10 - the american (part 2)

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'Jing I need you to run that past me again' I said confused as she showed me all the papers
'I'll just explain it again when we show your brother' she said as she pulled me along the corridor, making me swerve all of the kids so I didn't hit them
Once we found Alfie in a classroom, jing explained all of the evidence that proved mr schwimmer wasn't who he said he was, infact all of his so called achievements were fake. After fully understanding all of the information and getting Alfie onboard, it was then our job to find me schwimmer and the rest of form k to confront him about it, and hopefully get him to leave.
'He's outside' jing said as all three of us strolled down the empty corridors 'he was showing them all some real weapons'
'Why?' I asked
'Something to do with war' she replied as I noticed Frank and Andre smoking under the stairs
'I'll catch you up' I said to the other two as they nodded and carried on walking and I walked over to the boys
'Oi dick for brains' I shouted as I turned the corner, making them both turn to face me
'What are you doing here?' Frank asked as he pulled me into a hug
'More importantly what are you doing here? Why aren't you in lesson?' I asked as Frank and Andre both put their cigarettes out and threw them out of the window
'Boring init' Frank said coolly 'science, it's shit'
'Well I don't like science but I still manage to go' I lectured
'Baby alright? Is she still moving?' Frank asked
'Yeah she's fine, still moving about but it's good because that's means she's ok' I replied 'but go to lesson'
'I'll go now if it means that much to you' he said and kissed my forehead
'Ok, I need to go but I'll see you aft-' I was cut off by what sounded like a gunshot
'What was that?' I asked worriedly as I cowered into franks chest and he put his arms over me protectively
'I'll look' Andre said as he walked towards the door
'I can't see anyth-' Andre started but was cut off by another gunshot
'Help! Help!' I heard my friends all shouting and I let go of Frank, running to the door
'Come on you two' I said to the two boys who were running after me as I followed the voices
'Guys' I shouted in relief as I grabbed Chantelle into a hug 'what is going on?'
'Alfie shot Joe in the Arse and then he shot pickwells owl trying to signal for help' Stephen said
'Are you out of your fucking mind?' I shouted as Frank and Andre walked over
'Ha he shot in the Arse' Frank laughed with Andre as he pointed at Joe who was laying on the floor
'Keep pressure on it, I'm going to get Fraser' I said sternly as I walked back to the school building and shouted inside for help
'Pickwells coming' I shouted as I got back to the group and Alfie was doing cpr on the owl
'Aright if anyone asks, Kevin fired the gun' Alfie said quickly as pickwell ran over
We all agreed as mr schwimmer frowned
'But that's a lie' he protested
'Ironic' I grunted as I put my head on franks chest
'Is it a lie? Or am I just exaggerating?' Alfie sassed as pickwell approached us
'Oh my baby' pickwell cried as she dropped to the floor in front of the owl
'Man of steel is here everyone, don't worry' Fraser shouted as he ran at us, ripping his shirt and trousers to reveal his superman costume but falling completely over in the mean time
'What have you done?' Rosie asked Alfie as she also ran over, helping Joe
'It wasn't him, miss gulliver, it was me' Kevin said slowly 'I fired the gun by mistake'
'See, you told me my kids wouldn't take a bullet for me but here we are' Alfie said to miss gulliver
'Joes a hero miss' Chantelle said
'Yeah he threw his Arse in front of the bullet' Mitchell said and I nodded my head while it was still on franks chest and my arms were still around his waist
'Oh forget about the boy' pickwell said as she cried genuine tears 'my poor Rumsfeld'
'This man has lied about everything' Alfie said, pointing at Kevin 'except the bit about shooting Joe'
'I'm a fraud' Kevin sighed as he looked down
'What about my mashups? You said you liked them' Fraser said
'I didn't really' Kevin replied
'You're dead to me' Fraser grunted
'I have a problem, I can't stop lying. I say one thing and it spirals' Kevin explained
'I'm not even from America, I'm from Birmingham' he said in a strong brum accent 'not even Birmingham actually, it's more Dudley. Near Tipton you know. Sorry everyone'
'If you ever set foot on this premises again I will personally send you back to Dudley piece by piece, starting with these' pickwell threatened as she leaned close to Kevin's ear and gripped tightly on his manhood, making him Yelp in pain and fall to the floor
Frank winced as he watched mr schwimmer get his balls grabbed tightly and I chuckled at his actions.
'Does that mean we get Alfie back?' I asked hopefully
'I think it does' Fraser said as he looked at Kevin in disgust
We all cheered and I jumped up from franks chest, squealing along with the others and then pushing my lips firmly onto franks in joy.
'That's right kids, daddy's back for good' Alfie said 'and I will never let you be put into danger again'

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