Chapter 10

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A month later, and things had certainly cooled down. Freddy and Ghostface did as they were told, going to classes and not having much fights. With Freddy doing the usual "Maths is terrible" he often skived that class. Though Wes Craven, told him many, many times, and Freddy would reply back to with "your a terrible father!" Sometimes little Ghostface would side with his dad, telling Freddy he was wrong.

"Freddy shut up!" Ghostface shouted.

"No you shut up! You shouldn't side with him!" Freddy shouted back.

Craven was in no shape to argue back, not with this headaches he kept getting. They said he would be getting better, well it didn't sound like it. How long was he going to have to keep it up?

"Dad? Are you ok?" Ghostface asked.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine." Craven lied.

Ghostface wasn't convinced at first, due to his dad stumbling. Though he soon shrugged this off. Freddy didn't care, he was rebelling and it wasn't much at home. Constantly fighting with his friends, he lost some after that. All except Jack, who couldn't blame him.

"He was stupid think I could except such a thing!" Freddy shouted.

"Freddy, you knew about him. Way before Ghostface knew." Jack said. "I remember you telling me, you couldn't wait."

"When did I ever say that!" Freddy stormed off.

Jack ran after, so eager to solve it. Jack knew what he was going through, and he had to tell Freddy. Jack pushed Freddy to the ground, once he had caught up. Freddy growled, once hitting the soft grass, but couldn't get up.

"Now you listen here Krueger! I've got many brothers and sisters myself! And I can't be selfish on spending a lot of time with my dad, without the others getting attention! Now just cause your dad ain't around, doesn't mean you can't take it out on Ghostface!" Jack started, giving him a piece of his mind. "Remember that he had to see both of you, in separate houses."

"Jack...hang on..." Freddy wheezed.

"I'm not done yet! Now you either take in what I said, and talk to him about it! Or carry on being a selfish idiot!" Jack had now finished and got off him. "You should probably apologise to your friends as well."

Freddy got up, thinking about what Jack had said. Maybe stop being a jerk, but not talk to his dad. Freddy went home, going to take it out on Nancy Thompson later tonight. Jack had texted Ghostface about the news, who then decided to talk with Freddy about it. This just wasn't right, but right at all.

"Oh why did this whole "getting to know you have a brother" start up so many problems?" Ghostface sighed.

The young slasher went out of his room and down the stairs, going to go out to clear his mind. Craven wasn't in the house, and there were no notes explaining anything. Ghostface walked the cold streets of Elm Street, wishing he had a jacket or something. Taking a left turn, he went to Woodsboro. Why? Well it certainly did calm him, and let him think. The park filled with green grass, and nice clean pavements. Were much more appealing then Elm Street. Ghostface sat on a repainted bench, running his fingers over his knife. Looking up to the sky for answers.

"Oh Freddy." He sighed.


Ghostface couldn't find any answers and decided to go home, but saw some of Shorty's friends walking over to him.

"Ghostface!" They greeted.

"Your dad was driving over the hospital route." One of them informed.

"Figured he probably knew that, doofus." The other one said.

"Freddy!" Ghostface, pushed past them. "Say hi to Shorty for me." The younger slasher ran as fast as he could home.


Ghostface burst through the door and into the house. Worried and very confused. "Freddy! Freddy!" He called. "Freddy! It's about dad!"

"Upstairs!" Freddy called back.

The brother sighed, but climbed the stairs. Going to Freddy's room, who was laying on his bed, tossing knifes into the wall.

"What so important about him?" Freddy asked, not looking at his younger brother.

Ghostface explained what it was, Freddy honestly didn't care.

"Ghostface, they were probably high or stoned." Freddy smirked, going to chuck at knife at him.

"Freddy! Stop this, you should care! He's your dad as well." Ghostface pleaded.

The older brother got up, pushing his younger brother out of his room. Before slamming the door shut, and now Ghostface had no idea what to do now.

Slashers High School AU - A Ghostface FanficWhere stories live. Discover now