Chapter 11

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"Freddy come on, get up..." Ghostface moaned, trying to drag his brother out of bed.

"Shove off, Ghostface." Freddy replied. "It's the weekend."

"Yeah so what? I was going to have a rematch card game, with Shorty." Ghostface explained, hoping to get Freddy up.

Unfortunately the eldest didn't have the same reaction, he just stayed in bed. The youngest then said that Dad wasn't home, but that still didn't do anything. Ghostface sighed, going downstairs. Pouring himself cereal, before sitting down.

"Oh your stupid, you know that?" Ghostface forgot to put milk in.

Though he just didn't bother. Slipping spoonfuls of dry cereal under his mask, the younger slasher could only hear his crunching. He was to lost on his thoughts about Freddy, that he didn't hear Wes Craven come in.

"Morning Son." He greeted.

Ghostface swallowed the cereal, before giving a small wave. Craven gave him something.

"Where's Freddy?" Craven asked.

Ghostface pointed upstairs. "Stroppy teenager." He then mumbled to himself.

They were going to the cinema, it was one of the films that Craven has been working on. Hills have Eyes, the film where the family have a car crash, and well the Hills having Eyes. Ghostface was quite excited on seeing the film, and to spend time with his dad of course.

"You think you can just push this problem aside? Don't you?" Freddy asked, coming down the stairs.


"No listen here, Dad." Freddy stopped once he saw his younger brother, but shook it off. "I don't want to talk to you." Freddy grabbed his black jacket, and left the house.

Slamming the front door shut. Ghostface gulped, deciding he had enough of his breakfast.

"I'll go and see the film." Ghostface said quietly, to lift his dad's feelings.

"Yeah, well we've got an hour before we leave." Craven said.

Ghostface gave a nod, going upstairs with the tickets. To make his friends jealous of seeing film. Carrie didn't care, she wasn't a fan of scary movies, but Pennywise and Jack were jealous.


An hour later, and the father and son day was taking place. They didn't have to wait in line, since Wes Craven was the director of the film. Getting the popcorn, before going to the room where it was screening. Unfortunately they didn't have the cinema room to themselves, it was quite busy. Ghostface and Wes sat at the back, whilst most people sat in the middle. As the room went dark, the adverts blurred out with such volume. Soon came on the film. The Hills have Eyes, directed by Wes Craven.


"Hang on Son, I'll be back." Craven said.

"Ok Dad." Ghostface replied, not really paying attention as he was to into the film. "Freddy should of seen it, it's good."

It was at the part where two of the cannibals were in the caravan killing the young mother of the baby, and the olde mother of the children. One of the finding out they had a baby, went and took it. It was a bit gory, and the cannibals that had been exposed to the nuclear reaction. Looked quite odd, and talked unclearly.


The film ended, the credits rolling as the lights turned on. People and slashers cheering at the film. Saying it was once of the best. Ghostface had agreed to.

"Well that was a good film, ten out of ten I'd say, Dad." Ghostface said, stretching. "Dad?" Where did Craven go. "Dad?!" Ghostface immediately got up, running down the stairs, and out of the room.

Panicking on where he had gone, checking his phone. There wasn't any signal in the cinema, so he ran outside. Craven couldn't go that far, and he wouldn't go that far. Ghostface went to find the car,

"Ghostface what's the matter?" Craven asked.

"You, you left me!" Ghostface replied, scared but was soon reliefs do.

"I didn't mean to." He replied.

'Ok? But why did you?' Ghostface asked himself, within his thoughts. "It's ok, the film was good anyway."

"That's good, what was the best part?" Craven had Ghostface forget about what just happened and focussed on the film.

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