16 - christmas

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Me and Frank strolled through the school gates five minutes late after everyone else had gone in. I was pushing the baby's pram and wearing my own clothes, showing I had permission to be visiting and Frank was in his normal school uniform with his hand on my lower back.
'I've only been gone for 2 weeks and it still feels weird being here' I said quietly and smiled down at our sleeping baby girl surrounded by small cushions, blankets and teddy bears
'Your lucky you don't have to do lessons, some us don't get that option' Frank said jokingly
'I had a baby 2 weeks ago' I laughed as we walked through to reception
'I just had a baby too, I just didn't push her out' he defended himself and we both smiled
'Can I sign in please?' I smiled to the receptionist, she smiled back before leaning over the desk to look at the baby and awwed
'Congratulations you two, she's gorgeous' the receptionist that obviously knew Frank smiled 'what's her name?'
'Thank you' Frank nodded his head
'Aurora Brae Grayson' I grinned as I picked up the visitors badge she signed me in with and Frank finished writing his name on the late sign in sheet
'I'm so excited to see everyone' I said excitedly as Frank walked me and the baby to my tutor
'I love you, stay safe' Frank said as we stood outside my form, I could see everyone smiling excitedly at me as I hadn't told anyone I was coming in today
'We love you too' I grinned as Frank leant down and kissed our daughters head before standing up and kissing me on the lips gently
'Wassuppppp' I shouted in frasers style with my tongue out and hand motion but a bit quieter than my usual self
A chorus of things being said quickly replaced whatever they were previously doing as everyone ran over to me, not even giving me a chance to walk anywhere after closing the door. Jing and Chantelle had their heads in the pram and were cooing at my asleep baby while Stephen, Rem dogg and Mitchell were all talking to me.
'Ok, Ok the hypes over now' I giggled after ten minutes 'at least pro greens not here to rub that teen pregnancy is bad bullshit down my throat every time I'm not walking with Frank'
'Ergh don't remind me of her and that she's on her honeymoon with dad' Alfie fake gagged as everyone including me sat in their normal seats
'Stupid bitch, I'm sure she planned their wedding the day I got of hospital just to make it worse for me' I rolled my eyes with a chuckle 'so anyway what were you doing before I walked in?'
'Opening our secret santas' Chantelle smiled widely and held up her grift bag that I now noticed everyone had
'Sorry babes we didn't know you were coming, I don't think your name was in the pot' Stephen said sadly
'It's fine, I've got the best little present here' I cooed at the baby as she began to open her eyes slowly
'Really?' Joe asked as he pulled out a top that had pussy magnet written on it
'Well I don't know who got that but I do know that a certain someone in here got a secret Santa from my better half and I want that someone to know that I told him it was shit' I laughed as everyone asked who was receiving a present from Frank but I just shook my head and pretended to zip my mouth
'Ok so six of you have voted for the nutcracker and five of you have voted for robo cop' Alfie said, pointing at the tallies on the board
'So we're doing the nutcracker?' Jing asked excitedly
'I get a vote too jing' Alfie said with his eyes brows raised as he added another line to robocop
'Well now what do you do?' I asked as I rocked the pram lightly and looked at the tied tallies
Alfie rubbed off the lined and half of the words to make the word robo cracker
'That's our play' Alfie said cheerfully
'Robo cracker?' Stephen asked in confusion
'If my dad finds out I've been on stage he'll cut me out of the will' Mitchell said
'Shame, so you won't be inheriting his shitty tracksuits' Rem dogg joked back
'Neither will you, you won't get your mums clothes cause their all over my bedroom floor' Mitchell laughed back
'Guys stop being horrible about eachothers families' Alfie said in a serious voice 'your parents are all so supportive of you'
'Except mine, they don't care' I said jokingly and shrugged 'probably why I ended up with a baby at 16'
'You might not realise it now but you won't appreciate it until your mums gone' Alfie continued with the same sad and serious tone, I looked down at the baby who had her hand wrapped around my ring finger 'to Spain to live with javier and their children'
'Yeah' I sighed in a clearly fake sad tone 'then you get someone like professor green marrying your dad and you realise that you can't even move out'
'Mr Wickers is gay' Mitchell shouted and I laughed
Everyone else looked really touched by what Alfie had said and really sorry for him and I guess me a little bit.
