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It is I, a random croissant writing fanfiction.

Let's go straight to the part everyone skips over:


1. No smut
(I mean really, how would
that work?)

2. No canon x canon
(Let's not ruin too many
childhoods here)

3. No complaining
(You big baby)

4. Let's try to keep it gender neutral
(Feel the pride)

5. Request from TFP, Cyberverse, Bayverse, RID, RB
(Cause G1 was a little too painful to watch)

6. Not too much violence
(As much as I love it, we
can't be traumatizing the

7. I only update on Saturday
(No I don't have a life,
I'm just lazy)

8. I won't use 'holograms' in requests
(Cause that's boring. Don't hug a boring normal person, hug a three story tall robot.)

9. I'm not gonna use transformers language like 'optic', 'helm', or 'berth'.
(Cause that's confuzzling)

So yeet, there's everything you edgy kids need to follow. Just shove a request in my face and I'll cook you up something that'll make you go 'meh'.

Knock yourself out kiddos

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