealed
'I was Three months last week' I grinned 'we found out when I was 6 weeks but obviously you're meant to wait until three months to tell people because then is semi certain'
'Oh babes I am so excited, we're gonna be aunties' Chantelle said ecstatically
'Well I'll be an uncle babes but I'm still so excited' Stephen squealed and they hugged eachother
'Come on, it's half past, lets go to form' I said, pulling myself up off the stairs
'Have you got a bump?' Stephen asked quietly as him and Chantelle stood up
'Yeah, that's why I've been wearing this baggy jumper, to hide it' I laughed
'Oh my god, can we see? Please?' Chantelle asked
'Come on then' I said and pulled them behind the stairs
I lifted my jumper and revealed my quite big bump exposed by the lack of buttons I had done up. Because of my growing stomach and the fact I hadn't told Alfie yet my shirts couldn't button up comfortable past the bottom of my bra so my entire balloon sized belly was on show without my jumper. Chantelle and Stephen went mad with awes and put their hands all over my stomach.
'When do you find out if it's a boy or a girl?' Chantelle asked
'At five months' I smiled and pulled my jumper back down before we all headed towards our class
'Is Grayson happy?' Stephen asked
'He was scared at first, we both were. But now he's really excited, we told his mum last night' I grinned
'Now hush, I need to tell Alfie, I might just tell him now' I said as we stood outside class then we walked in
Everyone was asleep or had a their head on the tables. We all looked at eachother as we sat down.
'Stupid game' I muttered as I sat down, I hadn't played it but Frank was obsessed
'Guys there's something very important I need you to do' Alfie started as he walked through the door but interrupted himself when Joe gave him a frappe
'Thanks' he said shocked
'No problem, it's on the house, because that what friends do- they buy things for eachother' Joe said as Alfie flicked through the register and papers and then threw them to jing for her to deal with
Joe explained to my brother about the latest craze with Chantelle and Stephen explaining why they play it, as well as everyone else.
'Can I have a word outside Alf?' I asked as the conversation ended
'Yeah' Alfie replied but more as a question then a statement and Chantelle and Stephen gave me a thumbs up
'I'm just gonna do it like a plaster' I breathed out as he closed the door
'What's wr-' he started as I spoke over him
'I'm three months pregnant' I sighed
'You're what?' Alfie asked, but he wasn't angry
'You heard me Alf, I just needed to tell you before I told everyone else' I said and put a hand on my belly
'A bump?' Alfie questioned as he saw where my hand was
'Yeah, we can talk more about this tonight' I said as I put my hand on the handle to let us back in
'I'm here for you little sis' he smiled quickly and put a hand on my back
'What was that about dumb and dumber?' Mitchell laughed as we entered the room
'I dont know Mitchell, maybe we should ask Grayson who he thinks you called dumber' I said with a straight face
'N-no I was joking, I'm so-' he stuttered
'I'm joking dickhead, get a grip' I laughed as the rest of them laughed along and I sat down
'Y-yeah I knew that, I'm not scared of him' Mitchell faked a brave act
'Mhm let him know that' I said without turning around
'Guys stop' Alfie began 'listen, I need you to get ahold of some weapons. Bats, flip knives, chains, think outside the box and bring anything you find into lunch'
We all left the room as the bell went for us to go to our next lesson, it was science so most of our form was in my class along with Frank who I sat with at the back.
'Miss I just can't do it' Chantelle complained as I done the work and Frank leaned back on his chair
'You do Chantelle' miss gulliver sighed and walked back to the front
'Frank it's not very productive for you to just be relaxing' miss gulliver stated
'We only 2 minutes left' he said as the bell went 'see'
We packed up and Frank slung him arm over my shoulder as we walked out of the room. I traced the small illegal tattoo Frank had on the middle finger of his right hand that was resting near my boobs. It was a small B in block capital bubble writing which stood for my name.
'I love you' I hummed randomly as I dragged him to find Fraser
'I love you too' he said back and laced our fingers
'Fraser' I shouted across the corridor as I saw him at the end making lots of year 7s unsurprisingly look at me in shock at the friendliness I have with the headmaster
'Mini Alfredo what's gwarnin' he said as he approached us
'Please don't ever say any of that again' I started 'and we wanted a word in your office'
'Go on then lil Wickers' he said and opened the door for us
'Don't you have lessons to be in?' He asked as we all sat down and I took notice of all the weird thing around the room
'Yeah pe which I need to be excused from for the rest of the year, that's why we're here' I said and Frank just squeezed my hand
'Fraser you can't go all ape shit when I tell you' I said, knowing how my brothers best friend could react
'I would never' he said and started folding superhero costumes from his draw
'I'm pregnant' I said as more of a question as I was confused by frasers extensive collection of costumes
'Oh...well...congratulations I guess' Fraser said 'I'll tell your teachers, and you can be excused from anything you need to be just tell them I said so. Does Alfie know?'