'Come on sir, you write your masterpiece and I'll help organise auditions' jing smiled supportively
'Oo can me and aurora be judges' I said happily and put my hand in the air
'Yes you can be judges' Alfie laughed and I squealed
'Auditions are at break so choose your audition pieces wisely' Alfie said as the bell went
'Ok Stephen which scene from flash dance are you doing today?' Alfie asked as me and jing sat either side of him, I was cradling the baby as she laid on my chest
'All of it' Stephen stated
'All of it? You've only got a minute' Alfie said confused
'Just shut up and press play' he said as he put his mask down and jing pressed play
Stephen did the most amazing dance I had ever seen, he was definitely being the lead.
'And who are you meant to be?' Alfie asked Rem dogg who wheeled himself on the stage with a bald cap
'Professor xavier' he shrugged 'x men init'
'Woooo go Rem' I shouted and bounced the baby a bit
Plenty more auditions went by leaving us astonished at how bad some of the acting was. Suddenly an unexpected face walked onto the stage. Jing and Alfie looked worried but I smiled and whispered to the baby that her daddy was on the stage.
'N-now look Frank there's no need to take the piss' Alfie stuttered
'I've come to audition init' he muttered, turning to Stephen a bit 'your dance was good an shit'
'Aw thanks babes' Stephen smiled and my smile dropped when Stephen also blushed, why was I jealous of my bestfriend when my boyfriend isn't gay ?
'Whatever I ain't bothered' Frank said defensively and faced the front again, smiling at me a tiny bit which I didn't return
'Ok in your own time, whenever you're ready' Alfie said as Stephen and Joe walked backstage out of view
'This will be good jing, all moody but with an amazing hidden talent' Alfie said quietly
I bent my head down to face the baby and only let my eyes flicker to franks shoes, not his face.
Frank shouted his romantic genre lines very aggressively and he clearly wasn't a good actor but I didn't even care to listen that well. Stephen and Joe walked up behind where we were sat and the weird anxiety of jealousy I was feeling wouldn't allow me to look at Stephen either.
'You're so gorgeous, I'm so lucky to have you' I whispered to the baby as they spoke about Frank while he was still shouting his lines 'you're not used to all this noise are you baby, we've been at home by ourselves'
'OK right good so let's start with the positives' Alfie started after Frank stopped 'volume, it was very loud, I heard every word as did the whole of hertfordshire'
I smiled and breathed out my nose instead of laughing, not looking up from auroras piercing blue eyes.
'So what part am I gonna play?' He asked
'Um unfortunately Frank there are a lot of very good actors out there' Alfie said
'What part am I gonna play?' Frank asked more threateningly this time
'I'm afraid there isn't a part for you' Alfie stated
'What part?' Frank growled aggressively
'The lead' Alfie said obviously frightened
'What?' Stephen said in shock from behind us
'The co lead' Alfie squeaked in his nervous voice
'Have you got a spine?' Jing whispered and I laughed a little bit
Frank nodded in approval.
'Why are you not talking to me?' Frank asked for the hundredth time during break as I sat on Alfie's desk in the empty class feeding the baby a bottle, no I'm not breastfeeding, and Frank stood in front of me
'I'm talking to you now aren't I?' I said just above a whisper
'Barely, what have I done?' He questioned
'Nothing, I am talking to you, just leave it' I half snapped
'I'm gonna put this down to your hormones but we can't keep doing this' Frank sighed
'Did I say leave it or am I talking gibberish?' I snapped again and felt tears in my eyes for no apparent reason other than my jealousy
'Right, trust exercises' Alfie announced after handing out the scripts as we all stood in the hall 'partner up, one person lays on the floor and the other person rolls over them then switch positions'
I sat on the table behind Alfie cradling the baby in the same way I was earlier and watched intently who Frank was partnering up with. Stephen. My heart thumped a bit and I gulped slightly, why would I be feeling so jealous of my gay bestfriend? The thought of them pushing their bodies on eachother was enough to make me snap my neck in the other direction to watch Rem dogg attempt to roll his wheels over Mitchell's chest.
