Chapter 7

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It was now Friday, a day since there night. Craven didn't bother with a punishment, in fact he was hardly at home now. The boys didn't know why this was.

Freddy was slouched in his chair, actually going to classes today. Knowing if Ghostface was going to get a punishment, he might snitch and make Freddy get a punishment as well. Freddy was in maths, sitting next to Pinhead. Neither of them was paying attention

"Brothers they certainly are stupid, aren't they?" Freddy asked, mumbling to himself.

"Oh, I wouldn't know." Pinhead replied, fiddling with his puzzle box.

"How was your evening?" Freddy sat up in his seat.

"Kirsty had managed to injure one of my Cenobites."

"Which one?"

"Female," Pinhead replied, as he stuffed the cube into his bag.

Freddy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he had a few feelings for her. Not to mention he almost got caught with her, by Pinhead himself. The teacher started to shout at the senior class fur not paying attention, but could you blame them? It was double maths in the morning.

Meanwhile Ghostface was in Art, sitting next to Pennywise, who was next to Carrie.

"Brothers..." Ghostface mumbled, snapping his pencil.

"I don't know, bout that. Carrie's like a sister tho." Pennywise replied.

"Only cause our Dad's Stephen King." Carrie lightly punched Penny's arm.

"Stop talking the lot of you, and focus in this important painting of Hell!" The teacher shouted.

The three slashers lower there voices but still whispered. Ghostface went back to his writing, so he wouldn't get in trouble.


Ghostface saw Freddy in the corridor, he was with Jack. Jack gave a small waved, but Freddy flipped him off.

"Freddy Krueger's your brother?!" Carrie asked, leaving her mouth opened with surprise.

Ghostface closed it, and shrugged. "Wes Craven's my dad."

"Jeez, when'd this happen?"

"Start of the year." Ghostface replied. "Yeah, so what if he's my brother. He's real annoying." Ghostface stuffed in hands into his pocket, the right hand gripping the handle of the knife.

"Well yeah what else is knew, I wish I had a new brother." Carrie joked.

"I think we have enough siblings as it is." Penny said.

It was now break, Ghostface and Freddy didn't say a word to each other. Ghostface and his two friends where talking bout their family. Whilst Freddy was talking with his friends about their family. Since the two slashers had no idea what to expect in the future as being brothers.

Fifteen minutes later and the bell went, the majority of kids moaning as they went back in school. The young reaper slasher having English.

"Freddy told me what happened, but don't worry I ain't gonna share it with the school though." Jack said, as Ghostface went to sit next him.

Ghostface gave not really wanting to talk about the subject.

"Hey can I tell you something?" Jack asked. "Carrie and Pennywise are my younger siblings."

"What?!" The young slasher was shocked, he knew Christine was their car, and Cujo was their dog, but why didn't they say anything about Jack?

"Well we're all related one way or another, just think I have a lot of siblings. Although Leatherface has a lot of brothers in his family to." Jack went on.

"Right you lot, get on with that essay I set yesterday!" The teacher ordered, before going to read his newspaper.

Ghostface wished he skived the class now.

"Well if you want, the others and I can tell you what Freddy's like." Jack suggested.

Ghostface shrugged, wanting to get on with his work.

"Mr Torrance get to work, and please don't write that sentence again!" The teacher shouted, not even looking up from his paper. The headline being about Sydney Prescott's harassment.

Jack whispered. "Well I'll come and find you at lunch, us Kings know how to find each other."

Ghostface knew he was talking about The Shining, Carrie and Penny would do it a few times. Mostly when they were in different classes, the pair of them were in separable. Although Ghostface wanted to know what Freddy was actually like. So maybe if he went then maybe they could put this brother relationship back on track.

Slashers High School AU - A Ghostface FanficWhere stories live. Discover now