Chapter 8

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It was now lunch, Ghostface had skived the two lessons after English. Sitting in the Bathroom, looking over his notes for an subject. A few slashers came in, but no one really said anything. It was now lunch, and the young slasher had to make an choice. To talk to the older slashers. As the bell went, Ghostface shoved his books into his bag and went outside to meet Carrie and Pennywise.

"Did you skive?" Carrie asked.

Ghostface shook his head, obviously lying but he didn't care about those classes. They were pretty pointless.

"Torrance." Pennywise alerted.

"Carrie, Penny." Jack greeted. "You coming or what?" He asked Ghostface.

Ghostface gave a nod getting up from the bench. The three Kings having a thought between them. The young slasher had met Freddy's friends, so this was no surprise. He knew Jack, and he had heard of Michael Myers and Leatherface, but hadn't seen or heard of the one with pins in his head. The clumsy slasher gave a small wave, going completely mute. As the older slashers were intimidating.

"Ghostface, I believe you know this lot." Jack started. "But let's get down to business, who wants to start?"

Michael shook his head, getting up to leave. Leatherface let a mumble out, that Ghostface didn't understand. And the ones with pins stayed quiet.

"Seriously? We're just going to talk about Freddy, to his younger brother." Jack face palmed.

"Oh ok..." Pinhead said, slowly closing his eyes and reopening them. "Freddy doesn't go to class, so how am I supposed to judge?"

Jack rolled his eyes, Leatherface fuddled with his thumbs. Before letting out a mumble.

"Oh that's a good one, Freddy tends to joke around most of the time."

Ghostface knew this already, Freddy tended to be a show off, but was he like kind or anything? The reaper slasher wrote something down giving it to Jack.

"Freddy's personality in general." He read aloud.

Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble.

"Yeah, joking, sinister, clever when he wants to be, and caring I guess."

Caring? In what way? Well he did thank Ghostface for not snitching and would pay him back.

Meanwhile Freddy had come back from the town, where he spent most of his day, after recess. Seeing Michael on the way down, who told him about Torrance's idea. Freddy didn't care, in fact he was going home. He wasn't even going to do the same with Ghostface, heck why should he? He could just find out from himself.


The bell rang, lunch being over and with two periods left. The older slashers went inside, but Ghostface sneakily left the school. Going home to Elm Street.

Walking down the street, the eerie feeling that Elm Street gave. Dead trees with no leafs, and the sky being cloudy. Mix matched, and loose tiles surprisingly the young slasher didn't trip up on them. Ghostface got home, opening the door and chucking his bag to the side. He unexpectedly got tackled to the ground by something or someone.

"Ghostface?!" Freddy asked, shoving his younger brothers face into the ground again. "What are you doing home? Schools not finished yet."

"What are you doing here?" Ghostface mumbled.

Freddy got off his brother, helping him up. Quite shocked on his behaviour.

"Well Craven ain't gonna be back till, who knows when." Freddy smirked. "Anything you wanna do in the meantime?"

Ghostface shrugged, dusting himself off. He gave a thought about it but nothing came to mind. No killing, incase they got caught, and probably no going downtown. The younger slasher gave another shrug, before getting his books out of his bag.

"I've got homework anyways." He replied.

"Pathetic." Freddy sneered. "Well...I don't know but I was going to see Shorty."

Now if Ghostface was a dog, his ears would of pricked up and wagged his tail very much. Instead it looked a bit awkward in his mask, he could assure you he was smiling.

"Let's go then." Ghostface cheered up, trying to drag Freddy out of the door.

Freddy chuckled. "Oh ok."


It was now half seven in the evening. The two boys hadn't come home yet. But Wes Craven had, the day was long and the visits were getting worse. How on earth was he going to tell his boys. He just hoped it wouldn't come to that situation. Coming home to a dark empty house, he didn't notice them not being there.

"Welcome home, you have three new messages." Announced the answer machine.

"Three?" Craven asked himself, pressing the button.

"Ghostface was in school this morning, but after third period he was no where to be seen." Was the first message, the second one was the same but with Freddy. "Freddy's attendance is appalling, and I fear as the Headmaster that Ghostface will be falling into the habit."

Craven sighed, shaking his head. "Boys where are you?!" He called to the empty house. "I just hope they haven't don't anything stupid to each other."

Wes went to call Ghostface first, knowing he would pick up. Ghostface was with Freddy who was with Shorty, the three of them having an intense card game. The three of them jumped at the phone ringing.

"Oh jeez Son," Shorty wheezed, almost choking on his weed joint.

"It's Dad." Ghostface answered, getting up to take the call outside the dusty, dimly lit cellar.

"Tell him to get lost!" Freddy shouted, placing his cards down of aces.

Shorty had four jokers, calling that he won the game. Ghostface had one of each group.

"He wants is home now, and to be fairly honest he didn't sound happy." Ghostface said walking back in the room.

"Did you tell him to get lost?" Freddy asked.

The other slasher shook his head, disgusted on the idea. The two boys wave and left Shorty in the basement, with him being on the edge of stoned, he was getting scared of the cellar.

"What's Dad like when he's mad?" Ghostface asked.

"Eh not much, sometimes he doesn't really care. Although I don't see why he should be mad now." Freddy replied with a shrug.


"Don't you dare mention that, that's the one thing he hates." Freddy warned, poking a knifed finger at Ghostface's chest.

Though little did they know what it was going to be about. They just hoped it wasn't going to anything to bad.

Slashers High School AU - A Ghostface FanficWhere stories live. Discover now