'Alright bumder?' Mitchell greeted me as I walked over to them
'Not really but...' I trailed off and shrugged as I sat down on the arm of rem doggs wheelchair
'What's wrong?' Mitchell asked defensively, he was ready to fight someone for me
'It's silly, you'll think I'm being stupid' I said and brushed the baby's hair forward
'No we won't, and if we do we'll only laugh at ya' Rem dogg said and I nodded
'While I've been gone, you- you all don't need me anymore. I'm like a side character. And have Frank and Stephen been - well different?' I asked quietly and looked down
'Of course we need you, we all do you're like our rock. And i haven't noticed Stephen and Frank being different' Mitchell said and Rem dogg shook his head 'why?'
'I just - no it's nothing, it's fine' I fake smiled and they saw through it but Alfie and miss gulliver interrupted us
'I was wondering who was coming on our special outing this evening?' Miss gulliver asked
'Shut sorry I forgot to ask' Alfie said as he stood up next to Rosie
'Um guys do any of you want to come to a lovely trampy soup kitchen?' He asked unenthusiastically
A silent response was all Alfie got and obviously that was a no, yet we all turned up to the soup kitchen that evening anyway.
... (The next day)
'You didn't speak to me last night or this morning' Frank huffed as we walked into school with both our hands on the baby's pram 'what have I done?'
'I was tired, I am tired, I will be tired' I sighed without looking at him and we both fake smiled at the receptionist as I signed in, not wanting anyone to know we were having problems
'I said leave it Frank' I said through gritted teeth as i carried on fake smiling at people in the corridor
'And I said tell me what I've done' he said lowly and almost scarily
'You don't scare me, that might work on everyone else but I know you so don't try it' I snarled and brushed his hand off of mine, walking into my form quickly before he could follow me
'Babes, what's wrong?' Stephen and Chantelle shouted across the room as I walked into the door either looking sad or angry
I just shook my head and fake smiled at Stephen, barely being able to look at him properly which made me feel guilty. I sat in my seat without saying a word which was unusual for me so everyone knew something was wrong but no one questioned me.
The dark hall was filled with people excited to watch the play. I was sat next to miss gulliver on the aisle seat near the back and had the baby in the pram that was next to me, my hand was on the handle and I rocked it back and forth slightly. Alfie had on a fake neck brace for reasons I didn't know and the curtain opened, revealing the set of the play.
'Argh get off me you bellend' we all heard Frank shout and saw him stood there in his West Ham shorts with jing trying to hand him tights
'Why aren't you wearing the full costume?' Alfie asked
'I ain't wearing tights' Frank said and Alfie continued narrating the play
Obviously and Frank and Stephen were the co leads, every scene had them together and it tugged at my heart every time they were close. The show was a bit off a mess and there were a few slip ups like Stephen getting trapped in the box and then falling out of it.
'It's a miracle' Alfie whispered as my mouth dropped and my hand clenched the pram handle
'What the ?' I breathed out at the same time as our mum walked through the door and waved at Alfie, taking a seat in an empty chair
I shook my head and looked back at the stage only to see it was the final scene. Stephen was laying on the floor and Frank was crouched next to him, cradling his head and reading his romantic lines without shouting them. I blinked slowly to hold back my tears. My eyes were stuck to the romantic scene on the stage, like my brain was forcing me to torture myself. The speech ended and I breathed out thinking it was over, boy was I wrong. Stephen and Frank kissed, properly. They really, properly kissed while I sat in the audience and let go of the pram to throw the hand over my mouth.
'Can, can you watch the ba-baby please?' I whispered to Rosie and she nodded, noticing the tears falling from my eyes
I walked out of the hall and slumped onto the wall directly outside so I could still hear everything. I cried loudly and heavily as I slid my back down the wall and put my head in my arms that were resting on my knees.
'Why? Why me? Why now?' I asked hysterically to no one 'we just had a baby, why now?'
With me having no answer to my questions and no one there to answer them I put my head back in my hands and cried harder and more hysterically. I felt physically sick as the picture of my boyfriend having his lips on someone else's replayed in my head.
The play must've finished because I heard an incredibly loud cheer and clap from what I assume was the rest of the audience.