'Yeah I told him this morning' I said
Frank smirked and I knew he was thinking I could use this to my advantage but I shook my head with a smile.
'Thanks Fraser' I smiled as we both stood up to leave 'see you around'
'That cake and custard smells so good' I shouted happily as me and Frank walked into the canteen, some people laughed along with me at my jolly mood and Frank laughed slightly at my outburst
Frank finally got his Mac and cheese and I put my cake and custard onto a table so I could pull my socks up
'Macaroni cheese, get that plate away from me' I heard Stephen say loudly as I turned to face him and Frank who were looking at eachother
'Why glee?' Frank asked confused
'I have an allergy, that plate could kill me' Stephen said in his camp voice
'That was a mistake' me and Joe muttered at the same time and Joe took a step away
'Mac attack' my boyfriend shouted, throwing his plate over Stephen which caused him to drop to the floor dramatically screaming
'Frank' I shouted as him and nearly everyone else laughed
As I was about to walk over to Stephen to help him, he rose from the floor and lifted his leg into the air mimicking a move from the game, kicking Grayson straight in the face and sending him towards me
'Stephen' I shouted and put my hands on franks face so I could see the damage
As I was checking over franks face, everyone around us began recreating moves and I pulled him arm, taking us away from the scene so I didn't risk the baby being hurt
'Are you fucking stupid?' I growled as I sat Frank on a chair at a table in ear length away from miss gulliver and my brother 'why would you do that?'
'Thought It would be funny babe' Frank said and hissed as I put some ice from my drink on his now kind of bruised cheek
'Well it wasn't' I huffed as I looked down into his eyes
'I'm sorry, even though it was your friend who kicked me in the face' Frank said as he put his arms behind my thighs to pull me closer to him between his legs
I shook my head and leaned down to kiss him quickly, before turning round to see everyone else being broken apart and shouted at by pickwell, Rosie and some other teachers.
'So I would ignore all of that' Alfie said after showing us a terrible self defence dvd 'what you have to remember is that was made in a time when people were... Racist'
'Then why did you show it to us?' I questioned
'Because teachers live by an ancient code as old as time' Alfie began 'if you're out of your depth, put on a video'
'Look what Stephen did in the canteen wasn't cool' Alfie tried to level and I raised my eyebrow as if to say 'too right'
'Well it was, graysons a prick' rem dogg said with Mitchell nodding
'Agreed' my brother said with a sigh
'Um hello, the pricks girlfriend is sitting right here' I said with some attitude
'Sorry Brooke' rem dogg said sincerely and I turned round with a small smile
'But you can't lash out like that' Alfie said
'What if someone's giving you beef?' Mitchell questioned
'Turning the other cheek will always be the best policy' Alfie replied
'What like Neville chamberlain did with hitler?' Mitchell asked sarcastically
'Why is it you only ever remember history to prove me wrong?' Alfie asked
'Can we talk about something else now? Because clearly Frank getting into a fight doesn't concern any of you' I said angrily
'Are you alright? We don't mean to chat shit about Grayson in front of you' Rem dogg said
'But he is a prick' Mitchell added in
'You enjoy having two working legs?' I asked threateningly as I span round to face them
'Sorry, sorry. I was joking, you ok short stuff? You normally take jokes better than anyone' Mitchell asked
'I might aswell tell you all' I sighed as they all looked at me 'I'm pregnant'
'What?' Rem dogg half shouted
'You're joking' Mitchell said
'Congratulations' jing exclaimed
'Thanks jing' I smiled over at her 'I was three months last week'
'You're having graysons baby?' Rem dogg asked with a frown
'Well I haven't slept with anyone else' I laughed, mood swings clearly working
'Grayson, another Grayson' Joe muttered
'Yes Joe another Grayson' I laughed 'but with a large touch of Wickers to calm him or her down a bit'
'Fucking hell, Grayson with a baby' Mitchell said
'He's good with kids' I said 'and he's amazing at doing everything for coco'
'Ok you can all go for lunch now' Alfie said after he had sat there quietly for a bit
'I know you and Frank don't always see eye to eye but you're the most important people in my life and I need you both right now' I told Alfie after everyone else had left
'I'm here for you, always' Alfie said and gave me a hug before I left to go to miss pickwells room

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