'We want to dedicate this performance to a certain someone' I heard Fraser say into the microphone as I stopped crying loudly and instead let the tears roll down my cheeks silently 'Brooke, we dedicate this to you'
'A little birdy told us you felt like we didn't need you since you've been gone, you felt like everything had changed and you were just a side piece but that's not true' I heard Alfie say 'so will you come up here to the stage please Brooke?'
I could picture them looking round the audience for me and Rosie quickly running up on stage with the baby to tell them I had gone. My legs couldn't move, I felt weak and heartbroken.
'Ok so Brooke's not here at the minute but if you can hear us Brooke, we love you and we do need you' I heard Alfie say sincerely
'We love you' I heard everyone in the cast say through their microphones and I put my head down again
I composed myself and stood up as everyone came out into the hallway to leave. I walked over to Alfie and Rosie, ignoring everyone else. I gladly accepted the pram Rosie pushed towards me and looked down at aurora who was awake and moving her little legs.
'My brave little baby' mum said as she walked over and hugged Alfie
'Mummy' Alfie said happily and hugged her while I put a hand on my red, puffy face that had been hysterically crying for 20 minutes prior to this
'What are you doing here?' I asked monotonously as they pulled apart 'actually I don't care'
I walked away as mum looked at me with a half hearted smile.
'Brooke' Mitchell called me over to where he was stood talking to Rem dogg
'Hey guys, you both did a good performance' I fake smiled as best as I could but my voice was hoarse and I still had tears brimming
'Come here' Mitchell sighed as he opened his arms and I let go of the pram falling into his chest and crying again
'It's alright aurora, mummy's just sad' I heard Rem dogg say and he rocked the pram as aurora stirred and murmured a bit
My hands gripped Mitchell's back and shirt and his arms were tightly around me, letting me cry until I felt too weak to again.
'It's alright' he said softly 'it's gonna be alright'
'Give me the baby' I heard Frank say to Rem dogg but I didn't look up from Mitchell's chest
'Are her bottles already made in the bag or should I make one?' Frank asked me softly and I pulled away from Mitchell, turning and taking a bottle from under the pram
I shook the bottle until it was ready and then stood it in the pram
'Thank you' he spoke very softly to me again even though I hadn't even faced his direction yet
I didn't reply, I just turned back to face Mitchell and Rem dogg and stayed silent until I heard him wheel the buggy away.
'Babe' he called quietly to see if I would say anything and he sounded like he was hurt, I didn't look again and eventually heard him wheel the buggy further away, probably to where we were all having dinner
I turned a bit and watched him walk away with the baby, in the corner of my eye I could see that Mitchell and Rem dogg were both looking at me and then eachother with worried faces. I didn't move when he went out of sight and into the room where we were all set to have Christmas dinner, instead my eyes locked onto Chantelle and Stephen who were also walking towards the dinner room.
'Thanks for telling them about what I said to you' I finally cut the silence but didn't look at them 'and thanks for dedicating it to me, I do appreciate it'
'Well we didn't know what else to do to make you feel needed again' Mitchell said
'But if you were in there you would've come on stage and received these' Rem dogg smiled before wheeling himself to the table and picking up and huge bouquet of flowers
'For me?' I asked in shock as Rem wheeled himself back and gave them to me
'For you' Mitchell smiled 'to thank you for being our glue and our rock'
'And for being amazing, because we miss you and we can't wait for you to really come back' Rem dogg grinned
'Thank you, both of you, for everything' I smiled but I looked and sounded like a mess after crying so much 'now let's go have dinner before I start crying again'
I smiled at Alfie and Rosie who looked at me with concern and looked to the end of the table where Frank was sat next to Chantelle and Stephen, he was holding the baby and looking at her with so much love as he fed her the bottle I made earlier.
'This seat taken?' I asked as I pointed to the seat at the other end of the table to them, next to Mitchell and Rem dogg
'Course not' Mitchell said and pulled my arm to make me sit down
'Merry Christmas' everyone except shouted happily after we all finished dinner and dessert and done party poppers
'Merry Christmas' I said sadly, barely above a whisper after everyone else
Mitchell, Rem dogg, Rosie and Alfie all looked at me sympathetically but I sadly fake smiled at them and took a sip of my Diet Coke.

⭕️3588 words

⭕️cliff hanger kind off

⭕️bit of a sad one wasn't it

⭕️what do you think will happen next time?

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